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reference : The United States National Climate Assessment NCA Report Series, Volume 4: Planning Regional and Sectoral Assessments for the National Climate Assessment
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- /reference/d7568c6e-75e1-46c1-88f1-d29d99115dfb
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reftype | Conference Proceedings |
Author | USGCRP, |
Conference Location | Reston, VA |
Conference Name | Planning Regional and Sectoral Assessments for the National Climate Assessment |
Pages | 55 |
Publisher | U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Global Change Research Program |
Title | The United States National Climate Assessment NCA Report Series, Volume 4: Planning Regional and Sectoral Assessments for the National Climate Assessment |
URL | http://downloads.globalchange.gov/nca/workshop-reports/regional-sectoral-workshop-report.pdf |
Year of Conference | 2010 |
.reference_type | 3 |
_chapter | ["Ch. 30: NCA Long-Term Process FINAL"] |
_record_number | 3690 |
_uuid | d7568c6e-75e1-46c1-88f1-d29d99115dfb |