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Figure : carve-ngee-arctic-campaigns
CARVE and NGEE Arctic campaigns
Figure 3.21
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryJohn Bryan Curtis, Stan Wullschleger
This figure appears in chapter 3 of the Our Changing Planet: The U.S. Global Change Research Program for Fiscal Year 2016 report.
The NASA CARVE and DOE NGEE-Arctic projects are combining airborne and ground-based campaigns to understand the importance of natural emissions from the Alaskan tundra. (Source: J. B. Curtis, LBNL [main photo and left inset]; S. Wullschleger, ORNL [right insets])
When citing this figure, please reference Main photo and left inset: J. Bryan Curtis, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Right insets: Stan Wullschleger, Oak Ridge National Research Laboratory.
Free to use with credit to the original figure source.
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