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reference : Heat waves in the United States: Definitions, patterns and trends
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- /reference/f5623d1f-89c2-42ce-89dc-cf5811ac789b
- /report/usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016/chapter/temperature-related-death-and-illness/reference/f5623d1f-89c2-42ce-89dc-cf5811ac789b
- /report/usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016/reference/f5623d1f-89c2-42ce-89dc-cf5811ac789b
Publication/contributor :
reftype | Journal Article |
Author | Smith, Tiffany T.; Zaitchik, Benjamin F.; Gohlke, Julia M. |
DOI | 10.1007/s10584-012-0659-2 |
ISSN | 1573-1480 |
Issue | 3-4 |
Journal | Climatic Change |
Pages | 811-825 |
Title | Heat waves in the United States: Definitions, patterns and trends |
Volume | 118 |
Year | 2013 |
.reference_type | 0 |
_chapter | Ch2 |
_record_number | 17619 |
_uuid | f5623d1f-89c2-42ce-89dc-cf5811ac789b |