References in The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment

identifier ref type type title publication
13baa2f8 2011 Journal Article article Modeling of regional climate change effects on ground-level ozone and childho... Modeling of Regional Climate Change Effects on Ground-Level Ozone and Childhood Asthma
13d048c9 2014 Journal Article article Power outages, extreme events and health: A systematic review of the literatu... Power outages, extreme events and health: A systematic review of the literature from 2011-2012
14835bc7 2004 Journal Article article Impacts of climate change on aeroallergens: Past and future Impacts of climate change on aeroallergens: Past and future
1497a2db 2013 Report report World Social Science Report 2013: Changing Global Environments World Social Science Report 2013: Changing Global Environments
14d95340 2014 Journal Article article CDC National Health Report: Leading Causes of Morbidity and Mortality and Ass... CDC National Health Report: Leading Causes of Morbidity and Mortality and Associated Behavioral Risk and Protective Factors - United States, 2005-2013
14e7930d 2012 Journal Article article Climate change, humidity, and mortality in the United States Climate change, humidity, and mortality in the United States
15012d21 2012 Journal Article article Total environment of change: Impacts of climate change and social transitions... Total environment of change: Impacts of climate change and social transitions on subsistence fisheries in northwest Alaska
15400693 2008 Journal Article article Surveillance for waterborne disease and outbreaks associated with recreationa... Surveillance for waterborne disease and outbreaks associated with recreational water use and other aquatic facility-associated health events--United States, 2005-2006
159d09fd 2009 Journal Article article Intercontinental impacts of ozone pollution on human mortality Intercontinental impacts of ozone pollution on human mortality
15b8a671 2010 Journal Article article Prevalence and consequences of disaster-related illness and injury from Hurri... Prevalence and consequences of disaster-related illness and injury from Hurricane Ike
15ce66a5 2014 Book report Climate Change and Infrastructure, Urban Systems, and Vulnerabilities. Techni... Climate Change and Infrastructure, Urban Systems, and Vulnerabilities. Technical Report to the U.S. Department of Energy in Support of the National Climate Assessment
15ed801a 2013 Journal Article article Origins of Karenia brevis harmful algal blooms along the Texas coast Origins of Karenia brevis harmful algal blooms along the Texas coast
1617ae90 1989 Journal Article article Psychosocial impact of disasters: Victims of the Baldwin Hills fire Psychosocial impact of disasters: Victims of the Baldwin Hills fire
169b6908 2012 Book Section book Coping with climate change: Bringing psychological adaptation in from the cold Handbook of the Psychology of ...
17380d26 2014 Journal Article article Dredging of the fractured bedrock-lined Mississippi River Channel at Thebes, ... Dredging of the fractured bedrock-lined Mississippi River Channel at Thebes, Illinois
175a363a Conference Paper generic Vulnerability of the elderly during natural hazard events generic Vulnerability of the elderly during natural hazard events
176b5759 2010 Journal Article article The effects of temperature and use of air conditioning on hospitalizations The Effects of Temperature and Use of Air Conditioning on Hospitalizations
17781ee0 2009 Book Section book The increasing wildfire and post-fire debris-flow threat in western USA, and ... Landslides - Disaster Risk Red...
17cd07d1 2014 Journal Article article Acute impacts of extreme temperature exposure on emergency room admissions re... Acute impacts of extreme temperature exposure on emergency room admissions related to mental and behavior disorders in Toronto, Canada
18086e5f 1995 Journal Article article Diarrhoeal diseases in the White Mountain Apaches: Clinical studies Diarrhoeal diseases in the White Mountain Apaches: Clinical studies