reference : Effects of the August 2003 blackout on the New York City healthcare delivery system: A lesson for disaster preparedness

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reftype Journal Article
Author Prezant, David J.; Clair, John; Belyaev, Stanislav; Alleyne, Dawn; Banauch, Gisela I.; Davitt, Michelle; Vandervoorts, Kathy; Kelly, Kerry J.; Currie, Brian; Kalkut, Gary
DOI 10.1097/01.ccm.0000150956.90030.23
ISSN 0090-3493
Issue Supplement
Journal Critical Care Medicine
Pages S96-S101
Title Effects of the August 2003 blackout on the New York City healthcare delivery system: A lesson for disaster preparedness
Volume 33
Year 2005
Bibliographic identifiers
.reference_type 0
_chapter Ch7
_record_number 16337
_uuid 08f72697-7679-499a-b211-40cc080cb5ec