References in Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment

identifier ref type type title publication
7d1e6d07 2006 Journal Article article Changing temperatures influence suitability for modeled mountain pine beetle ... Changing temperatures influence suitability for modeled mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) outbreaks in the western United States
7d32ef53 2012 Electronic Article webpage State of the climate: Drought Annual 2012 webpage State of the Climate: Drought - December 2012
7d4844ae 2012 Journal Article article Searching for information in 133 years of California snowfall observations Searching for Information in 133 Years of California Snowfall Observations
7d4849c4 2002 Journal Article article Landscape indicators of ecosystem service benefits The Economics of Wetland Ecosystem Restoration and Mitigation: Landscape Indicators of Ecosystem Service Benefits
7dacada3 2007 Journal Article article Energy, energy efficiency, and the built environment Energy, energy efficiency, and the built environment
7daf07ed 2013 Journal Article article Interactive effects of anthropogenic nitrogen enrichment and climate change o... Interactive effects of anthropogenic nitrogen enrichment and climate change on terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity
7dafb247 2006 Journal Article article Shrinking ponds in subarctic Alaska based on 1950–2002 remotely sensed images Shrinking ponds in subarctic Alaska based on 1950–2002 remotely sensed images
7db38c4a 2011 Newspaper Article generic Texas agricultural drought losses reach record $5.2 billion generic Texas agricultural drought losses reach record $5.2 billion
7db8f4ff 2009 Journal Article article Structure and detectability of trends in hydrological measures over the weste... Structure and Detectability of Trends in Hydrological Measures over the Western United States
7dbff09b 2011 Report report Policy Brief: State Strategies to Plan for and Adapt to Climate Change - NI P... Policy Brief: State Strategies to Plan for and Adapt to Climate Change - NI PB 11-08
7dc6aae5 2012 Journal Article article Modeling Interannual Variability in Snow-Cover Development and Melt for a Sem... Modeling Interannual Variability in Snow-Cover Development and Melt for a Semiarid Mountain Catchment
7de011b1 2012 Journal Article article Increasing prevalence of extreme summer temperatures in the U.S. Increasing prevalence of extreme summer temperatures in the U.S.
7de045e2 2012 Book Section report Ch. 5: Managing the risks from climate extremes at the local level Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation. A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
7dfe0817 2010 Journal Article article Castel Gandolfo Workshop: An introduction to the impact of climate change, th... Castel Gandolfo Workshop: An Introduction to the Impact of Climate Change, the Economic Crisis, and the Increase in the Food Prices on Malnutrition
7e02aaef 2010 Journal Article article Sea-level rise and its impact on coastal zones Sea-Level Rise and Its Impact on Coastal Zones
7e2fdb15 2001 Edited Book book Interactions Between Agroecosystems and Rural Communities Interactions Between Agroecosy...
7e30a623 1998 Journal Article article Assessing the vulnerability of coastal communities to extreme storms: The cas... Assessing the vulnerability of coastal communities to extreme storms: The case of Revere, MA., USA
7e602d53 2007 Journal Article article Arctic sea ice decline: Faster than forecast Arctic sea ice decline: Faster than forecast
7e633333 1997 Web Page report American Indian Sovereignty: Now You See It, Now You Don’t. Presented as th... American Indian Sovereignty: Now You See It, Now You Don't
7eaad122 2006 Journal Article article Relationship between climate, pollen concentrations of Ambrosia and medical c... Relationship between climate, pollen concentrations of Ambrosia and medical consultations for allergic rhinitis in Montreal, 1994–2002