References in The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment

identifier ref type type title publication
e51f35c4 2009 Book Section report The changing epidemiology of waterborne disease outbreaks in the United State... Global Issues in Water, Sanitation, and Health: Workshop Summary
e52c6b87 2008 Journal Article article Disaster-related mental health needs of women and children Disaster-related mental health needs of women and children
e55635c1 2011 Book Section book Thermoregulation Fetal and Neonatal Physiology...
e573afb0 2010 Journal Article article Seasonality in human salmonellosis: Assessment of human activities and chicke... Seasonality in human salmonellosis: Assessment of human activities and chicken contamination as driving factors
e5970e79 1998 Journal Article article Air temperature and relative humidity effects on behavioral activity of black... Air temperature and relative humidity effects on behavioral activity of blacklegged tick (Acari: Ixodidae) nymphs in New Jersey
e5aaf711 2011 Book Section book Women and climate change: Vulnerabilities and challenges Climate Change and Human Well-...
e5b2c774 2000 Journal Article article Relationships among weather, mosquito abundance, and encephalitis virus activ... Relationships among weather, mosquito abundance, and encephalitis virus activity in California: Kern County 1990-98
e5e8a22b 2010 Journal Article article How will climate change affect mycotoxins in food? How will climate change affect mycotoxins in food?
e60cb47e 2009 Journal Article article Associations between elevated atmospheric temperature and human mortality: A ... Associations between elevated atmospheric temperature and human mortality: A critical review of the literature
e65c896d 2014 Journal Article article Heat and mortality in New York City since the beginning of the 20th century Heat and mortality in New York City since the beginning of the 20th century
e6a7e8cd 2014 Journal Article article Towards an early warning system for forecasting human west nile virus incidence Towards an early warning system for forecasting human west nile virus incidence
e6acc684 2011 Journal Article article Controlling harmful cyanobacterial blooms in a world experiencing anthropogen... Controlling harmful cyanobacterial blooms in a world experiencing anthropogenic and climatic-induced change
e6e1907d 2009 Report report Access to Affordable and Nutritious Food: Measuring and Understanding Food De... Access to Affordable and Nutritious Food: Measuring and Understanding Food Deserts and Their Consequences. Report to Congress.
e76ac40a 2009 Journal Article article Relating increasing hantavirus incidences to the changing climate: The mast c... Relating increasing hantavirus incidences to the changing climate: The mast connection
e76c9e93 2013 Report report Long-Term Care Services in the United States: 2013 Overview Long-Term Care Services in the United States: 2013 Overview
e7927819 2007 Journal Article article Prognostic factors in heat wave-related deaths: A meta-analysis Prognostic Factors in Heat Wave–Related Deaths: A Meta-analysis
e7bab6e2 2012 Journal Article article Child development in the context of disaster, war, and terrorism: Pathways of... Child development in the context of disaster, war, and terrorism: Pathways of risk and resilience
e805bfdc 2015 Journal Article article Projections of temperature-attributable premature deaths in 209 U.S. cities u... Projections of temperature-attributable premature deaths in 209 U.S. cities using a cluster-based Poisson approach
e82bef4a 2012 Journal Article article Climate change: Links to global expansion of harmful cyanobacteria Climate change: Links to global expansion of harmful cyanobacteria
e839bc70 2011 Report report Monitoring and Analysis of Sand Dune Movement and Growth on the Navajo Nation... Monitoring and Analysis of Sand Dune Movement and Growth on the Navajo Nation, Southwestern United States. Fact Sheet Number 3085