--- chapters: - display_name: "Chapter 1: Introduction and Report Background (in 'Climate Change Global Food Security and the U.S. Food System')" href: identifier: introduction-report-background number: 1 title: Introduction and Report Background uri: /report/usda-climate-change-global-food-security-us-food-system-2015/chapter/introduction-report-background url: ~ - display_name: "Chapter 2: Key Concepts and Definitions (in 'Climate Change Global Food Security and the U.S. Food System')" href: identifier: key-concepts-definitions number: 2 title: Key Concepts and Definitions uri: /report/usda-climate-change-global-food-security-us-food-system-2015/chapter/key-concepts-definitions url: ~ - display_name: "Chapter 3: Models, Scenarios, and Projections of Climate Change and Socioeconomic Change (in 'Climate Change Global Food Security and the U.S. Food System')" href: identifier: models-scenarios-projections-climate-change-socioeconomic-change number: 3 title: 'Models, Scenarios, and Projections of Climate Change and Socioeconomic Change' uri: /report/usda-climate-change-global-food-security-us-food-system-2015/chapter/models-scenarios-projections-climate-change-socioeconomic-change url: ~ - display_name: "Chapter 4: Integrated Assessment Modeling of Agricultural and Food Systems (in 'Climate Change Global Food Security and the U.S. Food System')" href: identifier: integrated-assessment-modeling-agricultural-food-systems number: 4 title: Integrated Assessment Modeling of Agricultural and Food Systems uri: /report/usda-climate-change-global-food-security-us-food-system-2015/chapter/integrated-assessment-modeling-agricultural-food-systems url: ~ - display_name: "Chapter 5: Food Availability and Stability (in 'Climate Change Global Food Security and the U.S. Food System')" href: identifier: food-availability-stability number: 5 title: Food Availability and Stability uri: /report/usda-climate-change-global-food-security-us-food-system-2015/chapter/food-availability-stability url: ~ - display_name: "Chapter 6: Food Access and Stability (in 'Climate Change Global Food Security and the U.S. Food System')" href: identifier: food-access-stability number: 6 title: Food Access and Stability uri: /report/usda-climate-change-global-food-security-us-food-system-2015/chapter/food-access-stability url: ~ - display_name: "Chapter 7: Food Utilization and Stability (in 'Climate Change Global Food Security and the U.S. Food System')" href: identifier: food-utilization-stability number: 7 title: Food Utilization and Stability uri: /report/usda-climate-change-global-food-security-us-food-system-2015/chapter/food-utilization-stability url: ~ - display_name: "Chapter 8: Global Food Security, Climate Change, and the United States (in 'Climate Change Global Food Security and the U.S. Food System')" href: identifier: global-food-security-climate-change-united-states number: 8 title: 'Global Food Security, Climate Change, and the United States' uri: /report/usda-climate-change-global-food-security-us-food-system-2015/chapter/global-food-security-climate-change-united-states url: ~ - display_name: "Chapter 9: Report Conclusions (in 'Climate Change Global Food Security and the U.S. Food System')" href: identifier: report-conclusions number: 9 title: Report Conclusions uri: /report/usda-climate-change-global-food-security-us-food-system-2015/chapter/report-conclusions url: ~ contact_email: ~ contact_note: ~ contributors: - display_name: 'Contributing Agency : National Center for Atmospheric Research ' href: id: 16027 organization: country_code: US display_name: National Center for Atmospheric Research identifier: national-center-atmospheric-research name: National Center for Atmospheric Research organization_type_identifier: federally funded research and development center type: organization url: http://ncar.ucar.edu/ organization_uri: /organization/national-center-atmospheric-research person: {} person_id: ~ person_uri: ~ role_type_identifier: contributing_agency uri: /contributor/16027 - display_name: 'Point of Contact : U.S. Global Change Research Program ' href: id: 16029 organization: country_code: US display_name: U.S. Global Change Research Program identifier: us-global-change-research-program name: U.S. Global Change Research Program organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.globalchange.gov organization_uri: /organization/us-global-change-research-program person: {} person_id: ~ person_uri: ~ role_type_identifier: point_of_contact uri: /contributor/16029 - display_name: 'Point of Contact : Subcommittee on Global Change Research ' href: id: 16030 organization: country_code: US display_name: Subcommittee on Global Change Research identifier: subcommittee-on-global-change name: Subcommittee on Global Change Research organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.globalchange.gov/about/leadership organization_uri: /organization/subcommittee-on-global-change person: {} person_id: ~ person_uri: ~ role_type_identifier: point_of_contact uri: /contributor/16030 - display_name: 'Funding Agency : National Science Foundation ' href: id: 2847 organization: country_code: US display_name: National Science Foundation identifier: national-science-foundation name: National Science Foundation organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.nsf.gov organization_uri: /organization/national-science-foundation person: {} person_id: ~ person_uri: ~ role_type_identifier: funding_agency uri: /contributor/2847 - display_name: 'Contributing Agency : University Corporation for Atmospheric Research ' href: id: 16028 organization: country_code: US display_name: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research identifier: university-corporation-atmospheric-research name: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research organization_type_identifier: consortium type: organization url: http://www2.ucar.edu/ organization_uri: /organization/university-corporation-atmospheric-research person: {} person_id: ~ person_uri: ~ role_type_identifier: contributing_agency uri: /contributor/16028 - display_name: 'Distributor : U.S. Department of Agriculture ' href: id: 3355 organization: country_code: US display_name: U.S. Department of Agriculture identifier: us-department-agriculture name: U.S. Department of Agriculture organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.usda.gov organization_uri: /organization/us-department-agriculture person: {} person_id: ~ person_uri: ~ role_type_identifier: distributor uri: /contributor/3355 - display_name: 'Author : John M. Antle (Oregon State University) ' href: id: 16050 organization: country_code: US display_name: Oregon State University identifier: oregon-state-university name: Oregon State University organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: http://oregonstate.edu/ organization_uri: /organization/oregon-state-university person: display_name: John M. Antle first_name: John M. id: 970 last_name: Antle middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://appliedecon.oregonstate.edu/antle person_id: 970 person_uri: /person/970 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/16050 - display_name: 'Author : Caspar Ammann (National Center for Atmospheric Research) ' href: id: 4007 organization: country_code: US display_name: National Center for Atmospheric Research identifier: national-center-atmospheric-research name: National Center for Atmospheric Research organization_type_identifier: federally funded research and development center type: organization url: http://ncar.ucar.edu/ organization_uri: /organization/national-center-atmospheric-research person: display_name: Caspar Ammann first_name: Caspar id: 2309 last_name: Ammann middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://www.rap.ucar.edu/staff/ammann/index.php person_id: 2309 person_uri: /person/2309 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/4007 - display_name: 'Author : William Easterling (The Pennsylvania State University) ' href: id: 16053 organization: country_code: US display_name: The Pennsylvania State University identifier: pennsylvania-state-university name: The Pennsylvania State University organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: http://www.psu.edu/ organization_uri: /organization/pennsylvania-state-university person: display_name: William Easterling first_name: William id: 952 last_name: Easterling middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://www.geog.psu.edu/people/easterling-william person_id: 952 person_uri: /person/952 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/16053 - display_name: 'Author : Kathryn Grace (The University of Utah) ' href: id: 16059 organization: country_code: US display_name: The University of Utah identifier: university-utah name: The University of Utah organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: http://www.utah.edu/ organization_uri: /organization/university-utah person: display_name: Kathryn Grace first_name: Kathryn id: 10515 last_name: Grace middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: https://sites.google.com/site/katqgrace/ person_id: 10515 person_uri: /person/10515 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/16059 - display_name: 'Author : Molly Brown (University of Maryland, College Park) ' href: id: 16049 organization: country_code: US display_name: 'University of Maryland, College Park' identifier: university-maryland-college-park name: 'University of Maryland, College Park' organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: http://www.umd.edu organization_uri: /organization/university-maryland-college-park person: display_name: Molly Brown first_name: Molly id: 7591 last_name: Brown middle_name: ~ orcid: 0000-0001-7384-3314 type: person url: http://neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov/bsb/personnel/index.php?id=70 person_id: 7591 person_uri: /person/7591 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/16049 - display_name: 'Author : Anthony Murray (U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service) ' href: id: 16066 organization: country_code: US display_name: U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service identifier: economic-research-service name: U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.ers.usda.gov organization_uri: /organization/economic-research-service person: display_name: Anthony Murray first_name: Anthony id: 10519 last_name: Murray middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://www.ers.usda.gov/ers-staff-directory/anthony-murray.aspx person_id: 10519 person_uri: /person/10519 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/16066 - display_name: 'Author : Peter Backlund (Colorado State University) ' href: id: 16051 organization: country_code: US display_name: Colorado State University identifier: colorado-state-university name: Colorado State University organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: http://www.colostate.edu/ organization_uri: /organization/colorado-state-university person: display_name: Peter Backlund first_name: Peter id: 2279 last_name: Backlund middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://sustainability.colostate.edu/about/people/peter-backlund person_id: 2279 person_uri: /person/2279 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/16051 - display_name: 'Author : Witsanu Attavanich (Kasetsart University) ' href: id: 16054 organization: country_code: TH display_name: Kasetsart University identifier: kasetsart-university name: Kasetsart University organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: http://www.ku.ac.th/ organization_uri: /organization/kasetsart-university person: display_name: Witsanu Attavanich first_name: Witsanu id: 1484 last_name: Attavanich middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: ~ person_id: 1484 person_uri: /person/1484 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/16054 - display_name: 'Author : John S.I. Ingram (University of Oxford) ' href: id: 16060 organization: country_code: UK display_name: University of Oxford identifier: university-oxford name: University of Oxford organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: http://www.ox.ac.uk/ organization_uri: /organization/university-oxford person: display_name: John S.I. Ingram first_name: John S.I. id: 4069 last_name: Ingram middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://www.eci.ox.ac.uk/people/ingramjohn.php person_id: 4069 person_uri: /person/4069 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/16060 - display_name: 'Author : Hui Jiang (U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service) ' href: id: 16062 organization: country_code: US display_name: U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service identifier: us-department-agriculture-foreign-agricultural-service name: U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.fas.usda.gov/ organization_uri: /organization/us-department-agriculture-foreign-agricultural-service person: display_name: Hui Jiang first_name: Hui id: 10516 last_name: Jiang middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: ~ person_id: 10516 person_uri: /person/10516 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/16062 - display_name: 'Author : Edward R. Carr (Clark University) ' href: id: 16052 organization: country_code: US display_name: Clark University identifier: clark-university name: Clark University organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: http://www.clarku.edu/ organization_uri: /organization/clark-university person: display_name: Edward R. Carr first_name: Edward R. id: 10511 last_name: Carr middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: https://www.clarku.edu/faculty/facultybio.cfm?id=1037 person_id: 10511 person_uri: /person/10511 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/16052 - display_name: 'Author : Margaret Walsh (United States Department of Agriculture Climate Change Program Office) ' href: id: 4004 organization: country_code: US display_name: United States Department of Agriculture Climate Change Program Office identifier: climate-change-program-office name: United States Department of Agriculture Climate Change Program Office organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.usda.gov/oce/climate_change/ organization_uri: /organization/climate-change-program-office person: display_name: Margaret Walsh first_name: Margaret id: 2306 last_name: Walsh middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: ~ person_id: 2306 person_uri: /person/2306 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/4004 - display_name: 'Author : Violet Dancheck (U.S. Agency for International Development ) ' href: id: 16057 organization: country_code: US display_name: 'U.S. Agency for International Development ' identifier: us-agency-international-development name: 'U.S. Agency for International Development ' organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.usaid.gov organization_uri: /organization/us-agency-international-development person: display_name: Violet Dancheck first_name: Violet id: 10514 last_name: Dancheck middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: ~ person_id: 10514 person_uri: /person/10514 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/16057 - display_name: 'Author : Christopher C. Funk (U.S. Geological Survey) ' href: id: 16058 organization: country_code: US display_name: U.S. Geological Survey identifier: us-geological-survey name: U.S. Geological Survey organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.usgs.gov/ organization_uri: /organization/us-geological-survey person: display_name: Christopher C. Funk first_name: Christopher C. id: 7590 last_name: Funk middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://chg.geog.ucsb.edu/people/chris-funk/ person_id: 7590 person_uri: /person/7590 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/16058 - display_name: 'Author : Hector Maletta (Universidad de Buenos Aires) ' href: id: 16063 organization: country_code: AR display_name: Universidad de Buenos Aires identifier: universidad-de-buenos-aires name: Universidad de Buenos Aires organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: http://www.uba.ar/ organization_uri: /organization/universidad-de-buenos-aires person: display_name: Hector Maletta first_name: Hector id: 10517 last_name: Maletta middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: ~ person_id: 10517 person_uri: /person/10517 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/16063 - display_name: 'Author : Tawny Mata (U.S. Department of Agriculture) ' href: id: 16064 organization: country_code: US display_name: U.S. Department of Agriculture identifier: us-department-agriculture name: U.S. Department of Agriculture organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.usda.gov organization_uri: /organization/us-department-agriculture person: display_name: Tawny Mata first_name: Tawny id: 10518 last_name: Mata middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: ~ person_id: 10518 person_uri: /person/10518 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/16064 - display_name: 'Author : Tawny Mata (American Association for the Advancement of Science) ' href: id: 16065 organization: country_code: US display_name: American Association for the Advancement of Science identifier: american-association-advancement-science name: American Association for the Advancement of Science organization_type_identifier: non-profit type: organization url: http://www.aaas.org/ organization_uri: /organization/american-association-advancement-science person: display_name: Tawny Mata first_name: Tawny id: 10518 last_name: Mata middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: ~ person_id: 10518 person_uri: /person/10518 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/16065 - display_name: 'Author : Dennis Ojima (Colorado State University) ' href: id: 2450 organization: country_code: US display_name: Colorado State University identifier: colorado-state-university name: Colorado State University organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: http://www.colostate.edu/ organization_uri: /organization/colorado-state-university person: display_name: Dennis Ojima first_name: Dennis id: 884 last_name: Ojima middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: http://www.nrel.colostate.edu/ojima-lab/ person_id: 884 person_uri: /person/884 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/2450 - display_name: "Author : Brian C. O'Neill (National Center for Atmospheric Research) " href: id: 16061 organization: country_code: US display_name: National Center for Atmospheric Research identifier: national-center-atmospheric-research name: National Center for Atmospheric Research organization_type_identifier: federally funded research and development center type: organization url: http://ncar.ucar.edu/ organization_uri: /organization/national-center-atmospheric-research person: display_name: Brian C. O'Neill first_name: Brian C. id: 9933 last_name: O'Neill middle_name: ~ orcid: 0000-0001-7505-8897 type: person url: http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/boneill/ person_id: 9933 person_uri: /person/9933 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/16061 - display_name: 'Author : Claudia Tebaldi (National Center for Atmospheric Research) ' href: id: 13188 organization: country_code: US display_name: National Center for Atmospheric Research identifier: national-center-atmospheric-research name: National Center for Atmospheric Research organization_type_identifier: federally funded research and development center type: organization url: http://ncar.ucar.edu/ organization_uri: /organization/national-center-atmospheric-research person: display_name: Claudia Tebaldi first_name: Claudia id: 3223 last_name: Tebaldi middle_name: ~ orcid: 0000-0001-9233-8903 type: person url: http://www.climatecentral.org/what-we-do/people/claudia_tebaldi person_id: 3223 person_uri: /person/3223 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/13188 - display_name: 'Author : Moffatt Ngugi (U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service) ' href: id: 16068 organization: country_code: US display_name: U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service identifier: us-department-agriculture-foreign-agricultural-service name: U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.fas.usda.gov/ organization_uri: /organization/us-department-agriculture-foreign-agricultural-service person: display_name: Moffatt Ngugi first_name: Moffatt id: 10520 last_name: Ngugi middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: ~ person_id: 10520 person_uri: /person/10520 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/16068 - display_name: 'Author : Chris Barrett (Cornell University) ' href: id: 16055 organization: country_code: US display_name: Cornell University identifier: cornell-university name: Cornell University organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: https://www.cornell.edu/ organization_uri: /organization/cornell-university person: display_name: Chris Barrett first_name: Chris id: 10513 last_name: Barrett middle_name: ~ orcid: 0000-0001-9139-2721 type: person url: http://barrett.dyson.cornell.edu/ person_id: 10513 person_uri: /person/10513 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/16055 - display_name: 'Author : Marc Bellemare (University of Minnesota) ' href: id: 16056 organization: country_code: US display_name: University of Minnesota identifier: university-minnesota name: University of Minnesota organization_type_identifier: academic type: organization url: https://www.umn.edu/ organization_uri: /organization/university-minnesota person: display_name: Marc Bellemare first_name: Marc id: 10512 last_name: Bellemare middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: https://www.apec.umn.edu/people/marc-f-bellemare person_id: 10512 person_uri: /person/10512 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/16056 - display_name: 'Author : Moffatt Ngugi (U.S. Agency for International Development ) ' href: id: 16067 organization: country_code: US display_name: 'U.S. Agency for International Development ' identifier: us-agency-international-development name: 'U.S. Agency for International Development ' organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.usaid.gov organization_uri: /organization/us-agency-international-development person: display_name: Moffatt Ngugi first_name: Moffatt id: 10520 last_name: Ngugi middle_name: ~ orcid: ~ type: person url: ~ person_id: 10520 person_uri: /person/10520 role_type_identifier: author uri: /contributor/16067 display_name: Climate Change Global Food Security and the U.S. Food System doi: 10.7930/J0862DC7 files: - display_name: FullAssessment.pdf file: /oce/climate_change/FoodSecurity2015Assessment/FullAssessment.pdf href: http://www.usda.gov/oce/climate_change/FoodSecurity2015Assessment/FullAssessment.pdf identifier: ae2b9387-f6f2-42da-b927-72538a626c2c landing_page: ~ location: http://www.usda.gov mime_type: application/pdf sha1: 03a45675a18c5597c580d10db9328af04c8affa4 size: 13223274 thumbnail: 58/6f/3dbebd858a5ab53ac29d4e15ec1d/.thumb-ae2b9387-f6f2-42da-b927-72538a626c2c.png thumbnail_href: http://data.globalchange.gov/assets/58/6f/3dbebd858a5ab53ac29d4e15ec1d/.thumb-ae2b9387-f6f2-42da-b927-72538a626c2c.png type: file uri: /file/ae2b9387-f6f2-42da-b927-72538a626c2c url: http://www.usda.gov/oce/climate_change/FoodSecurity2015Assessment/FullAssessment.pdf href: identifier: usda-climate-change-global-food-security-us-food-system-2015 parents: - display_name: "Chapter 9: Climate-Health Risk Factors and Populations of Concern (in 'The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment')" reference: /reference/af26d1a8-db0b-4bf9-9760-1cae9f355e6e relationship: cito:isCitedBy uri: /report/usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016/chapter/populations-of-concern - display_name: "Chapter 7: Food Safety, Nutrition, and Distribution (in 'The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment')" reference: /reference/af26d1a8-db0b-4bf9-9760-1cae9f355e6e relationship: cito:isCitedBy uri: /report/usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016/chapter/food-safety-nutrition-and-distribution - display_name: 'The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment' reference: /reference/af26d1a8-db0b-4bf9-9760-1cae9f355e6e relationship: cito:isCitedBy uri: /report/usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016 publication_year: 2015 report_figures: [] report_findings: [] report_tables: [] report_type_identifier: assessment summary: "This report was prepared as part of the United States National Climate Assessment and part of the President's Climate Action Plan (PCAP). USDA led the production of the report on behalf of the thirteen Federal Agencies of the U.S. Global Change Research Program. Thirty-one authors and contributors-- representing nineteen federal, academic, nongovernmental, and intergovernmental institutions in four countries-- prepared the report..\r\nIn response to the PCAP, this report integrates research from the biophysical and the social sciences across multiple sectors in order to evaluate climate-driven changes in global food security and analyze the U.S. role in food security in a changing world." title: Climate Change Global Food Security and the U.S. Food System uri: /report/usda-climate-change-global-food-security-us-food-system-2015 url: http://www.usda.gov/oce/climate_change/FoodSecurity2015Assessment/FullAssessment.pdf