References in Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment

identifier ref type type title publication
fb228b82 2010 Book report Limiting the Magnitude of Future Climate Change. America’s Climate Choices.... Limiting the Magnitude of Future Climate Change. America’s Climate Choices. Panel on Limiting the Magnitude of Future Climate Change
fb3340c9 2008 Journal Article article Community level adaptation to climate change: The potential role of participa... Community level adaptation to climate change: The potential role of participatory community risk assessment
fb52dd18 2007 Journal Article article Rain-on-snow events in the western United States Rain-on-Snow Events in the Western United States
fb708661 1995 Book report The Science of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group I to the Second ... The Science of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group I to the Second Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Summary for Policymakers and Technical Summary
fb9009c3 2007 Legal Rule or Regulation report 549 U.S. 497 Syllabus: Massachussets et al. v. Environmental Protection Agency et al.: Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
fb90e653 2007 Report report Social Science Tools for Coastal Programs: Introduction to Stakeholder Partic... Social Science Tools for Coastal Programs: Introduction to Stakeholder Participation
fb94e3f2 2007 Web Page webpage A Climate Change Atlas for 134 Forest Tree Species of the Eastern United Stat... webpage A Climate Change Atlas for 134 Forest Tree Species of the Eastern United States [Database]
fb974b33 2010 Journal Article article An estimate of the U.S. population living in 100-year coastal flood hazard ar... An Estimate of the U.S. Population Living in 100-Year Coastal Flood Hazard Areas
fba84aa7 2006 Journal Article article Temporary staging of Columbia River summer steelhead in coolwater areas and i... Temporary Staging of Columbia River Summer Steelhead in Coolwater Areas and Its Effect on Migration Rates
fbae726d 2011 Journal Article article Inter-annual to multi-decadal Arctic sea ice extent trends in a warming world Inter-annual to multi-decadal Arctic sea ice extent trends in a warming world
fbb1a8af 2010 Book report Climate Change Adaptation in New York City: Building a Risk Management Respon... Climate Change Adaptation in New York City: Building a Risk Management Response: New York City Panel on Climate Change 2009 Report
fbb30099 2002 Report report Connecting Science, Policy, and Decision-making: A Handbook for Researchers a... Connecting Science, Policy, and Decision-making: A Handbook for Researchers and Science Agencies
fbe3eabf 2008 Journal Article article Interdependence of groundwater dynamics and land-energy feedbacks under clima... Interdependence of groundwater dynamics and land-energy feedbacks under climate change
fbe58cbb 2004 Journal Article article Investigation of an outbreak of encephalomyelitis caused by West Nile virus i... Investigation of an outbreak of encephalomyelitis caused by West Nile virus in 136 horses
fbf45a9a 2009 Journal Article article Imminent ocean acidification in the Arctic projected with the NCAR global cou... Imminent ocean acidification in the Arctic projected with the NCAR global coupled carbon cycle-climate model
fc0784dc 2011 Report report State Climate Adaptation Summary Report State Climate Adaptation Summary Report
fc2375d6 2010 Journal Article article Salt marsh zonal migration and ecosystem service change in response to global... Salt marsh zonal migration and ecosystem service change in response to global sea level rise: A case study from an urban region
fc2af9ca 2009 Book report Potential Impacts of Climate Change on California's Energy Infrastructure and... Potential Impacts of Climate Change on California's Energy Infrastructure and Identification of Adaptation Measures: Staff Paper
fc366ced 2012 Journal Article article Managing exposure to flooding in New York City Managing exposure to flooding in New York City
fc8b8ddf 2005 Journal Article article Maximum and minimum temperature trends for the globe: An update through 2004 Maximum and minimum temperature trends for the globe: An update through 2004