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@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix gcis: <> .
@prefix cito: <> .
@prefix biro: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .

   dcterms:identifier "health-impacts-extreme-events";
   gcis:isTableOf <>;
   gcis:tableNumber "4.1"^^xsd:string;
   dcterms:title "Health Impacts of Extreme Events"^^xsd:string;
   gcis:hasCaption "Observed and Projected Impacts of Climate Change on Extreme Events are adapted from 2014 NCA"^^xsd:string;
   gcis:isTableOf <>;
   gcis:hasArray <>;

   a gcis:Table .

   cito:cites <>;
   biro:references <>.