--- - attributes: ~ caption: Examples of the Antarctic Response to Different Hypothetical Melt Rates chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: antarctic-response-different-melt-rates lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: usgcrp-ocpfy2012 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Antarctic Response to Different Melt Rates uri: /report/usgcrp-ocpfy2012/figure/antarctic-response-different-melt-rates url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'Observed average wind speed at almost 11,853 stations with at least five years of observations between 1979 and 2010.' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: average-wind-speed-2010 lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: usgcrp-ocpfy2012 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Observed Average Wind Speed in 2010 uri: /report/usgcrp-ocpfy2012/figure/average-wind-speed-2010 url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'Scientists in the field for the Bering Sea Project. Deployment of a Bongo net system from the stern of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy to sample zooplankton in the upper water column in the Bering Sea, an area that supports a large biomass of top predators. Zooplankton moderate phytoplankton blooms in the Bering Sea and are a critical food source for many fish populations important in commercial and subsistence fisheries. ' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: bering-sea-project-scientists lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: usgcrp-ocpfy2012 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Bering Sea Project Scientists uri: /report/usgcrp-ocpfy2012/figure/bering-sea-project-scientists url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'Participants at the 2nd Annual NASA, NOAA, NSF Climate Change Education Principal Investigators Meeting.' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: climate-change-education-meeting lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: usgcrp-ocpfy2012 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Climate Change Education Meeting uri: /report/usgcrp-ocpfy2012/figure/climate-change-education-meeting url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: Climate warming and weather extremes studies highlighted in Nature Magazine. The Nature cover featuring the results of two studies highlights the significant effects of anthropogenic activities on observed trends in temperature and mean precipitation. The studies are among the first to formally identify the human fingerprint on extreme precipitation. chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: climate-warming-weather-extremes-nature lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: usgcrp-ocpfy2012 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Climate Warming and Weather Extremes in Nature uri: /report/usgcrp-ocpfy2012/figure/climate-warming-weather-extremes-nature url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'a. Forest aboveground biomass (ABG) is mapped at 1-km spatial resolution. The study region was bounded at 30° North latitude and 40°South latitude to cover forests of Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa, and from 60° to 155° East and West longitude. The map was colored based on 25 – 50 Mg/ha AGB classes to better show the overall spatial patterns of forest biomass in tropical regions. Histogram distributions of forest area (at 10% tree cover) for each biomass class were calculated by summing the pixels over Latin America in b. Africa in c. and Asia in d. Similarly, total AGB for each class was computed by summing the values in each region with distributions provided for Latin America in e. Africa in f. and Asia in g. [Mg = Million metric tons]. (circa 2000)' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: distribution-forest-aboveground-biomass lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: usgcrp-ocpfy2012 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Distribution of Forest Aboveground Biomass uri: /report/usgcrp-ocpfy2012/figure/distribution-forest-aboveground-biomass url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'Testing early results from "Experiment 0" of an Integrated Earth Systems Model. Preliminary studies illustrate the significance of potential carbon management strategies when land is considered within an Integrated Earth System Model. In the case where only fossil fuel carbon is valued (above of two forest cover images), a shift toward deforestation occurs in comparison with the IPCC Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) case.' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: forest-cover-model-results lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: usgcrp-ocpfy2012 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Forest Cover Model Results uri: /report/usgcrp-ocpfy2012/figure/forest-cover-model-results url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory High-Resolution Ocean Simulation. High-resolution ocean simulation running inside the coupled GFDL CM 2.6 model. Higher resolution in the ocean allows for the simulation of mesoscale and smaller eddies and structure in the ocean circulation. chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: gfdl-high-res-ocean-simulation lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: usgcrp-ocpfy2012 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: GFDL High-Res Ocean Simulation uri: /report/usgcrp-ocpfy2012/figure/gfdl-high-res-ocean-simulation url: ~ usage_limits: Free to use with credit to the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'Global average nighttime lake surface temperatures show year-to-year variability, including a decrease during the last two years, yet over the full period for which data are available, the temperatures increased on average by 0.045°C per year.' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: global-average-nighttime-lake-surface-temperatures lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: usgcrp-ocpfy2012 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Global Average Nighttime Lake Surface Temperatures uri: /report/usgcrp-ocpfy2012/figure/global-average-nighttime-lake-surface-temperatures url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: Global average observed wind speeds over land show a decrease over time while model data reanalysis systems indicate no trend. chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: global-average-wind-speed-over-land lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: usgcrp-ocpfy2012 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Global Average Wind Speeds Over Land uri: /report/usgcrp-ocpfy2012/figure/global-average-wind-speed-over-land url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'In 2008, the USGS completed an extensive conversion from an inefficient, on-demand data ordering and processing system to a fully automated access and distribution mechanism. The previous range of options for processing semi-custom digital Landsat products for paying customers was replaced by free Internet access to the entire Landsat archive of over 3 million scenes from around the globe. Users can now select an area of interest and easily download standardized image files. Shortly after this conversion, demand for Landsat data surged from around 20,000 scenes sold per year to over 2 million downloaded for free per year.' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: landsat-web-enabled-imagery lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: usgcrp-ocpfy2012 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Landsat Web-Enabled Imagery uri: /report/usgcrp-ocpfy2012/figure/landsat-web-enabled-imagery url: ~ usage_limits: Free to use with credit to the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: Flyer for the Southern Plains Drought Outlook webinar series chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: managing-drought-southern-plains lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: usgcrp-ocpfy2012 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Managing Drought In The Southern Plains uri: /report/usgcrp-ocpfy2012/figure/managing-drought-southern-plains url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'Map showing initial assessment regions for the “Managing the Nation’s Fish Habitat at Multiple Spatial Scales in a Rapidly Changing Climate” project, which uses downscaled climate and land use models composed of variables that influence fish habitat health, such as surface temperature and agricultural inputs. The map was created by Jodi Whittier at the University of Missouri.' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: map-fish-habitat-assessment lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: usgcrp-ocpfy2012 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: Map for Fish Habitat Assessment uri: /report/usgcrp-ocpfy2012/figure/map-fish-habitat-assessment url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source. - attributes: ~ caption: 'National Multi-Model Ensemble Predictions of Winter 2011 - 2012 precipitation and near-surface temperature anomalies. NMME predictions of winter 2011-2012 precipitation (a) and near-surface temperature (b) anomalies. Predictions for December, January, and February (DJF) were initialized in October 2011. Probabilistic information will also accompany these deterministic forecasts, as the system is developed and tested. Precipitation anomalies are given in terms of millimeters per day, while temperature anomalies are given in terms of degrees Celsius. The figures present results from an ensemble of seven models that are developed and run by U.S. agencies and research laboratories, including NASA, NOAA, and NCAR (DOE/NSF). (Figure is courtesy of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction).' chapter_identifier: ~ create_dt: ~ href: identifier: nmme-precipitation-temperature-predictions lat_max: ~ lat_min: ~ lon_max: ~ lon_min: ~ ordinal: ~ report_identifier: usgcrp-ocpfy2012 source_citation: ~ submission_dt: ~ time_end: ~ time_start: ~ title: NMME Precipitation and Temperature Predictions uri: /report/usgcrp-ocpfy2012/figure/nmme-precipitation-temperature-predictions url: ~ usage_limits: Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source.