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Chapter: water-related-illnesses
Chapter 6 : Climate Impacts on Water-Related Illnesses
The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment
DOI : 10.7930/J03F4MH4
- Lead Authors
- Contributing Authors
- Joan Brunkard Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Tracy Collier University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
- John Jacobs National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Erin Lipp The University of Georgia
- Sandra McLellan University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Hans Paerl The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Stephanie Moore University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
- John Ravenscroft U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Mario Sengco U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Jeanette Thurston U.S. Department of Agriculture
This chapter has 7 figures, 3 findings, 1 table, and 226 references.
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