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7965c0b9 2005
Journal Article |
article |
Outbreak of Vibrio parahaemolyticus gastroenteritis associated with Alaskan o... |
Outbreak of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Gastroenteritis Associated with Alaskan Oysters
798f3a8c 2007
Journal Article |
article |
Water quality indicators and the risk of illness at beaches with nonpoint sou... |
Water quality indicators and the risk of illness at beaches with nonpoint sources of fecal contamination
7a4a25c9 2014
Journal Article |
article |
Uncertainty in model predictions of Vibrio vulnificus response to climate var... |
Uncertainty in model predictions of Vibrio vulnificus response to climate variability and change: A Chesapeake Bay case study
7d602ac6 2006
Journal Article |
article |
A review of household drinking water intervention trials and an approach to t... |
A review of household drinking water intervention trials and an approach to the estimation of endemic waterborne gastroenteritis in the United States
7d9ecb25 2005
Journal Article |
article |
Climate change and marine plankton |
Climate change and marine plankton
7eec0b37 2000
Journal Article |
article |
Marine algal toxins: Origins, health effects, and their increased occurrence |
Marine algal toxins: Origins, health effects, and their increased occurrence
7eee1464 2012
Journal Article |
article |
Growth dynamic of Naegleria fowleri in a microbial freshwater biofilm |
Growth dynamic of Naegleria fowleri in a microbial freshwater biofilm
812fc19e 2007
Journal Article |
article |
Distribution and fate of Escherichia coli in Lake Michigan following contamin... |
Distribution and Fate of Escherichia coli in Lake Michigan Following Contamination with Urban Stormwater and Combined Sewer Overflows
8151801f 2010
Journal Article |
article |
Epidemiology of seafood-associated infections in the United States |
Epidemiology of seafood-associated infections in the United States
827b0c4b 2014
Journal Article |
article |
Organotin contamination in seafood and its implication for human health risk ... |
Organotin contamination in seafood and its implication for human health risk in Hong Kong
830e19e2 2015
Journal Article |
article |
The First Association of a Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis Death With Cult... |
The First Association of a Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis Death With Culturable Naegleria fowleri in Tap Water From a US Treated Public Drinking Water System
84bc6e97 2013
Journal Article |
article |
Spread of Pacific Northwest Vibrio parahaemolyticus strain |
Spread of Pacific Northwest Vibrio parahaemolyticus strain
852e14ee 2013
Journal Article |
article |
Heavy metals concentrations in fish and shellfish from eastern Mediterranean ... |
Heavy metals concentrations in fish and shellfish from eastern Mediterranean Sea: Consumption advisories
8640a3db 2015
Journal Article |
article |
A framework for examining climate-driven changes to the seasonality and geogr... |
A framework for examining climate-driven changes to the seasonality and geographical range of coastal pathogens and harmful algae
889d39b6 2014
Journal Article |
article |
Recreational water-associated disease outbreaks--United States, 2009-2010 |
Recreational water-associated disease outbreaks--United States, 2009-2010
8abe9d80 2003
Journal Article |
article |
Harmful algal blooms: Causes, impacts and detection |
Harmful algal blooms: Causes, impacts and detection
8c119c5c 2014
Journal Article |
article |
Understanding interannual, decadal level variability in paralytic shellfish p... |
Understanding interannual, decadal level variability in paralytic shellfish poisoning toxicity in the Gulf of Maine: The HAB Index
8c50c794 2009
Journal Article |
article |
Impacts of climate change on surface water quality in relation to drinking wa... |
Impacts of climate change on surface water quality in relation to drinking water production
8d27dca0 2013
Journal Article |
article |
Fecal shedding of zoonotic food-borne pathogens by wild rodents in a major ag... |
Fecal shedding of zoonotic food-borne pathogens by wild rodents in a major agricultural region of the central California coast
8df1aedb 2013
Journal Article |
article |
Surveillance for waterborne disease outbreaks associated with drinking water ... |
Surveillance for waterborne disease outbreaks associated with drinking water and other nonrecreational water - United States, 2009-2010