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   dcterms:identifier "changes-in-suitable-coastal-vibrio-habitat-in-alaska";
   gcis:figureNumber "6.5"^^xsd:string;
   dcterms:title "Changes in Suitable Coastal Vibrio Habitat in Alaska"^^xsd:string;
   gcis:hasCaption "<i>Vibrio</i> growth increases in temperatures above 15°C (59°F). These maps show the low and high end of the ranges for projected area of Alaskan coastline with water temperature averages in August that are greater than this threshold. The projections were made for the following future time periods: 2030 (2026–2035), 2050 (2046–2055), and 2090 (2086–2095). On average, the models project that by 2090, nearly 60% of the Alaskan shoreline in August will become suitable <i>Vibrio</i> habitat. (Figure source: adapted from Jacobs et al. 2015)"^^xsd:string;
   dcterms:rights [ rdf:value "Copyright protected. Obtain permission from the original figure source."^^xsd:string; ];
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## Geographical extent of the figure content
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## Temporal extent of the figure content
   gcis:startedAt "2030-01-01T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime;
   gcis:endedAt "2090-12-31T23:59:59"^^xsd:dateTime;

   a gcis:Figure, doco:Figure .

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## Person and his/her role in the creation of the entity:
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