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reference : Contrasting effects of elevated CO2 and warming on nitrogen cycling in a semiarid grassland
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- /reference/a39b2c8d-5f64-4e36-b25b-8a782f6d8449
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Publication/contributor :
reftype | Journal Article |
Author | Dijkstra, F.A. Blumenthal, D. Morgan, J.A. Pendall, E. Carrillo, Y. Follett, R.F. |
DOI | 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03293.x |
ISSN | 1469-8137 |
Issue | 2 |
Journal | New Phytologist |
Pages | 426-437 |
Title | Contrasting effects of elevated CO2 and warming on nitrogen cycling in a semiarid grassland |
Volume | 187 |
Year | 2010 |
.reference_type | 0 |
.text_styles | <record><field id="4"><run start="0" /><run face="subscript" start="34" /><run start="35" /></field></record> |
_chapter | ["Ch. 6: Agriculture FINAL"] |
_record_number | 456 |
_uuid | a39b2c8d-5f64-4e36-b25b-8a782f6d8449 |