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reference : Perceived risk, stigma, and potential economic impacts of a high-level nuclear waste repository in Nevada
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- /reference/7ad54684-f950-46c7-a03a-92535cea27bf
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Publication/contributor :
reftype | Book Section |
Author | Slovic, Paul; Layman, Mark; Kraus , Nancy; Flynn, James; Chalmers, James; Gesell, Gail |
Book Title | Risk, Media and Stigma: Understanding Public Challenges to Modern Science and Technology |
Editor | Flynn,James; Slovic,Paul; Kunreuther,Howard |
Pages | 87-105 |
Place Published | London, UK |
Publisher | Earthscan |
Title | Perceived risk, stigma, and potential economic impacts of a high-level nuclear waste repository in Nevada |
Year | 2001 |
.reference_type | 7 |
_record_number | 19225 |
_uuid | 7ad54684-f950-46c7-a03a-92535cea27bf |