References in Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment

identifier ref type type title publication
67e26e30 2011 Journal Article article The role of ocean acidification in systemic carbonate mineral suppression in ... The role of ocean acidification in systemic carbonate mineral suppression in the Bering Sea
67ee7e56 2011 Journal Article article Climate change, atmospheric rivers, and floods in California–a multimodel a... Climate Change, Atmospheric Rivers, and Floods in California - A Multimodel Analysis of Storm Frequency and Magnitude Changes
680246e6 2009 Journal Article article The mid-1970s climate shift in the Pacific and the relative roles of forced v... The Mid-1970s Climate Shift in the Pacific and the Relative Roles of Forced versus Inherent Decadal Variability
6829c118 2009 Journal Article article 2.6: Limiting climate change to 450 ppm CO2 equivalent in the 21st century 2.6: Limiting climate change to 450 ppm CO2 equivalent in the 21st century
6848eec2 2013 Journal Article article The impacts of climate change on tribal traditional foods The impacts of climate change on tribal traditional foods
6859f3cb 2010 Journal Article article The impact of Hurricane Katrina on the mental and physical health of low-inco... The impact of Hurricane Katrina on the mental and physical health of low-income parents in New Orleans.
68666b67 2011 Journal Article article Revisiting projected shifts in the climate envelopes of North American trees ... Revisiting projected shifts in the climate envelopes of North American trees using updated general circulation models
686dd899 2014 Book Section chapter Ch. 4: Energy Supply and Use chapter nca3 chapter 4 : Energy Supply and Use
68741237 1998 Report report Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. Status and Trends of the Nation’s Biologica... Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. Status and Trends of the Nation’s Biological Resources
687c4ff2 2010 Journal Article article Challenges in predicting climate and environmental effects on vector-borne di... Challenges in predicting climate and environmental effects on vector-borne disease episystems in a changing world
687e0015 2010 Report report Hardening and Resiliency. U.S. Energy Industry Response to Recent Hurricane S... Hardening and Resiliency. U.S. Energy Industry Response to Recent Hurricane Seasons
68c9d1ed 2013 Journal Article article Climate extremes indices in the CMIP5 multimodel ensemble: Part 2. Future cli... Climate extremes indices in the CMIP5 multimodel ensemble: Part 2. Future climate projections
68d0919b 2012 Journal Article article Is the relation between ozone and mortality confounded by chemical components... Is the Relation Between Ozone and Mortality Confounded by Chemical Components of Particulate Matter? Analysis of 7 Components in 57 US Communities
68d2ce9c 2009 Web Page webpage Wildland Urban Interface: Texas Firewise Communities webpage Wildland Urban Interface: Texas Firewise Communities
68ed7f36 2011 Journal Article article The persistently variable “background” stratospheric aerosol layer and gl... The Persistently Variable "Background" Stratospheric Aerosol Layer and Global Climate Change
691612a7 2007 Report report How to Avoid Dangerous Climate Change: A Target for U.S. Emissions Reductions How to Avoid Dangerous Climate Change: A Target for U.S. Emissions Reductions
692a84a8 2011 Conference Paper generic Rainfall in Hawai'i: Spatial and temporal changes since 1920. Abstract #GC21B... generic Rainfall in Hawai'i: Spatial and temporal changes since 1920. Abstract #GC21B-0900
69411996 Conference Proceedings report Climate Adaptation & Transportation: Identifying Information and Assistance N... Climate Adaptation & Transportation: Identifying Information and Assistance Needs
6964a417 2005 Journal Article article On the definition of El Niño and associated seasonal average U.S. weather an... On the definition of El Niño and associated seasonal average U.S. weather anomalies
697b2dc9 2010 Journal Article article The role of seedlings and seed bank viability in the recovery of Chesapeake B... The role of seedlings and seed bank viability in the recovery of Chesapeake Bay, USA, Zostera marina populations following a large-scale decline