References in usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 finding 8.1

21 to 31 of 31

identifier ref type type title publication
97358ea1 2012 Journal Article article Post-traumatic stress disorder in an emergency department population one year... Post-traumatic stress disorder in an emergency department population one year after Hurricane Katrina
a7957dc8 2011 Book book Climate Change and Human Well-being: Global Challenges and Opportunities Climate Change and Human Well-...
a8e44cff 2013 Journal Article article Posttraumatic stress disorder symptom trajectories in Hurricane Katrina affec... Posttraumatic stress disorder symptom trajectories in Hurricane Katrina affected youth
a95f121c 2010 Journal Article article Hurricane-related exposure experiences and stressors, other life events, and ... Hurricane-related exposure experiences and stressors, other life events, and social support: Concurrent and prospective impact on children's persistent posttraumatic stress symptoms
a9cc82e3 2008 Journal Article article Reconsideration of harm's way: Onsets and comorbidity patterns of disorders i... Reconsideration of harm's way: Onsets and comorbidity patterns of disorders in preschool children and their caregivers following Hurricane Katrina
c3776534 2013 Journal Article article A prospective study of the impact of floods on the mental and physical health... A prospective study of the impact of floods on the mental and physical health of older adults
d49018ea 2009 Journal Article article Impact of Hurricane Rita on adolescent substance use Impact of Hurricane Rita on adolescent substance use
dd605fa4 2013 Journal Article article Trajectories of psychological distress among low-income, female survivors of ... Trajectories of psychological distress among low-income, female survivors of Hurricane Katrina
de8ce512 2011 Journal Article article Postdisaster course of alcohol use disorders in systematically studied surviv... Postdisaster course of alcohol use disorders in systematically studied survivors of 10 disasters
ef435f7f 2013 Journal Article article Children's symptoms of posttraumatic stress and depression after a natural di... Children's symptoms of posttraumatic stress and depression after a natural disaster: Comorbidity and risk factors
f8e99ff1 2011 Journal Article article Differences in the determinants of posttraumatic stress disorder and depressi... Differences in the determinants of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression after a mass traumatic event
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