References in Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment

identifier ref type type title publication
cf951fec 2013 Web Page webpage Global Climate Change: Key Indicators webpage Global Climate Change: Key Indicators
cfab787b 2011 Journal Article article Fire history and tree recruitment in the Colorado Front Range upper montane z... Fire history and tree recruitment in the Colorado Front Range upper montane zone: implications for forest restoration
cfb8e8ca 2012 Web Page dataset Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory dataset Water Levels
cfd33bf7 2009 Book report Geoengineering the Climate: Science, Governance and Uncertainty Geoengineering the Climate: Science, Governance and Uncertainty
cfdaea11 2012 Journal Article article Climate change impacts on marine ecosystems Climate Change Impacts on Marine Ecosystems
d03c7a83 2013 Journal Article article Impacts of groundwater pumping and climate variability on groundwater availab... Impacts of groundwater pumping and climate variability on groundwater availability in the Rio Grande Basin
d054e9f3 1986 Journal Article article Distribution of slope steepness in the Palouse region of Washington Distribution of Slope Steepness in the Palouse Region of Washington1
d058766c 2001 Journal Article article Potential changes in rainfall erosivity in the US with climate change during ... Potential changes in rainfall erosivity in the US with climate change during the 21st century
d05c3cb8 2008 Journal Article article Impact of climate change on Pacific Northwest hydropower Impact of climate change on Pacific Northwest hydropower
d0797088 2011 Journal Article article Climate change and its implications for water resources management in south F... Climate change and its implications for water resources management in south Florida
d0828222 2012 Journal Article article The water implications of generating electricity: Water use across the United... The water implications of generating electricity: water use across the United States based on different electricity pathways through 2050
d092c2eb 2013 Journal Article article The public health context for PM2.5 and ozone air quality trends The public health context for PM2.5 and ozone air quality trends
d09d9c21 2010 Journal Article article Atmospheric CO2: Principal control knob governing Earth’s temperature Atmospheric CO2: Principal Control Knob Governing Earth's Temperature
d0a47c20 2009 Journal Article article Impacts of increased sediment loads on the ecology of lakes Impacts of increased sediment loads on the ecology of lakes
d0a7134c 2009 Book Section book Global change and tidal freshwater wetlands: Scenarios and impacts Tidal Freshwater Wetlands...
d0c735f3 2005 Journal Article article Climate change and food security Climate change and food security
d0df085c 2007 Journal Article article Methane bubbling from northern lakes: Present and future contributions to the... Methane bubbling from northern lakes: present and future contributions to the global methane budget
d0eb8022 2013 Book report Climate and Social Stress: Implications for Security Analysis Climate and Social Stress: Implications for Security Analysis
d1069afd 2005 Journal Article article Effects of temperature and precipitation variability on snowpack trends in th... Effects of Temperature and Precipitation Variability on Snowpack Trends in the Western United States
d10e65ac 2000 Book Section report Ch. 33: Summary and current status of Oregon’s estuarine ecosystems Oregon State of the Environment Report 2000