reference : Impacts of the Bermuda high on regional climate and ozone over the United states

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reftype Journal Article
Abstract Observations reveal that, in summer, westward extension of the Bermuda high enhances the Great Plains low-level jet (LLJ) that transports more moisture northward, causing precipitation increases in the Midwest and decreases in the Gulf States. Meanwhile, more warm air advection from the Gulf of Mexico to the southern Great Plains and stronger clear-sky radiative heating under high pressures over the Southeast result in warmer surface temperatures across the Gulf states. The enhanced LLJ transport of cleaner marine air from the Gulf reduces surface ozone across the southern Great Plains–Midwest. In contrast, larger transport of more polluted air from the Midwest to New England and more frequent air stagnation under high pressures in the Southeast increase ozone over most of the eastern coastal states. This Bermuda high–induced ozone change reversal between the southern Great Plains–Midwest and eastern coastal states, with a magnitude of 6 and 13.5 ppb, respectively, in summer-mean maximum daily 8-h average, exhibits strong decadal variations that should be considered in the U.S. air quality dynamic management. The observed Bermuda high signatures over the Gulf states can be well captured by regional climate and air quality models. Notable model deficiencies exist over the northern Great Plains–Midwest that are more remote to the Bermuda high and LLJ control. The regional models largely reduce these deficiencies from general circulation models (GCMs). Only 7 out of 51 GCMs can represent all key regional signatures of the Bermuda high, while none can simulate its strong association with planetary sea surface temperature anomalies. The result indicates a great challenge for GCMs to predict Bermuda high variability and change.
Author Zhu, Jinhong; Liang, Xin-Zhong
DOI 10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00168.1
ISSN 1520-0442
Issue 3
Journal Journal of Climate
Keywords Air quality; Decadal variability; General circulation models; Interannual variability; Model evaluation/performance; Regional models
Pages 1018-1032
Title Impacts of the Bermuda high on regional climate and ozone over the United states
Volume 26
Year 2013
Bibliographic identifiers
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_record_number 18934
_uuid 96e470bd-a4e1-4497-8c8c-0c932ced4492