- attrs:
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Author: 'ACWI,'
Institution: 'U.S. Department of the Interior Advisory Committee on Water Information, Subcommittee on Groundwater'
Title: A National Framework for Ground-Water Monitoring in the U.S.
URL: http://acwi.gov/sogw/ngwmn_framework_report_july2013.pdf
Year: 2013
_chapter: '["Ch. 3: Water Resources FINAL"]'
_record_number: 4097
_uuid: fde4d6ea-62be-4d14-9c7d-f6b28b60cf90
reftype: Report
child_publication: /report/acwi-nationalframework-2013
identifier: fde4d6ea-62be-4d14-9c7d-f6b28b60cf90
uri: /reference/fde4d6ea-62be-4d14-9c7d-f6b28b60cf90
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Author: "Samson, F. B.\rF. L. Knopf \rW. R. Ostlie"
DOI: '10.2193/0091-7648(2004)32[6:GPEPPA]2.0.CO;2'
Issue: 1
Journal: Wildlife Society Bulletin
Pages: 6-15
Title: 'Great Plains ecosystems: Past, present, and future'
URL: http://www.bioone.org/doi/pdf/10.2193/0091-7648%282004%2932%5B6%3AGPEPPA%5D2.0.CO%3B2
Volume: 32
Year: 2004
_chapter: '["Ch. 19: Great Plains FINAL"]'
_record_number: 2737
_uuid: fde9d904-86b7-4c06-88f7-4d1a5cc65250
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.2193/0091-7648(2004)32%5B6:GPEPPA%5D2.0.CO;2
identifier: fde9d904-86b7-4c06-88f7-4d1a5cc65250
uri: /reference/fde9d904-86b7-4c06-88f7-4d1a5cc65250
- attrs:
.reference_type: 1
.text_styles: ''
Author: "Boden, Tom\rMarland, Gregg\rAndres, Bob"
Place Published: 'Oak Ridge, TN'
Publisher: 'Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory'
Reviewer: fdf3a7f6-dead-4249-b0ca-e7b6e2ac6f16
Title: 'Global CO2 Emissions from Fossil-Fuel Burning, Cement Manufacture, and Gas Flaring: 1751-2008'
URL: http://cdiac.ornl.gov/ftp/ndp030/global.1751_2008.ems
Year: 2011
_chapter: '["Appendix 4: FAQs FINAL","Appendix 3: Climate Science FINAL"]'
_record_number: 4411
_uuid: fdf3a7f6-dead-4249-b0ca-e7b6e2ac6f16
reftype: Book
child_publication: /dataset/nca3-global-1751-2008
identifier: fdf3a7f6-dead-4249-b0ca-e7b6e2ac6f16
uri: /reference/fdf3a7f6-dead-4249-b0ca-e7b6e2ac6f16
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Abstract: 'Climate change is expected to bring potentially significant changes to Washington Stateâs natural, institutional, cultural, and economic landscape. Addressing climate change impacts will require a sustained commitment to integrating climate information into the day-to-day governance and management of infrastructure, programs, and services that may be affected by climate change. This paper discusses fundamental concepts for planning for climate change and identifies options for adapting to the climate impacts evaluated in the Washington Climate Change Impacts Assessment. Additionally, the paper highlights potential avenues for increasing flexibility in the policies and regulations used to govern human and natural systems in Washington.'
Author: "Binder, L.C.W.\rBarcelos, J.K.\rBooth, D.B.\rDarzen, Meriel\rElsner, M.M.\rFenske, Richard\rGraham, T.F.\rHamlet, A.F.\rHodges-Howell, John\rJackson, J.E.\rKarr, Catherine\rKeys, P.W.\rLittell, J.S.\rMantua, N.\rMarlow, Jennifer\rMcKenzie, Don\rRobinson-Dorn, Michael\rRosenberg, E.A.\rStöckle, C.O.\rVano, J.A."
DOI: 10.1007/s10584-010-9850-5
Issue: 1-2
Journal: Climatic Change
Keywords: climate change; impacts; adaptation; preparedness; policy; Washington State
Pages: 351-376
Title: Preparing for climate change in Washington State
Volume: 102
Year: 2010
_chapter: '["Ch. 28: Adaptation FINAL"]'
_record_number: 1313
_uuid: fdf48792-6977-4006-a15d-14d96c1ce564
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1007/s10584-010-9850-5
identifier: fdf48792-6977-4006-a15d-14d96c1ce564
uri: /reference/fdf48792-6977-4006-a15d-14d96c1ce564
- attrs:
.reference_type: 4
Author: 'Devens, T.'
Date: '29 May, 2012'
Notes: 'T. Devens, at NCDOT, project manager for the US 64 project said reference should be a personal communication with him. He clarified that after an extensive literature review they decided to allow an additional 18 inches for SLR, on top of the elevation recommendation from their standard hydrological expert analysis. So the project elevation recommendation of 4ft =18 inches for SLR + current hydrological elevation analysis. They do not have the 18 inches or 4ft numbers in any type of official document but do state the need to include SLR in their (NCDOT) planning process in Chapter 2 of their â US 64 Improvements Project: Draft Environmental Impact Statementâ document dated 12/14/2011.'
Recipient: 'Hernández Hammer, N.'
Title: Phone Interview
Year: 2012
_chapter: '["RG 2 Southeast","Ch. 17: Southeast and Caribbean FINAL"]'
_record_number: 1262
_uuid: fdfa87e0-23bb-41b8-a5fa-107e7e509cf6
reftype: Personal Communication
child_publication: /generic/645b74d3-cb07-46a2-8034-2d833ca49503
identifier: fdfa87e0-23bb-41b8-a5fa-107e7e509cf6
uri: /reference/fdfa87e0-23bb-41b8-a5fa-107e7e509cf6
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Author: "Menne, M.J.\rWilliams, C.N., Jr.\rM.A. Palecki"
DOI: 10.1029/2009JD013094
Issue: D11108
Journal: Journal of Geophysical Research
Pages: 9
Title: On the reliability of the U.S. surface temperature record
URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2009JD013094/pdf
Volume: 115
Year: 2010
_chapter: '["Ch. 2: Our Changing Climate FINAL"]'
_record_number: 2000
_uuid: fe074063-3e08-4a10-b184-a3f946b9715c
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1029/2009JD013094
identifier: fe074063-3e08-4a10-b184-a3f946b9715c
uri: /reference/fe074063-3e08-4a10-b184-a3f946b9715c
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Author: "Groves, D. G.\rM. Davis\rR. Wilkinson \rR. Lempert"
Issue: 4
Journal: Water Resources IMPACT
Title: 'Planning for climate change in the Inland Empire: Southern California'
Volume: 10
Year: 2008
_chapter: '["Ch. 26: Decision Support FINAL"]'
_record_number: 4066
_uuid: fe1cfd05-78d0-46d8-b506-eb347fe57c92
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/planning-for-climate-change-in-the-inland-empire-southern-california
identifier: fe1cfd05-78d0-46d8-b506-eb347fe57c92
uri: /reference/fe1cfd05-78d0-46d8-b506-eb347fe57c92
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
.text_styles: ''
Author: "Siegenthaler, U.\rMonnin, E.\rKawamura, K.\rSpahni, R.\rSchwander, J.\rStauffer, B.\rStocker, T.F.\rBarnola, J.\rFischer, H."
DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0889.2005.00131.x
ISSN: 1600-0889
Issue: 1
Journal: Tellus B
Pages: 51-57
Title: Supporting evidence from the EPICA Dronning Maud Land ice core for atmospheric CO2 changes during the past millennium
URL: http://www.climate.unibe.ch/~spahni/papers/siegenthaler05telb.pdf
Volume: 57
Year: 2005
_chapter: '["Appendix 3: Climate Science FINAL"]'
_record_number: 2853
_uuid: fe36e32a-a322-426b-b95f-d3e970ce2d9d
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1111/j.1600-0889.2005.00131.x
identifier: fe36e32a-a322-426b-b95f-d3e970ce2d9d
uri: /reference/fe36e32a-a322-426b-b95f-d3e970ce2d9d
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Author: "Adger, W.N.\rDessai, S.\rGoulden, M.\rHulme, M.\rLorenzoni, I.\rNelson, D.R.\rNaess, L.O.\rWolf, J.\rWreford, A."
DOI: 10.1007/s10584-008-9520-z
ISSN: 0165-0009
Issue: 3-4
Journal: Climatic Change
Pages: 335-354
Title: Are there social limits to adaptation to climate change?
Volume: 93
Year: 2009
_chapter: '["Ch. 28: Adaptation FINAL"]'
_record_number: 106
_uuid: fe4e06c1-b8d0-44fc-8892-44c20b60ab6a
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1007/s10584-008-9520-z
identifier: fe4e06c1-b8d0-44fc-8892-44c20b60ab6a
uri: /reference/fe4e06c1-b8d0-44fc-8892-44c20b60ab6a
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Author: "Fisk, W.J.\rLei-Gomez, Q.\rMendell, M.J."
DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0668.2007.00475.x
ISSN: 1600-0668
Issue: 4
Journal: Indoor Air
Pages: 284-296
Title: Meta-analyses of the associations of respiratory health effects with dampness and mold in homes
URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1600-0668.2007.00475.x/pdf
Volume: 17
Year: 2007
_chapter: '["Ch. 9: Human Health FINAL","Overview"]'
_record_number: 1104
_uuid: fe69d52e-ac37-4d64-9307-9076bb5270a7
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1111/j.1600-0668.2007.00475.x
identifier: fe69d52e-ac37-4d64-9307-9076bb5270a7
uri: /reference/fe69d52e-ac37-4d64-9307-9076bb5270a7
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Author: "Post, E.S.\rGrambsch, A.\rWeaver, C.\rMorefield, P.\rHuang, J.\rLeung, L.-Y.\rNolte, C.G.\rAdams, P.\rLiang, X.-Z.\rZhu, J.-H.\rMahone, H."
DOI: 10.1289/ehp.1104271
ISSN: 1552-9924
Issue: 11
Journal: Environmental Health Perspectives
Pages: 1559-1564
Title: Variation in estimated ozone-related health impacts of climate change due to modeling choices and assumptions
URL: http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/ehp.11042711.pdf
Volume: 120
Year: 2012
_chapter: '["Ch. 9: Human Health FINAL"]'
_record_number: 2520
_uuid: fe6d1c69-790d-46cc-89c4-26dc24585dcf
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1289/ehp.1104271
identifier: fe6d1c69-790d-46cc-89c4-26dc24585dcf
uri: /reference/fe6d1c69-790d-46cc-89c4-26dc24585dcf
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Abstract: 'Seasonal extreme daily precipitation is analyzed in the ensemble of NARCAPP regional climate models. Significant variation in these modelsâ abilities to reproduce observed precipitation extremes over the contiguous United States is found. Model performance metrics are introduced to characterize overall biases, seasonality, spatial extent and the shape of the precipitation distribution. Comparison of the models to gridded observations that include an elevation correction is found to be better than to gridded observations without this correction. A complicated model weighting scheme based on model performance in simulating observations is found to cause significant improvements in ensemble mean skill only if some of the models are poorly performing outliers. The effect of lateral boundary conditions are explored by comparing the integrations driven by reanalysis to those driven by global climate models. Projected mid-century future changes in seasonal precipitation means and extremes are presented and discussions of the sources of uncertainty and the mechanisms causing these changes are presented.'
Author: 'Wehner, M.F.'
DOI: 10.1007/s00382-012-1393-1
ISSN: 0930-7575
Issue: 1-2
Journal: Climate Dynamics
Keywords: Extreme precipitation; Climate models; Return value; Uncertainty; High resolution
Pages: 59-80
Title: 'Very extreme seasonal precipitation in the NARCCAP ensemble: Model performance and projections'
Volume: 40
Year: 2013
_chapter: '["Ch. 2: Our Changing Climate FINAL","Appendix 3: Climate Science FINAL","Ch. 21: Northwest FINAL"]'
_record_number: 3376
_uuid: fe7cfee1-62d4-4a3f-8d9b-f3ec33912f87
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1007/s00382-012-1393-1
identifier: fe7cfee1-62d4-4a3f-8d9b-f3ec33912f87
uri: /reference/fe7cfee1-62d4-4a3f-8d9b-f3ec33912f87
- attrs:
.publisher: American Meteorological Society
.reference_type: 0
Access Date: 2013/11/04
Author: "Greene, Scott\rKalkstein, Laurence S.\rMills, David M.\rSamenow, Jason"
DOI: 10.1175/WCAS-D-11-00055.1
Date: 2011/10/01
ISSN: 1948-8327
Issue: 4
Journal: 'Weather, Climate, and Society'
Pages: 281-292
Title: An examination of climate change on extreme heat events and climateâmortality relationships in large U.S. cities
URL: http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/WCAS-D-11-00055.1
Volume: 3
Year: 2011
_chapter: '["Ch. 9: Human Health FINAL"]'
_record_number: 4491
_uuid: fe80908b-c181-4da8-8163-5abaade99c7e
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1175/WCAS-D-11-00055.1
identifier: fe80908b-c181-4da8-8163-5abaade99c7e
uri: /reference/fe80908b-c181-4da8-8163-5abaade99c7e
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.reference_type: 0
Author: "Paltsev, Sergey\rReilly, John M.\rJacoby, Henry D.\rMorris, Jennifer F."
DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2009.06.005
ISSN: 0140-9883
Issue: Supplement 2
Journal: Energy Economics
Keywords: "Climate policy\rCap-and-trade\rGreenhouse gas emission reductions\rEnergy system\rEconomic cost"
Pages: S235-S243
Title: The cost of climate policy in the United States
Volume: 31
Year: 2009
_chapter: '["Ch. 27: Mitigation FINAL"]'
_record_number: 4091
_uuid: fe9aa513-b084-48d0-b025-c1ec5f31e389
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1016/j.eneco.2009.06.005
identifier: fe9aa513-b084-48d0-b025-c1ec5f31e389
uri: /reference/fe9aa513-b084-48d0-b025-c1ec5f31e389
- attrs:
.reference_type: 10
Author: "Stark, Melissa \rAllingham, Rory\rCalder, John\rLennartz-Walker, Tessa\rWai, Karly\rThompson, Peter\rZhao, Shengkai"
Institution: Accenture
Pages: 72
Title: 'Water and Shale Gas Development: Leveraging the US Experience in New Shale Developments'
URL: http://www.accenture.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/PDF/Accenture-Water-And-Shale-Gas-Development.pdf
Year: 2012
_chapter: '["Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 4282
_uuid: fea2851b-1ae2-4d79-a85d-89ea2996ee2f
reftype: Report
child_publication: /report/accenture-watershalegas-2012
identifier: fea2851b-1ae2-4d79-a85d-89ea2996ee2f
uri: /reference/fea2851b-1ae2-4d79-a85d-89ea2996ee2f
- attrs:
.publisher: Public Library of Science
.reference_type: 0
Abstract: ' Background Tidal marshes will be threatened by increasing rates of sea-level rise (SLR) over the next century. Managers seek guidance on whether existing and restored marshes will be resilient under a range of potential future conditions, and on prioritizing marsh restoration and conservation activities.
Methodology Building upon established models, we developed a hybrid approach that involves a mechanistic treatment of marsh accretion dynamics and incorporates spatial variation at a scale relevant for conservation and restoration decision-making. We applied this model to San Francisco Bay, using best-available elevation data and estimates of sediment supply and organic matter accumulation developed for 15 Bay subregions. Accretion models were run over 100 years for 70 combinations of starting elevation, mineral sediment, organic matter, and SLR assumptions. Results were applied spatially to evaluate eight Bay-wide climate change scenarios.
Principal Findings Model results indicated that under a high rate of SLR (1.65 m/century), short-term restoration of diked subtidal baylands to mid marsh elevations (â0.2 m MHHW) could be achieved over the next century with sediment concentrations greater than 200 mg/L. However, suspended sediment concentrations greater than 300 mg/L would be required for 100-year mid marsh sustainability (i.e., no elevation loss). Organic matter accumulation had minimal impacts on this threshold. Bay-wide projections of marsh habitat area varied substantially, depending primarily on SLR and sediment assumptions. Across all scenarios, however, the model projected a shift in the mix of intertidal habitats, with a loss of high marsh and gains in low marsh and mudflats.
Conclusions/Significance Results suggest a bleak prognosis for long-term natural tidal marsh sustainability under a high-SLR scenario. To minimize marsh loss, we recommend conserving adjacent uplands for marsh migration, redistributing dredged sediment to raise elevations, and concentrating restoration efforts in sediment-rich areas. To assist land managers, we developed a web-based decision support tool (www.prbo.org/sfbayslr).
Author: "Stralberg, Diana\rBrennan, Matthew\rCallaway, John C.\rWood, Julian K.\rSchile, Lisa M.\rJongsomjit, Dennis\rKelly, Maggi\rParker, V. Thomas\rCrooks, Stephen"
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0027388
Issue: 11
Journal: PLoS ONE
Pages: e27388
Title: 'Evaluating tidal marsh sustainability in the face of sea-level rise: A hybrid modeling approach applied to San Francisco Bay'
URL: http://www.plosone.org/article/fetchObject.action?uri=info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0027388&representation=PDF
Volume: 6
Year: 2011
_chapter: '["Ch. 25: Coastal Zone FINAL"]'
_record_number: 3856
_uuid: febd979a-7e7b-4ae3-8fdc-d9aa62dea49c
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1371/journal.pone.0027388
identifier: febd979a-7e7b-4ae3-8fdc-d9aa62dea49c
uri: /reference/febd979a-7e7b-4ae3-8fdc-d9aa62dea49c
- attrs:
.reference_type: 10
Author: "Morgan, M.G.\rHadi Dowlatabadi\rMax Henrion\rDavid Keith\rRobert Lempert\rSandra McBride\rMitchell Small\rThomas Wilbanks "
Institution: 'U.S. Climate Change Science Program, Subcommittee on Global Change'
Pages: 156
Place Published: 'Washington, D.C.'
Title: 'Best Practice Approaches for Characterizing, Communicating and Incorporating Scientific Uncertainty in Climate Decision Making. A Report By the Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change'
URL: http://downloads.globalchange.gov/sap/sap5-2/sap5-2-final-report-all.pdf
Year: 2009
_chapter: '["Ch. 26: Decision Support FINAL"]'
_record_number: 2084
_uuid: fee36ebd-c423-4521-b3ab-2a7225e5ea37
reftype: Report
child_publication: /report/ccsp-sap-5_2-2009
identifier: fee36ebd-c423-4521-b3ab-2a7225e5ea37
uri: /reference/fee36ebd-c423-4521-b3ab-2a7225e5ea37
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Author: "English, D.B.K.\rMarcouiller, D.W.\rCordell, H.K."
DOI: 10.1080/089419200279054
ISSN: 0894-1920
Issue: 3
Journal: Society & Natural Resources
Pages: 185-202
Title: 'Tourism dependence in rural America: Estimates and effects'
Volume: 13
Year: 2000
_chapter: '["Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL"]'
_record_number: 1677
_uuid: fee3896e-2ffd-4c5c-8032-2aa01e717187
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1080/089419200279054
identifier: fee3896e-2ffd-4c5c-8032-2aa01e717187
uri: /reference/fee3896e-2ffd-4c5c-8032-2aa01e717187
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Author: 'Hamlet, A.F.'
DOI: 10.5194/hess-15-1427-2011
ISSN: 1027-5606
Issue: 5
Journal: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Pages: 1427-1443
Title: Assessing water resources adaptive capacity to climate change impacts in the Pacific Northwest region of North America
URL: http://www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/15/1427/2011/hess-15-1427-2011.html
Volume: 15
Year: 2011
_chapter: '["Ch. 21: Northwest FINAL"]'
_record_number: 118
_uuid: ff059806-9325-44dd-b3f9-6d0edf2e3ffe
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.5194/hess-15-1427-2011
identifier: ff059806-9325-44dd-b3f9-6d0edf2e3ffe
uri: /reference/ff059806-9325-44dd-b3f9-6d0edf2e3ffe
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Author: 'Landsberg, H.E.'
DOI: 10.1126/science.170.3964.1265
ISSN: 0036-8075
Issue: 3964
Journal: Science
Pages: 1265-1274
Title: "Man-made climatic changes: Man's activities have altered the climate of urbanized areas and may affect global climate in the future"
Volume: 170
Year: 1970
_chapter: '["Ch. 13: Land Use and Land Cover Change FINAL"]'
_record_number: 1090
_uuid: ff31c479-bfb9-4c80-8ea1-9486048e1abb
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1126/science.170.3964.1265
identifier: ff31c479-bfb9-4c80-8ea1-9486048e1abb
uri: /reference/ff31c479-bfb9-4c80-8ea1-9486048e1abb