- caption: ~
chapter_identifier: executive-summary
identifier: selected-regional-impacts
ordinal: ~
report_identifier: nca3
title: ~
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/executive-summary/table/selected-regional-impacts
url: ~
- caption: 'Hotter and longer summers will increase the amount of electricity necessary to run air conditioning, especially in the Southeast and Southwest. Warmer winters will decrease the amount of natural gas required to heat buildings, especially in the Northeast, Midwest, and Northwest. Table information is adapted from multi-model means from 8 NARCCAP regional climate simulations for the higher emissions scenario (A2) considered in this report and is weighted by population. (Source: adapted from Regional Climate Trends and Scenarios reports2acefcdc-827f-4c52-a4d8-56fc73f8ed35,b50d0bc7-8731-41e7-861c-b88b678f51d0,95f2ea7d-12e3-4ed5-9247-7cf139db91a9,994416dc-705b-4063-b8f5-bd3ed21d4a71,966bf116-8d6d-41f2-96be-4b66d3e729db,903f7ebb-9b60-4418-b617-593476cbcea5) '
chapter_identifier: energy-supply-and-use
identifier: energy-regional-impacts
ordinal: 1
report_identifier: nca3
title: Changing Energy Use for Heating and Cooling Will Vary by Region
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/energy-supply-and-use/table/energy-regional-impacts
url: ~
- caption: A range of climate change impacts will affect future energy production. This table shows possible ways to anticipate and respond to these changes. Innovations in technologies may provide additional opportunities and benefits to these and other adaptation actions. Behavioral change by consumers can also promote resiliency.
chapter_identifier: energy-supply-and-use
identifier: energy-adaptation
ordinal: 2
report_identifier: nca3
title: Possible Climate Resilience and Adaptation Actions in Energy Sector
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/energy-supply-and-use/table/energy-adaptation
url: ~
- caption: 'Increased temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and sea level rise will affect many sectors and regions, including energy production, agriculture yields, and infrastructure damage. Changes are also projected to affect hydropower, solar photovoltaic, and wind power, but the projected impacts are not well defined at this time. '
chapter_identifier: energy-supply-and-use
identifier: energy-supply-national-regional
ordinal: 3
report_identifier: nca3
title: 'Energy Supply: Summary of National and Regional Impacts, Challenges and Opportunities'
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/energy-supply-and-use/table/energy-supply-national-regional
url: ~
- caption: 'relates to overall national expectations based on Angel and Kunkel 2010 74461848-086f-4ea7-b3b3-e1693e3a21d8 and as postulated by chapter authors. This kind of matrix is likely to be most valuable and accurate if used at the state/regional/local levels. (Source: Matrix format adapted from McLaughlin et al. 2011 39ae0c82-cd8f-41e9-978e-4d6dd4c59a9a)'
chapter_identifier: transportation
identifier: national-expectations
ordinal: 1
report_identifier: nca3
title: National Expectations
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/transportation/table/national-expectations
url: ~
- caption: 'Plus sign means a positive effect (reduced stress) on sector, minus sign means a negative effect (increased stress) on sector. Blank means effect not noted. Blue means consideration of energy extraction and power plant processes. It is important to keep in mind that this table only reflects physical synergies and tradeoffs. There are, of course, economic tradeoffs as well in the form of technology costs and societal concerns, such as energy security, food security, and water quality. Expansion of hybrid or dry-cooled solar technologies, versus wet, could help reduce water risks. For a more detailed description of the entries in the table, see Skaggs et al. 2012. Additional considerations regarding energy extraction, power plant processes, and energy use associated with irrigation were added to those reflected in Skaggs et al. 2012 552cc5f5-a7b3-4a64-8bee-98ae0cced150 (Adapted from Skaggs et al. 2012). 552cc5f5-a7b3-4a64-8bee-98ae0cced150'
chapter_identifier: water-energy-land-use
identifier: wel-stress
ordinal: 1
report_identifier: nca3
title: 'Energy, water, and land sectoral impacts associated with a sample of climate mitigation and adaptation measures.'
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/water-energy-land-use/table/wel-stress
url: ~
- caption: 'Circa-2001 land-cover statistics for the National Climate Assessment regions of the United States based on the National Land Cover Dataset,ce3bab8e-99fc-4186-950e-53446cef9f6e and overall United States land- use statisticsâcirca 2007.4bc613ff-1b4b-47df-8c81-7ed9b62b2306'
chapter_identifier: land-use-land-cover-change
identifier: land-cover-characteristics-nca-regions-yr2001
ordinal: 1
report_identifier: nca3
title: Land Cover Statistics
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/land-use-land-cover-change/table/land-cover-characteristics-nca-regions-yr2001
url: ~
- caption: 'Percentage change in land-cover type between 1973 and 2000 for the contiguous U.S. National Climate Assessment regions. These figures do not indicate the total amount of changes that have occurred, for example when increases in forest cover were offset by decreases in forest cover, and when cropland taken out of production was offset by other land being put into agricultural production. Data from USGS Land Cover Trends Project; Sleeter et al. 2013.437471ba-9fe3-4547-b193-7bf3ec00fbf3'
chapter_identifier: land-use-land-cover-change
identifier: percent-change-in-land-cover
ordinal: 2
report_identifier: nca3
title: Percentage change in land-cover type
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/land-use-land-cover-change/table/percent-change-in-land-cover
url: ~
- caption: 'Sources: Horton and Rosenzweig 2010,037b0db1-43d9-41dc-af2e-f824b32abf27 Zimmerman and Faris 2010,f041f900-42eb-4e0e-ba8b-284b731f2e4d and Ch. 25: Coasts. '
chapter_identifier: northeast
identifier: slr-impacts-infrastructure
ordinal: 1
report_identifier: nca3
title: Impacts of sea level rise and coastal floods on critical coastal infrastructure by sector.
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/northeast/table/slr-impacts-infrastructure
url: http://nca2014.globalchange.gov/report/regions/northeast#graphic-16961
- caption: ~
chapter_identifier: decision-support
identifier: decisions-scales
ordinal: 1
report_identifier: nca3
title: Examples of Decisions at Different Scales
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/decision-support/table/decisions-scales
url: ~
- caption: ~
chapter_identifier: decision-support
identifier: decisions-examples
ordinal: 2
report_identifier: nca3
title: Examples of Decisions and Tools Used
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/decision-support/table/decisions-examples
url: ~
- caption: A number of existing federal laws and regulations target ways to reduce future climate change by decreasing greenhouse gas emissions emitted by human activities.
chapter_identifier: mitigation
identifier: federal-initiatives
ordinal: 1
report_identifier: nca3
title: Sample Federal Mitigation Measures
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/mitigation/table/federal-initiatives
url: ~
- caption: Most states and Native communities have implemented programs to reduce greenhouse gases or adopt increased energy efficiency goals.
chapter_identifier: mitigation
identifier: state-initatives
ordinal: 2
report_identifier: nca3
title: State Climate and Energy Initiatives
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/mitigation/table/state-initatives
url: ~
- caption: ~
chapter_identifier: adaptation
identifier: fed-adaptation-actions
ordinal: 1
report_identifier: nca3
title: 'Examples of Individual Federal Agency Actions to Promote, Implement, and Support Adaptation at Multiple Scales'
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/adaptation/table/fed-adaptation-actions
url: ~
- caption: ~
chapter_identifier: adaptation
identifier: state-adaptation-actions
ordinal: 2
report_identifier: nca3
title: Examples of State-Level Adaptation Activities
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/adaptation/table/state-adaptation-actions
url: ~
- caption: ~
chapter_identifier: adaptation
identifier: local-regional-adaptation-actions
ordinal: 3
report_identifier: nca3
title: Examples of Local and Regional Adaptation Activities
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/adaptation/table/local-regional-adaptation-actions
url: ~
- caption: ~
chapter_identifier: adaptation
identifier: ngo-adaptation-actions
ordinal: 4
report_identifier: nca3
title: Examples of Non-governmental Adaptation Efforts and Services
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/adaptation/table/ngo-adaptation-actions
url: ~
- caption: ~
chapter_identifier: adaptation
identifier: private-adaptation-actions
ordinal: 5
report_identifier: nca3
title: Examples of Private Sector Actions to Adapt to Climate Risks as Reported to the Carbon Disclosure Project
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/adaptation/table/private-adaptation-actions
url: ~
- caption: ~
chapter_identifier: adaptation
identifier: adaptation-barriers
ordinal: 6
report_identifier: nca3
title: Summary of Adaptation Barriers
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/adaptation/table/adaptation-barriers
url: ~
- caption: ~
chapter_identifier: introduction-regions
identifier: composition-nca-regions
ordinal: 1
report_identifier: nca3
title: Composition of NCA Regions
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/introduction-regions/table/composition-nca-regions
url: ~