reference : How the public engages with global warming: A social representations approach

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Abstract The present study utilises social representations theory to explore common sense conceptualisations of global warming risk using an in-depth, qualitative methodology. Fifty-six members of a British, London-based 2008 public were initially asked to draw or write four spontaneous "first thoughts or feelings" about global warming. These were then explored via an open-ended, exploratory interview. The analysis revealed that first thoughts, either drawn or written, often mirrored the images used by the British press to depict global warming visually. Thus in terms of media framings, it was their visual rather than their textual content that was spontaneously available for their audiences. Furthermore, an in-depth exploration of interview data revealed that global warming was structured around three themata: self/other, natural/unnatural and certainty/uncertainty, reflecting the complex and often contradictory nature of common sense thinking in relation to risk issues.
Author Smith, N.; Joffe, H.
DOI 10.1177/0963662512440913
Date Jan
ISSN 1361-6609
Issue 1
Journal Public Understanding of Science
Keywords free associations; global warming; social representations theory; thematic analysis
Language eng
Notes Smith, Nicholas Joffe, Helene Journal Article England Public Underst Sci. 2013 Jan;22(1):16-32. doi: 10.1177/0963662512440913. Epub 2012 Jun 1.
Pages 16-32
Title How the public engages with global warming: A social representations approach
Volume 22
Year 2013
Bibliographic identifiers
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