--- - attrs: .reference_type: 16 Access Year: 2013 Author: 'USGS,' Place Published: 'Washington, D.C.' Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey Title: Estimated Use of Water in the United States County-Level Data for 2005 URL: http://water.usgs.gov/watuse/data/2005/index.html Year: 2009 _chapter: '["Ch. 3: Water Resources FINAL"]' _record_number: 4708 _uuid: f1192640-c0b0-442c-a3c3-8e70b0fcb75b reftype: Web Page child_publication: /webpage/e7a36d62-8fe7-4d86-88b2-51b2b6ba20c1 href: identifier: f1192640-c0b0-442c-a3c3-8e70b0fcb75b uri: /reference/f1192640-c0b0-442c-a3c3-8e70b0fcb75b - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: "Cayan, D.R.\rDas, T.\rPierce, D.W.\rBarnett, T.P.\rTyree, M.\rGershunov, A." DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0912391107 ISSN: 0027-8424 Issue: 50 Journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Pages: 21271-21276 Title: Future dryness in the southwest US and the hydrology of the early 21st century drought URL: http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2010/12/06/0912391107.full.pdf+html Volume: 107 Year: 2010 _chapter: '["Ch. 20: Southwest FINAL","Ch. 2: Our Changing Climate FINAL","Ch. 28: Adaptation FINAL","Ch. 3: Water Resources FINAL"]' _record_number: 749 _uuid: f11e90fb-b100-4487-8bac-1a076166d623 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1073/pnas.0912391107 href: identifier: f11e90fb-b100-4487-8bac-1a076166d623 uri: /reference/f11e90fb-b100-4487-8bac-1a076166d623 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Abstract: "Lichens are an important winter forage for large, migratory herds of caribou (Rangifer tarandus granti) that can influence population dynamics through effects on body condition and in turn calf recruitment and survival. We investigated the vegetative and physiographic characteristics of winter range of the Western Arctic Herd in northwest Alaska, one of the largest caribou herds in North America. We made 3 broad comparisons: habitats used by caribou versus random locations, burned versus unburned habitats, and habitats within the current winter range versus those in the historic winter range and potential winter ranges. We found that lichen abundance was more than 3 times greater at locations used by caribou than found at random. The current winter range does not appear to be overgrazed as a whole, but continued high grazing pressure and consequences of climate change on plant community structure might degrade its condition. Within the current winter range, lichen abundance was more than 4 times greater at unburned locations than at recently (< 58 y) burned locations. Other than lichen abundance, there were few vegetative differences between burned (mean = 37 ± 1.7 y) and unburned locations. The historic winter range has low lichen abundance, likely due to sustained grazing pressure exerted by the herd, which suggests that range deterioration can lead to range shifts. Recovery of this range may be slowed by continued grazing and trampling during migration of caribou to and from their current winter range, as well as by high wildfire frequency and other consequences of climate change. The area identified as potential winter range is unlikely to be utilized regularly by large numbers of caribou primarily due to low lichen abundance associated with extensive deciduous stands, large areas of riparian habitat, high moose (Alces alces) densities, and greater prevalence of wildfire. Our results suggest that lichens are important in the overwintering ecology of caribou that face the energetic costs of predator avoidance and migration. (English) [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Les lichens sont un fourrage d'hiver important pour les grands troupeaux de caribous migrateurs (Rangifer tarandus granti) qui peut influencer la dynamique de population par des effets sur la condition physique et ainsi influencer le recrutement et la survie des veaux. Nous avons étudié les caractéristiques physiographiques et de la végétation de l'aire d'hivernage du troupeau de l'ouest de l'Arctique dans le nord-ouest de l'Alaska, un des plus grands troupeaux de caribous d'Amérique du Nord. Nous avons fait 3 grandes comparaisons : habitats utilisés par le caribou versus sites aléatoires, sites brûlés versus non brûlés et habitats à l'intérieur de l'aire actuelle d'hivernage versus ceux de l'aire historique et ceux d'une aire potentielle d'hivernage. Nous avons constaté que l'abondance de lichens était plus de 3 fois supérieure dans les sites utilisés par le caribou que dans des sites aléatoires. L'aire actuelle d'hivernage ne semble pas être surbroutée dans l'ensemble, mais la poursuite de la forte pression de broutement et les conséquences des changements climatiques sur la structure de la communauté végétale pourraient dégrader sa condition. Au sein de l'aire actuelle d'hivernage, l'abondance de lichens était plus de 4 fois supérieure dans les sites non brûlés que dans ceux brulés récemment (< 58 ans). À l'exception de l'abondance de lichens, il y avait peu de différences dans la végétation entre les sites brûlés (moyenne = 37 ± 1,7 ans) et non brûlés. L'aire historique d'hivernage a une faible abondance de lichens probablement en raison d'une pression continue de broutement par le troupeau ce qui suggère qu'une détérioration de l'habitat puisse mener à des changements dans l'aire de distribution. Le rétablissement de cette aire peut être ralenti par le broutement continu et le piétinement lors de la migration des caribous de leur présente aire d'hivernage et en direction de celle-ci, aussi bien que par la fréquence élevée de feu d'origine naturelle et d'autres conséquences des changements climatiques. Il est peu probable que la zone identifiée comme une aire potentielle d'hivernage soit utilisée régulièrement par un grand grand nombre de caribous principalement en raison de la faible abondance de lichens associée aux vastes peuplements feuillus, de grandes zones d'habitat riverain, d'une densité élevée d'orignal (Alces alces) et d'une plus grande prévalence de feu. Nos résultats suggèrent que les lichens sont importants dans l'écologie hivernale du caribou qui doit faire face aux dépenses énergétiques liées à l'évitement des prédateurs et à la migration. (French) [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Ecoscience is the property of Ecoscience and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)" Author: "Joly, Kyle\rChapin, F. Stuart, III\rKlein, David R." DOI: 10.2980/17-3-3337 ISSN: 1195-6860 Issue: 3 Journal: Ecoscience Keywords: Alaska; broutement; CARIBOU; CLIMATIC changes; ECOLOGY; ENVIRONMENTAL degradation; expansion de l'aire de répartition; feu; fire; fire regime; FORAGE; GRAZING; HABITAT selection; LICHENS; POPULATION dynamics; range expansion; troupeau de l'ouest de l'Arctique; Western Arctic Herd; WILDFIRES Pages: 321-333 Title: 'Winter habitat selection by caribou in relation to lichen abundance, wildfires, grazing, and landscape characteristics in northwest Alaska' URL: http://www.bioone.org/doi/pdf/10.2980/17-3-3337 Volume: 17 Year: 2010 _chapter: '["Ch. 22: Alaska FINAL"]' _record_number: 1821 _uuid: f13367d9-1e7f-40ca-a495-542d7a3faf98 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.2980/17-3-3337 href: identifier: f13367d9-1e7f-40ca-a495-542d7a3faf98 uri: /reference/f13367d9-1e7f-40ca-a495-542d7a3faf98 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: "Phillips, J.D.\rSlattery, M.C." DOI: 10.1191/0309133306pp494ra ISSN: 0309-1333 Issue: 4 Journal: Progress in Physical Geography Pages: 513-530 Title: 'Sediment storage, sea level, and sediment delivery to the ocean by coastal plain rivers' Volume: 30 Year: 2006 _chapter: '["Ch. 25: Coastal Zone FINAL"]' _record_number: 2488 _uuid: f135d339-404e-4d0c-8218-21ae52f23675 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1191/0309133306pp494ra href: identifier: f135d339-404e-4d0c-8218-21ae52f23675 uri: /reference/f135d339-404e-4d0c-8218-21ae52f23675 - attrs: .publisher: Springer Netherlands .reference_type: 0 Alternate Journal: Climatic Change Author: "Pinsky, Malin L.\rFogarty, Michael" DOI: 10.1007/s10584-012-0599-x Date: 2012/12/01 ISSN: 0165-0009 Issue: 3-4 Journal: Climatic Change Language: English Pages: 883-891 Title: Lagged social-ecological responses to climate and range shifts in fisheries Volume: 115 Year: 2012 _chapter: '["Ch. 24: Oceans FINAL","RF 11"]' _record_number: 3812 _uuid: f147452b-e846-4fdd-aad9-3110322e071c reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1007/s10584-012-0599-x href: identifier: f147452b-e846-4fdd-aad9-3110322e071c uri: /reference/f147452b-e846-4fdd-aad9-3110322e071c - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: "Rey, G.\rJougla, E.\rFouillet, A.\rPavillon, G.\rBessemoulin, P.\rFrayssinet, P.\rClavel, J.\rHémon, D." DOI: 10.1007/s00420-007-0173-4 ISSN: 0340-0131 Issue: 7 Journal: International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health Pages: 615-626 Title: The impact of major heat waves on all-cause and cause-specific mortality in France from 1971 to 2003 Volume: 80 Year: 2007 _chapter: '["Ch. 9: Human Health FINAL","Overview"]' _record_number: 2623 _uuid: f150b127-71ae-4dd2-b414-5590dcfbb80e reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1007/s00420-007-0173-4 href: identifier: f150b127-71ae-4dd2-b414-5590dcfbb80e uri: /reference/f150b127-71ae-4dd2-b414-5590dcfbb80e - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: "Moss, R.H.\rEdmonds, J.A.\rHibbard, K.A.\rManning, M.R.\rRose, S.K.\rvan Vuuren, D.P.\rCarter, T.R.\rEmori, S.\rKainuma, M.\rKram, T.\rMeehl, G.A.\rMitchell, J.F.B.\rNakicenovic, N.\rRiahi, K.\rSmith, S.J.\rStouffer, R.J.\rThomson, A.M.\rWeyant, J.P.\rWilbanks, T.J." DOI: 10.1038/nature08823 Journal: Nature Pages: 747-756 Title: The next generation of scenarios for climate change research and assessment Volume: 463 Year: 2010 _chapter: '["Appendix 5: Scenarios FINAL","Ch. 26: Decision Support FINAL","Ch. 27: Mitigation FINAL"]' _record_number: 2106 _uuid: f15c9312-9b5a-412f-837d-d119e39407a6 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1038/nature08823 href: identifier: f15c9312-9b5a-412f-837d-d119e39407a6 uri: /reference/f15c9312-9b5a-412f-837d-d119e39407a6 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: 'Ostrom, E.' 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DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2008.12.007 ISSN: 0167-8809 Issue: 3-4 Journal: 'Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment' Pages: 131-140 Title: 'Climate change and the geography of weed damage: Analysis of U.S. maize systems suggests the potential for significant range transformations' URL: http://weedecology.css.cornell.edu/pubs/Published%20McDonald%20et%20al.%20AGEE%20130-131-140%202009.pdf Volume: 130 Year: 2009 _chapter: '["Ch. 9: Human Health FINAL"]' _record_number: 1934 _uuid: f17b0750-f7ad-455f-92d0-e723bb73c469 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1016/j.agee.2008.12.007 href: identifier: f17b0750-f7ad-455f-92d0-e723bb73c469 uri: /reference/f17b0750-f7ad-455f-92d0-e723bb73c469 - attrs: .reference_type: 10 Author: 'Swann, L.D.' Institution: Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquaculture Pages: 12 Place Published: 'Auburn University, Ocean Springs, MS' Title: 'The Use of Living Shorelines to Mitigate the Effects of Storm Events on Dauphin Island, Alabama, USA. 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DOI: 10.1007/s10584-011-0101-1 ISSN: '0165-0009, 1573-1480' Issue: 3-4 Journal: Climatic Change Keywords: Marine Pages: 1005-1027 Title: 'The Arctic’s rapidly shrinking sea ice cover: A research synthesis' URL: http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs10584-011-0101-1.pdf Volume: 110 Year: 2012 _chapter: '["RG 7 Alaska","Ch. 22: Alaska FINAL"]' _record_number: 2977 _uuid: f1a5ebbc-6aba-405c-861f-62d88bae060e reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1007/s10584-011-0101-1 href: identifier: f1a5ebbc-6aba-405c-861f-62d88bae060e uri: /reference/f1a5ebbc-6aba-405c-861f-62d88bae060e - attrs: .reference_type: 16 Access Year: 2013 Author: 'NOAA, ' Publisher: 'National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ' Title: 'Billion Dollar Weather/Climate Disasters, List of Events' URL: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/billions/events Year: 2013 _chapter: '["Ch. 16: Northeast FINAL","RG 2 Southeast","Ch. 17: Southeast and Caribbean FINAL","RG 1 Northeast"]' _record_number: 4610 _uuid: f1b38f7f-f75c-4d2f-83a9-d27269e17e5e reftype: Web Page child_publication: /webpage/d70d7a59-45d7-4b38-baf2-86a7fcf12da3 href: identifier: f1b38f7f-f75c-4d2f-83a9-d27269e17e5e uri: /reference/f1b38f7f-f75c-4d2f-83a9-d27269e17e5e - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: 'Füssel, H.M.' DOI: 10.1007/s11625-007-0032-y ISSN: 1862-4065 Issue: 2 Journal: Sustainability Science Pages: 265-275 Title: 'Adaptation planning for climate change: Concepts, assessment approaches, and key lessons' Volume: 2 Year: 2007 _chapter: '["Ch. 11: Urban Systems FINAL"]' _record_number: 36 _uuid: f1c255b6-64cf-427b-81d4-7e0165da1304 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1007/s11625-007-0032-y href: identifier: f1c255b6-64cf-427b-81d4-7e0165da1304 uri: /reference/f1c255b6-64cf-427b-81d4-7e0165da1304 - attrs: .reference_type: 7 Author: "Ebi, K.L. \rBalbus, J.\rKinney, P.L.\rLipp, E.\rMills, D.\rO’Neill, M.S.\rWilson, M." Book Title: Analyses of the Effects of Global Change on Human Health and Welfare and Human Systems. A Report By the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research Editor: 'Gamble, J.L.' Pages: 39-87 Place Published: 'Washington, D.C.' Publisher: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Reviewer: f1ce7f7f-bf4a-41af-ba34-c002ae27a219 Title: 'Ch. 2: Effects of global change on human health' URL: http://downloads.climatescience.gov/sap/sap4-6/sap4-6-final-report-Ch2-HumanHealth.pdf Year: 2008 _chapter: '["Ch. 17: Southeast and Caribbean FINAL"]' _record_number: 603 _uuid: f1ce7f7f-bf4a-41af-ba34-c002ae27a219 reftype: Book Section child_publication: /report/ccsp-sap-4_6-2008 href: identifier: f1ce7f7f-bf4a-41af-ba34-c002ae27a219 uri: /reference/f1ce7f7f-bf4a-41af-ba34-c002ae27a219 - attrs: .reference_type: 10 Author: 'City of Boston,' Pages: 43 Place Published: 'Boston, MA' Title: 'A Climate of Progress: City of Boston Climate Action Plan Update 2011' URL: http://www.cityofboston.gov/Images_Documents/A%20Climate%20of%20Progress%20-%20CAP%20Update%202011_tcm3-25020.pdf Year: 2011 _chapter: '["Ch. 5: Transportation FINAL","Ch. 11: Urban Systems FINAL"]' _record_number: 366 _uuid: f1d2d4cc-d216-44c7-817d-24622a749c53 reftype: Report child_publication: /report/cityboston-cap-2011 href: identifier: f1d2d4cc-d216-44c7-817d-24622a749c53 uri: /reference/f1d2d4cc-d216-44c7-817d-24622a749c53 - attrs: .reference_type: 10 Author: 'State of Louisiana,' Institution: 'Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority, State of Louisiana' Place Published: 'Baton Rouge, LA' Title: Louisiana’s Comprehensive Master Plan for a Sustainable Coast URL: http://www.coastalmasterplan.louisiana.gov/2012-master-plan/final-master-plan/ Year: 2012 _chapter: '["Ch. 25: Coastal Zone FINAL","RG 10 Coasts","RG 2 Southeast","Ch. 28: Adaptation FINAL","Ch. 17: Southeast and Caribbean FINAL"]' _record_number: 2934 _uuid: f1d65fb3-933a-4bbf-b6ac-25ea4d0409d5 reftype: Report child_publication: /report/louisiana-sustainable-coast-master-plan-2012 href: identifier: f1d65fb3-933a-4bbf-b6ac-25ea4d0409d5 uri: /reference/f1d65fb3-933a-4bbf-b6ac-25ea4d0409d5 - attrs: .reference_type: 7 Author: "Peterson, T.C.\rAnderson, D.M.\rCohen, S.J.\rCortez-Vázquez, M.\rMurnane, R.J.\rParmesan, C.\rPhillips, D.\rPulwarty, R.S.\rStone, J.M.R." 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Publisher: 'Department of Commerce, NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center' Reviewer: f1de2ba7-1777-4d63-9516-bd0e91a53770 Title: 'Ch. 1: Why weather and climate extremes matter' URL: http://library.globalchange.gov/downloads/download.php?id=22 Year: 2008 _chapter: '["Ch. 25: Coastal Zone FINAL","Appendix 4: FAQs FINAL"]' _record_number: 2476 _uuid: f1de2ba7-1777-4d63-9516-bd0e91a53770 reftype: Book Section child_publication: /report/ccsp-sap-3_3-2008 href: identifier: f1de2ba7-1777-4d63-9516-bd0e91a53770 uri: /reference/f1de2ba7-1777-4d63-9516-bd0e91a53770 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: "Knight, J.\rJ.J. Kennedy\rC. Folland\rG. Harris\rG.S. Jones\rM. Palmer\rD. Parker\rA. Scaife\rP. Stott" DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-90-8-StateoftheClimate ISSN: 0003-0007 Issue: 8 Journal: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society Pages: S22-S23 Title: 'Do global temperature trends over the last decade falsify climate predictions? 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