reference : Quantifying the drivers of the increasing colored organic matter in boreal surface waters

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reftype Journal Article
Alternate Journal Environ Sci Technol
Author Haaland, S. Hongve, D. Laudon, H. Riise, G. Vogt, R. D.
Author Address Haaland, S; Norwegian Inst Agr & Environm Res, Fr A Dahls Vei 20, NO-1432 As, Norway; Norwegian Inst Agr & Environm Res, Fr A Dahls Vei 20, NO-1432 As, Norway; Norwegian Inst Agr & Environm Res, NO-1432 As, Norway; Norwegian Inst Publ Hlth, NO-0403 Oslo, Norway; Swedish Univ Agr Sci, Dept Forest Ecol & Management, SLU, SE-90183 Umea, Sweden; Norwegian Univ Life Sci, Dept Plant & Environm Sci, NO-1432 As, Norway; Univ Oslo, Dept Chem, NO-0315 Oslo, Norway
DOI 10.1021/Es903179j
Date Apr 15
ISSN 0013-936X
Issue 8
Journal Environmental Science & Technology
Keywords acid deposition; northern sweden; southern norway; climate-change; carbon; lakes; chemistry; export; soils; precipitation
Label IN
Language English
Pages 2975-2980
Title Quantifying the drivers of the increasing colored organic matter in boreal surface waters
Volume 44
Year 2010
Bibliographic identifiers
.reference_type 0
_chapter ["Ch. 8: Ecosystems FINAL"]
_record_number 1358
_uuid 49b7c1e5-50d2-4b34-8237-86c97c3ae5e0