identifier |
ref type |
type |
title |
publication |
f77d0eed 2006
Journal Article |
article |
Letdowns, wake-up calls, and constructed preferences: People's responses to f... |
Letdowns, wake-up calls, and constructed preferences: People's responses to fuel and wildfire risks
f77ef996 2000
Journal Article |
article |
The potential health impacts of climate variability and change for the United... |
The potential health impacts of climate variability and change for the United States: Executive summary of the report of the health sector of the U.S. National Assessment
f8043f85 2010
Journal Article |
article |
The phenology mismatch hypothesis: Are declines of migrant birds linked to un... |
The phenology mismatch hypothesis: are declines of migrant birds linked to uneven global climate change?
f8119757 2012
Journal Article |
article |
Uncertainty in climate change projections: The role of internal variability |
Uncertainty in climate change projections: the role of internal variability
f813f663 2013
Journal Article |
article |
Identifying human inï¬uences on atmospheric temperature |
Identifying human influences on atmospheric temperature
f818f5dc 2012
Book Section |
report |
Climate change, human communities, and forests in rural, urban, and wildland-... |
Effects of Climatic Variability and Change on Forest Ecosystems: A Comprehensive Science Synthesis for the U.S. Forest Sector
f83775d7 1998
Book Section |
book |
Terrestrial ecosystems |
Atlas of Hawaii, 3rd Edition...
f83b5613 2007
Book Section |
report |
Summary for Policymakers |
Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
f85d6a82 2008
Journal Article |
article |
Warming, plant phenology and the spatial dimension of trophic mismatch for la... |
Warming, plant phenology and the spatial dimension of trophic mismatch for large herbivores
f86905f5 2013
Report |
report |
United States Flood Loss Report - Water Year 2011 |
United States Flood Loss Report - Water Year 2011
f8911f98 2011
Journal Article |
article |
Past trends and future scenarios for environmental conditions favoring the ac... |
Past trends and future scenarios for environmental conditions favoring the accumulation of paralytic shellfish toxins in Puget Sound shellfish
f8998a90 2010
Journal Article |
article |
Can we reconcile atmospheric estimates of the Northern terrestrial carbon sin... |
Can we reconcile atmospheric estimates of the Northern terrestrial carbon sink with land-based accounting?
f89a5fa3 2012
Web Page |
webpage |
Louisiana Resiliency Assistance Program |
webpage Louisiana Resiliency Assistance Program
f8b401b3 2013
Personal Communication |
generic |
Personal communication |
generic Personal communication
f8cf8b1e 2010
Journal Article |
article |
Assessing the potential impact of climate change on transportation: The need ... |
Assessing the potential impact of climate change on transportation: the need for an interdisciplinary approach
f8d67434 2012
Journal Article |
article |
Estimated effects of climate change on flood vulnerability of US bridges |
Estimated effects of climate change on flood vulnerability of U.S. bridges
f8d6bd15 2009
Report |
report |
United States Summary and State Data. In 2007 Census of Agriculture, Vol. 1, ... |
United States Summary and State Data. In 2007 Census of Agriculture, Vol. 1, Geographic Area Series, Part 51. AC-07-A-51.
f91a479f 2012
Journal Article |
article |
Nitrogen inputs accelerate phosphorus cycling rates across a wide variety of ... |
Nitrogen inputs accelerate phosphorus cycling rates across a wide variety of terrestrial ecosystems
f9290da3 2007
Journal Article |
article |
Heightened tropical cyclone activity in the North Atlantic: Natural variabili... |
Heightened tropical cyclone activity in the North Atlantic: natural variability or climate trend?
f97d6273 2009
Report |
report |
The Economic Effects of Legislation to Reduce Greenhouse-Gas Emissions |
The Economic Effects of Legislation to Reduce Greenhouse-Gas Emissions