--- - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: "Uejio, C.K.\rWilhelmi, O.V.\rGolden, J.S.\rMills, D.M.\rGulino, S.P.\rSamenow, J.P." DOI: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2010.12.005 ISSN: 1353-8292 Issue: 2 Journal: Health & Place Pages: 498-507 Title: 'Intra-urban societal vulnerability to extreme heat: The role of heat exposure and the built environment, socioeconomics, and neighborhood stability' Volume: 17 Year: 2011 _chapter: '["Ch. 9: Human Health FINAL"]' _record_number: 3183 _uuid: 1aca1900-c64c-4624-a696-3aab59ba6673 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1016/j.healthplace.2010.12.005 href: identifier: 1aca1900-c64c-4624-a696-3aab59ba6673 uri: /reference/1aca1900-c64c-4624-a696-3aab59ba6673 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Abstract: "The incidence of Western Equine Encephalitis (WEE) in humans and equids peaked during the mid-20th century and has declined to fewer than 1-2 human cases annually during the past 20 years. Using the mouse model, changes in WEE virus (WEEV) virulence were investigated as a potential explanation for the decline in the number of cases. Evaluation of 10 WEEV strains representing a variety of isolation locations, hosts, and all decades from the 1940's to the 1990's yielded no evidence of a decline in virulence. These results suggest that ecological factors affecting human and equine exposure should be investigated to explain the decline in WEE." Author: 'Forrester, N. L.; Kenney, J. L.; Deardorff, E.; Wang, E.; Weaver, S. C.' DOI: 10.1016/j.virol.2008.08.012 Date: Oct 25 ISSN: 0042-6822 Issue: 2 Journal: Virology Keywords: 'Animals; Body Weight; Encephalitis Virus, Western Equine/*pathogenicity; Encephalomyelitis, Western Equine/epidemiology/*virology; Humans; Incidence; Mice; Survival Analysis; Virulence' Notes: "Forrester, Naomi L Kenney, Joan L Deardorff, Eleanor Wang, Eryu Weaver, Scott C eng T32 AI007526/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/ T32 AI060549/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/ T32 AI060549-04/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/ T32 AI060549-05/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/ U54 AI057156/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/ U54 AI057156-010003/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/ U54 AI057156-05S18269/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/ Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't 2008/09/20 09:00 Virology. 2008 Oct 25;380(2):170-2. doi: 10.1016/j.virol.2008.08.012. Epub 2008 Sep 17." Pages: 170-172 Title: 'Western equine encephalitis submergence: Lack of evidence for a decline in virus virulence' Volume: 380 Year: 2008 _record_number: 18000 _uuid: 1adbeb42-3948-4398-aa1f-1eee32bff0c3 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1016/j.virol.2008.08.012 href: identifier: 1adbeb42-3948-4398-aa1f-1eee32bff0c3 uri: /reference/1adbeb42-3948-4398-aa1f-1eee32bff0c3 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: 'Gosling, Simon N.; McGregor, Glenn R.; Lowe, Jason A.' DOI: 10.1007/s00484-008-0189-9 ISSN: 1432-1254 Issue: 1 Journal: International Journal of Biometeorology Pages: 31-51 Title: 'Climate change and heat-related mortality in six cities Part 2: Climate model evaluation and projected impacts from changes in the mean and variability of temperature with climate change' Volume: 53 Year: 2009 _record_number: 18847 _uuid: 1b1122ff-c509-4340-88a2-3b981d2654cc reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1007/s00484-008-0189-9 href: identifier: 1b1122ff-c509-4340-88a2-3b981d2654cc uri: /reference/1b1122ff-c509-4340-88a2-3b981d2654cc - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: 'Eldridge, Bruce F.' DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4612-4712-8_1 Journal: Current Topics in Vector Research Pages: 1-28 Title: 'Diapause and related phenomena in Culex mosquitoes: Their relation to arbovirus disease ecology' Volume: 4 Year: 1987 _chapter: Ch4 _record_number: 16523 _uuid: 1bc3512a-f22f-4ff2-b079-589fc52ef1f4 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /book/75a50891-e625-4ffc-a100-9c95f9fd78a7 href: identifier: 1bc3512a-f22f-4ff2-b079-589fc52ef1f4 uri: /reference/1bc3512a-f22f-4ff2-b079-589fc52ef1f4 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 .text_styles: '' Author: "Rogers, C.A.\rWayne, P.M.\rMacklin, E.A.\rMuilenberg, M.L.\rWagner, C.J.\rEpstein, P.R.\rBazzaz, F.A." DOI: 10.1289/ehp.8549 ISSN: 1552-9924 Issue: 6 Journal: Environmental Health Perspectives Pages: 865-869 Title: Interaction of the onset of spring and elevated atmospheric CO2 on ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) pollen production URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1480488/pdf/ehp0114-000865.pdf Volume: 114 Year: 2006 _chapter: '["Ch. 8: Ecosystems FINAL"]' _record_number: 2660 _uuid: 1bc9d76c-14c8-4245-9ccb-1355cdc48d0b reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1289/ehp.8549 href: identifier: 1bc9d76c-14c8-4245-9ccb-1355cdc48d0b uri: /reference/1bc9d76c-14c8-4245-9ccb-1355cdc48d0b - attrs: .reference_type: 7 Author: 'Pope, C. Arden, III; Dockery, Douglas W.' Book Title: Air Pollution and Health Editor: 'Holgate, Stephen T.; Samet, Jonathan M.; Hillel, S. Koren; Maynard, Robert L.' Pages: 673-706 Place Published: London Publisher: Academic Press Title: Epidemiology of particle effects Year: 1999 _record_number: 18269 _uuid: 1c413a36-66a8-44c1-aa32-2162b4c3dc59 reftype: Book Section child_publication: /book/e4bd00ed-c593-47b6-a693-ffc3e270186f href: identifier: 1c413a36-66a8-44c1-aa32-2162b4c3dc59 uri: /reference/1c413a36-66a8-44c1-aa32-2162b4c3dc59 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Abstract: 'Relation of diel activity and questing behavior of nymphal Dermacentur occidentalis Marx and Ixodes pacificus Cooley and Kohls to meteorological factors was investigated in a shaded Versus a sun-exposed outdoor arena. Oak-woodland soil covered partially with leaf litter and small rocks, and 24 vertically oriented grass stems 2.5, 5.0, 10.0, and 20.0 cm tall were provided as substrate and potential questing sites. Tick activity and weather conditions were monitored bihourly during 15 diel (24-h) experiments (D. occidentalis, 8; I. pacificus, 7). In shade, D. occidentalis was active throughout the day, but questing occurred mainly at night and in the morning on grass stems or atop soil when temperatures were cool and relative humidities high. Ticks seemed to prefer to quest at heights between approximate to 4 and 10 cm. The time of day and height at which D. occidentalis quested on grass stems coincided with the activity periods and size of its lagomorph and rodent hosts. Low percentages (less than or equal to 15%) of I. pacificus nymphs (n = 100 or 200) were active atop soil or leaf litter at night or sporadically throughout the day, but none ascended grass stems. This finding was reconfirmed by monitoring diurnal behavior of nymphs in an outdoor aquarium having leaf litter as substrate; less than or equal to 4% of 53 ticks were detected on the topmost layer of leaves and, of those, most I. pacificus were situated on the lower Versus the upper surfaces of such leaves. Activity of I. pacificus was correlated positively with relative humidity and negatively with soil temperature in one experiment. In the sun-exposed arena, ticks of both species died within 9-11 d as daytime soil-surface temperatures sometimes reached maximums of 73-77 degrees C and relative humidities dropped to 14-24%. In contrast, D. occidentalis and I. pacificus survived for up to 6 and 8 wk, respectively, in the shaded arena. After its introduction into the shaded arena, the western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis Baird and Girard) acquired more I. pacificus nocturnally while asleep in soil than during its diurnal period of activity above ground. Sleeping wild lizards also became infested more often and had significantly greater burdens of I. pacificus subadults, primarily larvae, than diurnally active lizards. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that I. pacificus subadults are capable of locating and attaching to their saurian hosts subterraneanly as well as above ground.' Author: 'Lane, R. S.; Kleinjan, J. E.; Schoeler, G. B.' DOI: 10.1093/jmedent/32.3.290 Date: May ISSN: 1938-2928 Issue: 3 Journal: Journal of Medical Entomology Keywords: dermacentor occidentalis; oxides pacificus; lizards; lizard sceloporus-occidentalis; black-legged tick; borrelia-burgdorferi; lyme-disease; california; behavior; seeking; interrelationship; transmission; scapularis Language: English Notes: Qw429 Times Cited:46 Cited References Count:38 Pages: 290-299 Title: 'Diel activity of nymphal Dermacentor occidentalis and Ixodes pacificus (Acari: Ixodidae) in relation to meteorological factors and host activity periods' Volume: 32 Year: 1995 _record_number: 17741 _uuid: 1c8f9f46-2b58-469a-bc38-d709f4b36f1f reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1093/jmedent/32.3.290 href: identifier: 1c8f9f46-2b58-469a-bc38-d709f4b36f1f uri: /reference/1c8f9f46-2b58-469a-bc38-d709f4b36f1f - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Abstract: 'The main characteristics of the Quercus pollination season were studied in 14 different localities of the Iberian Peninsula from 1992-2004. Results show that Quercus flowering season has tended to start earlier in recent years, probably due to the increased temperatures in the pre-flowering period, detected at study sites over the second half of the 20th century. A Growing Degree Days forecasting model was used, together with future meteorological data forecast using the Regional Climate Model developed by the Hadley Meteorological Centre, in order to determine the expected advance in the start of Quercus pollination in future years. At each study site, airborne pollen curves presented a similar pattern in all study years, with different peaks over the season attributable in many cases to the presence of several species. High pollen concentrations were recorded, particularly at Mediterranean sites. This study also proposes forecasting models to predict both daily pollen values and annual pollen emission. All models were externally validated using data for 2001 and 2004, with acceptable results. Finally, the impact of the highly-likely climate change on Iberian Quercus pollen concentration values was studied by applying RCM meteorological data for different future years, 2025, 2050, 2075 and 2099. Results indicate that under a doubled CO(2) scenario at the end of the 21st century Quercus pollination season could start on average one month earlier and airborne pollen concentrations will increase by 50 % with respect to current levels, with higher values in Mediterranean inland areas.' Author: 'Garcia-Mozo, H.; Galán, C.; Jato, V.; Belmonte, J.; de la Guardia, C.D.; Fernández, D.; Gutiérrez, M.; Aira, M.J.; Roure, J.M.; Ruiz, L.; Trigo, M.M.; Domínguez-Vilches, E.' Issue: 2 Journal: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Keywords: Air Pollutants/*analysis; Air Pollution/*analysis; Allergens/*analysis; Climate; Environmental Monitoring/*methods; Forecasting; Humans; Hypersensitivity/prevention & control; *Pollen; *Quercus; Retrospective Studies; Seasons; Spain Language: eng Notes: "Garcia-Mozo, Herminia Galan, Carmen Jato, Victoria Belmonte, Jordina de la Guardia, Consuelo Fernandez, Delia Gutierrez, Montserrat Aira, M Roure, Joan Ruiz, Luis Trigo, Mar Dominguez-Vilches, Eugenio Journal Article Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Poland Ann Agric Environ Med. 2006;13(2):209-24." Pages: 209-224 Title: 'Quercus pollen season dynamics in the Iberian peninsula: Response to meteorological parameters and possible consequences of climate change' URL: http://www.uco.es/aerobiologia/publicaciones/modelling/climate_change/Quercus_AAEM_def.pdf Volume: 13 Year: 2006 _record_number: 18483 _uuid: 1c917926-3eba-452b-bd2b-f9e88b374312 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/pmid-17195993 href: identifier: 1c917926-3eba-452b-bd2b-f9e88b374312 uri: /reference/1c917926-3eba-452b-bd2b-f9e88b374312 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: "Wu, F.\rBhatnagar, D.\rBui-Klimke, T.\rCarbone, I.\rHellmich, R.\rMunkvold, G.\rPaul, P.\rPayne, G.\rTakle, E." DOI: 10.3920/WMJ2010.1246 ISSN: 1875-0710 Issue: 1 Journal: World Mycotoxin Journal Pages: 79-93 Title: Climate change impacts on mycotoxin risks in US maize Volume: 4 Year: 2011 _chapter: '["Ch. 6: Agriculture FINAL"]' _record_number: 3489 _uuid: 1ca7e70d-66b3-42e1-9a68-31b976d2622f reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.3920/WMJ2010.1246 href: identifier: 1ca7e70d-66b3-42e1-9a68-31b976d2622f uri: /reference/1ca7e70d-66b3-42e1-9a68-31b976d2622f - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: 'Gooch, JA; DePaola, A; Bowers, J; Marshall, DL' Issue: 6 Journal: Journal of Food Protection Pages: 911-1053 Title: Growth and survival of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in postharvest American oysters Volume: 65 Year: 2002 _chapter: Ch6 _record_number: 17953 _uuid: 1cc2707a-810e-4599-bea2-ad8bf6f5b5dc reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/pmid-12092730 href: identifier: 1cc2707a-810e-4599-bea2-ad8bf6f5b5dc uri: /reference/1cc2707a-810e-4599-bea2-ad8bf6f5b5dc - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: 'Wescoat, J.L., Jr.,; Headington, Lisa; Theobald, Rebecca' DOI: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2006.08.007 ISSN: 0016-7185 Issue: 5 Journal: Geoforum Pages: 801-814 Title: Water and poverty in the United States Volume: 38 Year: 2007 _record_number: 19326 _uuid: 1d452b5c-bb39-46e3-a497-0ef775e3461c reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1016/j.geoforum.2006.08.007 href: identifier: 1d452b5c-bb39-46e3-a497-0ef775e3461c uri: /reference/1d452b5c-bb39-46e3-a497-0ef775e3461c - attrs: .reference_type: 9 Author: 'Bell, P.A.; Greene, T.C.; Fisher, J.D.; Baum, A.' ISBN: 9780155080645 Number of Pages: 634 Place Published: 'Fort Worth, TX' Publisher: Harcourt College Publishers Title: Environmental Psychology Year: 2001 _chapter: Ch8 _record_number: 16527 _uuid: 1dad28b6-fe27-4e03-9630-8fda36305ec5 reftype: Book child_publication: /book/012d6f7b-9a6e-4473-a334-a12fa730c4ab href: identifier: 1dad28b6-fe27-4e03-9630-8fda36305ec5 uri: /reference/1dad28b6-fe27-4e03-9630-8fda36305ec5 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: 'Lin, Shao; Liu, Xiu; Le, Linh H.; Hwang, Syni-An' DOI: 10.1289/ehp.11184 ISSN: 1552-9924 Issue: 12 Journal: Environmental Health Perspectives Pages: 1725-1730 Title: Chronic exposure to ambient ozone and asthma hospital admissions among children Volume: 116 Year: 2008 _chapter: Ch9 _record_number: 17866 _uuid: 1dd1dce1-0102-4440-9451-e630b6d49128 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1289/ehp.11184 href: identifier: 1dd1dce1-0102-4440-9451-e630b6d49128 uri: /reference/1dd1dce1-0102-4440-9451-e630b6d49128 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: "Sarche, M.\rSpicer, P." DOI: 10.1196/annals.1425.017 ISSN: 1749-6632 Issue: 1 Journal: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Pages: 126-136 Title: Poverty and health disparities for American Indian and Alaska Native children URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2567901/pdf/nihms58363.pdf Volume: 1136 Year: 2008 _chapter: '["Ch. 20: Southwest FINAL"]' _record_number: 2748 _uuid: 1dd6cf74-00ed-4f20-b4a1-9858955ad077 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1196/annals.1425.017 href: identifier: 1dd6cf74-00ed-4f20-b4a1-9858955ad077 uri: /reference/1dd6cf74-00ed-4f20-b4a1-9858955ad077 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: 'Lee, Mihye; Nordio, Francesco; Zanobetti, Antonella; Kinney, Patrick; Vautard, Robert; Schwartz, Joel' DOI: 10.1186/1476-069X-13-89 ISSN: 1476-069X Issue: 1 Journal: Environmental Health Pages: 89 Title: 'Acclimatization across space and time in the effects of temperature on mortality: A time-series analysis' Volume: 13 Year: 2014 _chapter: Ch2 _record_number: 19130 _uuid: 1dd78be0-0355-46a2-81b7-9a55154cc564 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1186/1476-069X-13-89 href: identifier: 1dd78be0-0355-46a2-81b7-9a55154cc564 uri: /reference/1dd78be0-0355-46a2-81b7-9a55154cc564 - attrs: .publisher: Blackwell Publishing Ltd .reference_type: 0 Author: 'Peeters, Frank; Straile, Dietmar; Lorke, Andreas; Livingstone, David M.' DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2007.01412.x ISSN: 1365-2486 Issue: 9 Journal: Global Change Biology Keywords: climate warming; lake; mixing; modelling; phytoplankton; spring bloom; stratification Pages: 1898-1909 Title: Earlier onset of the spring phytoplankton bloom in lakes of the temperate zone in a warmer climate Volume: 13 Year: 2007 _record_number: 19055 _uuid: 1dd93561-606a-43ea-a054-c2626750c5f0 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1111/j.1365-2486.2007.01412.x href: identifier: 1dd93561-606a-43ea-a054-c2626750c5f0 uri: /reference/1dd93561-606a-43ea-a054-c2626750c5f0 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: 'Kibler, S.R.; Tester, P.A.; Kunkel, K.E.; Moore, S.K.; Litaker, R.W.' DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.08.020 ISSN: 1872-7026 Journal: Ecological Modelling Pages: 194-210 Title: Effects of ocean warming on growth and distribution of dinoflagellates associated with ciguatera fish poisoning in the Caribbean Volume: 316 Year: 2015 _record_number: 18815 _uuid: 1dfd14e0-eae8-46d9-9c3e-0fa3f0c37da4 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.08.020 href: identifier: 1dfd14e0-eae8-46d9-9c3e-0fa3f0c37da4 uri: /reference/1dfd14e0-eae8-46d9-9c3e-0fa3f0c37da4 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Abstract: 'Global climate change (GCC) is likely to alter the degree of human exposure to pollutants and the response of human populations to these exposures, meaning that risks of pollutants could change in the future. The present study, therefore, explores how GCC might affect the different steps in the pathway from a chemical source in the environment through to impacts on human health and evaluates the implications for existing risk-assessment and management practices. In certain parts of the world, GCC is predicted to increase the level of exposure of many environmental pollutants due to direct and indirect effects on the use patterns and transport and fate of chemicals. Changes in human behavior will also affect how humans come into contact with contaminated air, water, and food. Dietary changes, psychosocial stress, and coexposure to stressors such as high temperatures are likely to increase the vulnerability of humans to chemicals. These changes are likely to have significant implications for current practices for chemical assessment. Assumptions used in current exposure-assessment models may no longer apply, and existing monitoring methods may not be robust enough to detect adverse episodic changes in exposures. Organizations responsible for the assessment and management of health risks of chemicals therefore need to be more proactive and consider the implications of GCC for their procedures and processes.' Author: 'Balbus, J. M.; Boxall, A. B.; Fenske, R. A.; McKone, T. E.; Zeise, L.' DOI: 10.1002/etc.2046 Date: Jan ISSN: 0730-7268 Issue: 1 Journal: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Keywords: 'Climate; Climate Change; Environment; Environmental Exposure/statistics & numerical data; Environmental Pollutants/analysis/ toxicity; Humans; Models, Chemical; Risk; Risk Assessment' Language: eng Notes: "Balbus, John M Boxall, Alistair B A Fenske, Richard A McKone, Thomas E Zeise, Lauren Research Support, U.S. Gov't, Non-P.H.S. United States Environ Toxicol Chem. 2013 Jan;32(1):62-78. doi: 10.1002/etc.2046." Pages: 62-78 Title: Implications of global climate change for the assessment and management of human health risks of chemicals in the natural environment Volume: 32 Year: 2013 _record_number: 4086 _uuid: 1e1e4a5d-8237-4a19-b90f-b666d0124d64 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1002/etc.2046 href: identifier: 1e1e4a5d-8237-4a19-b90f-b666d0124d64 uri: /reference/1e1e4a5d-8237-4a19-b90f-b666d0124d64 - attrs: .reference_type: 16 Author: DOE Date Published: July 2012 Place Published: 'Washington, D.C.' Publisher: 'U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Electricity Delivery & Energy Reliability' Title: Electric Disturbance Events (OE-417) URL: http://www.oe.netl.doe.gov/oe417.aspx Year: 2012 _record_number: 18302 _uuid: 1e53dfe8-f57f-46b5-a23a-0c23910c7a3e reftype: Web Page child_publication: /webpage/7021af37-e49c-4be0-8a7c-46223dc2192d href: identifier: 1e53dfe8-f57f-46b5-a23a-0c23910c7a3e uri: /reference/1e53dfe8-f57f-46b5-a23a-0c23910c7a3e - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: 'Cotrufo, M. Francesca; Ineson, Phil; Scott, AndY' DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2486.1998.00101.x ISSN: 1365-2486 Issue: 1 Journal: Global Change Biology Pages: 43-54 Title: Elevated CO2 reduces the nitrogen concentration of plant tissues Volume: 4 Year: 1998 _chapter: Ch6 _record_number: 16184 _uuid: 1e90a679-d2ce-4cd4-85f3-2cbb63939d35 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1046/j.1365-2486.1998.00101.x href: identifier: 1e90a679-d2ce-4cd4-85f3-2cbb63939d35 uri: /reference/1e90a679-d2ce-4cd4-85f3-2cbb63939d35 - attrs: .publisher: CDC .reference_type: 0 Author: 'Gould, L.H.; Walsh, K.A.; Vieira, A.R.; Herman, K.; Williams, I.T.; Hall, A.J.; Cole, D.' ISSN: 1545-8636 Issue: SS02 Journal: 'Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report - Surveillance Summaries' PMID: 23804024 Pages: 1-34 Place Published: 'Atlanta, GA' Title: 'Surveillance for foodborne disease outbreaks - United States, 1998-2008' URL: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/ss6202a1.htm Volume: 62 Year: 2013 _record_number: 18305 _uuid: 1e9449c2-c2e0-4da7-acd6-526247e0523b reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/pmid-23804024 href: identifier: 1e9449c2-c2e0-4da7-acd6-526247e0523b uri: /reference/1e9449c2-c2e0-4da7-acd6-526247e0523b - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: "Martin-Latry, K.\rGoumy, M.P.\rLatry, P.\rGabinski, C.\rBégaud, B.\rFaure, I.\rVerdoux, H." DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2007.03.007 ISSN: 0924-9338 Issue: 6 Journal: European Psychiatry Pages: 335-338 Title: Psychotropic drugs use and risk of heat-related hospitalisation Volume: 22 Year: 2007 _chapter: '["Ch. 9: Human Health FINAL"]' _record_number: 1894 _uuid: 1e9a7907-02f2-4da8-9e93-131f92515dbc reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2007.03.007 href: identifier: 1e9a7907-02f2-4da8-9e93-131f92515dbc uri: /reference/1e9a7907-02f2-4da8-9e93-131f92515dbc - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: 'Srinivasan, Shobha; O’Fallon, Liam R.; Dearry, Allen' DOI: 10.2105/ajph.93.9.1446 ISSN: 1541-0048 Issue: 9 Journal: American Journal of Public Health Pages: 1446-1450 Title: 'Creating healthy communities, healthy homes, healthy people: Initiating a research agenda on the built environment and public health' Volume: 93 Year: 2003 _chapter: Ch7 _record_number: 17807 _uuid: 1ebfdcac-9323-4232-9b1a-db5a13b09fd5 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.2105/ajph.93.9.1446 href: identifier: 1ebfdcac-9323-4232-9b1a-db5a13b09fd5 uri: /reference/1ebfdcac-9323-4232-9b1a-db5a13b09fd5 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: 'Mercer, J.B.' DOI: 10.1016/s0013-9351(02)00009-9 ISSN: 0013-9351 Issue: 1 Journal: Environmental Research Pages: 8-13 Title: Cold—an underrated risk factor for health Volume: 92 Year: 2003 _chapter: Ch2 _record_number: 17611 _uuid: 1ece5a1e-f180-4940-bbe9-bbb179bc4397 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1016/s0013-9351(02)00009-9 href: identifier: 1ece5a1e-f180-4940-bbe9-bbb179bc4397 uri: /reference/1ece5a1e-f180-4940-bbe9-bbb179bc4397