References in usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 Front Matter

identifier ref type type title publication
4fe32146 2013 Journal Article article US billion-dollar weather and climate disasters: Data sources, trends, accura... US billion-dollar weather and climate disasters: Data sources, trends, accuracy and biases
54a66159 2015 Journal Article article The geographic distribution and economic value of climate change-related ozon... The Geographic Distribution and Economic Value of Climate Change-Related Ozone Health Impacts in the United States in 2030
6066212c 2015 Web Page webpage Lyme Disease: Data and Statistics: Maps- Reported Cases of Lyme Disease – U... webpage Lyme Disease: Data and Statistics: Maps- Reported Cases of Lyme Disease – United States, 2001-2014
a1b08f2f 2010 Web Page webpage Weather Fatalities webpage Weather Fatalities
b6a2f8d3 2003 Journal Article article A framework for vulnerability analysis in sustainability science A framework for vulnerability analysis in sustainability science
dd5b893d 2014 Edited Book report Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Asses... Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment
e805bfdc 2015 Journal Article article Projections of temperature-attributable premature deaths in 209 U.S. cities u... Projections of temperature-attributable premature deaths in 209 U.S. cities using a cluster-based Poisson approach