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Figure : mapping-communities-vulnerable-to-heat-in-georgia
Mapping Communities Vulnerable to Heat in Georgia
Figure 9.5
U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyAllison Crimmins
This figure appears in chapter 9 of the The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment report.
Vulnerability to heat-related illness in Georgia extends beyond urban zones. The map on the left shows a composite measure of social vulnerability for the Atlanta, Georgia Metropolitan Area (darkest colors indicate the most vulnerable areas). The six state-wide maps on the right show the following six vulnerability factors: 1) percent population below the poverty level, 2) percent aged 65 and older living alone, 3) heat event exposure with Heat Index over 100¼F for two consecutive days, 4) percent dialysis patients on Medicare, 5) hospital insufficiency based upon accessibility of hospital infrastructure, and 6) percent impervious surface. Areas located in rural southern Georgia experienced more hazardous heat events, had less access to health care, and had a higher percentage of people living alone. (Figure source: adapted from Manangan et al. 2014)399cfb21-5e6d-425a-98ec-55f42e32401a
This figure was created on November 01, 2014.
This figure
was derived from
Assessing Health Vulnerability to Climate Change: A Guide for Health Departments
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