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Figure : land-cover-change-nevada
Land cover change in Nevada
Figure 2.13
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, U.S. Geological Survey Land Remote Sensing ProgramThis figure appears in chapter 2 of the Our Changing Planet: The U.S. Global Change Research Program for Fiscal Year 2016 report.
Land cover change, such as the rapid urban expansion of Las Vegas shown above (left: 1992; right: 2013), interacts with climate change in complex ways. Scenarios can be used to understand and plan for the plausible permutations of these and other interacting processes in the Earth system. (Source: USGS Landsat)
When citing this figure, please reference Images collected by Landsat satellite on September 10, 1992 (left panel) and October 6, 2013 (right panel). Retrieved as a single image (panels not separated) in March 2015 from NASA Images of Change.
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