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Author: "McGuire, A. D.\rRuess, R. W.\rLloyd, A.\rYarie, J.\rClein, J. S.\rJuday, G. P."
DOI: 10.1139/x09-206
Date: Jul
ISSN: 0045-5067
Issue: 7
Journal: Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Label: IN
Pages: 1197-1209
Title: 'Vulnerability of white spruce tree growth in interior Alaska in response to climate variability: Dendrochronological, demographic, and experimental perspectives'
Volume: 40
Year: 2010
_chapter: '["Ch. 22: Alaska FINAL"]'
_record_number: 1946
_uuid: f3f09c1d-df66-4a46-9c28-1be577c127d8
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1139/x09-206
identifier: f3f09c1d-df66-4a46-9c28-1be577c127d8
uri: /reference/f3f09c1d-df66-4a46-9c28-1be577c127d8
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Author: 'Deisenhammer, E.A.'
DOI: 10.1046/j.0001-690X.2003.00209.x
ISSN: 1600-0447
Issue: 6
Journal: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
Pages: 402-409
Title: 'Weather and suicide: The present state of knowledge on the association of meteorological factors with suicidal behaviour'
Volume: 108
Year: 2003
_chapter: '["Ch. 9: Human Health FINAL"]'
_record_number: 1794
_uuid: f3f74a8a-8d03-4770-8765-66c57dd40da3
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1046/j.0001-690X.2003.00209.x
identifier: f3f74a8a-8d03-4770-8765-66c57dd40da3
uri: /reference/f3f74a8a-8d03-4770-8765-66c57dd40da3
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Author: "Kenyon, J.C.\rBrainard, R.E."
ISSN: 0077-5630
Journal: Atoll Research Bulletin
Pages: 505-523
Title: Second recorded episode of mass coral bleaching in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
URL: http://www.sil.si.edu/digitalcollections/atollresearchbulletin/issues/00543.pdf
Volume: 543
Year: 2006
_chapter: '["Ch. 23: Hawaii FINAL"]'
_record_number: 1517
_uuid: f41beadd-748c-4117-a3b4-768138622179
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/second-recorded-episode-of-mass-coral-bleaching-in-the-northwestern-hawaiian-islands
identifier: f41beadd-748c-4117-a3b4-768138622179
uri: /reference/f41beadd-748c-4117-a3b4-768138622179
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Author: "Bender, S.\rBurke, E.\rChahim, D.\rEshbach, L. \rGordon, L.L.,\rKaplan, F.\rMcCusker, K.\rPalevsky, H.\rRowell, M.\rBattisti, D.\rBarcelos, J.\rMarlow, J.\rStzern, S."
Institution: 'University of Washington Climate Justice Seminar Spring 2011, Three Degrees Project'
Pages: 82
Place Published: 'Seattle, WA'
Title: Initial Assessment of Lead Agency Candidates to Support Alaska Native Villages Requiring Relocation to Survive Climate Harms
URL: http://threedegreeswarmer.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/FinalCJS2011paper_AK_Native_Village_Relocation1.pdf
Year: 2011
_chapter: '["Ch. 12: Indigenous FINAL"]'
_record_number: 970
_uuid: f42333d8-7065-41ef-9494-f3cb7e925beb
reftype: Report
child_publication: /report/uwash-initial-2011
identifier: f42333d8-7065-41ef-9494-f3cb7e925beb
uri: /reference/f42333d8-7065-41ef-9494-f3cb7e925beb
- attrs:
.publisher: American Institute of Biological Sciences
.reference_type: 0
Access Date: 2013/08/01
Author: "Curtice, Corrie\rDunn, Daniel C.\rRoberts, Jason J.\rCarr, Sarah D.\rHalpin, Patrick N."
DOI: 10.1525/bio.2012.62.5.13
Date: 2012/05/01
ISSN: 0006-3568
Issue: 5
Journal: BioScience
Pages: 508-515
Title: Why ecosystem-based management may fail without changes to tool development and financing
Volume: 62
Year: 2012
_chapter: '["Ch. 26: Decision Support FINAL"]'
_record_number: 4064
_uuid: f44456ec-c3bb-4889-aeb2-358acb74968f
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1525/bio.2012.62.5.13
identifier: f44456ec-c3bb-4889-aeb2-358acb74968f
uri: /reference/f44456ec-c3bb-4889-aeb2-358acb74968f
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Author: "Carpenter, K.E.\rAbrar, M.\rAeby, G.\rAronson, R.B.\rBanks, S.\rBruckner, A.\rChiriboga, A.\rCortés, J.\rDelbeek, J.C.\rDeVantier, L.\rG.J. Edgar\rA.J. Edwards\rD. Fenner\rH.M. Guzmán\rB.W. Hoeksema\rG. Hodgson\rO. Johan\rW.Y. Licuanan\rS.R. Livingstone\rE.R. Lovell\rJ.A. Moore \rD.O. Obura \rD. Ochavillo \rB.A. Polidoro\rW.F. Precht\rM.C. Quibilan\rC. Reboton\rZ.T. Richards\rAD.D Rogers \rJ. Sanciangco\rA. Sheppard\rC. Sheppard \rJ. Smith\rS. Stuart\rE. Turak \rJ.E. Veron\rC. Wallace \rE. Weil\rE. Wood"
DOI: 10.1126/science.1159196
ISSN: 0036-8075
Issue: 5888
Journal: Science
Pages: 560-563
Title: One-third of reef-building corals face elevated extinction risk from climate change and local impacts
Volume: 321
Year: 2008
_chapter: '["Ch. 24: Oceans FINAL"]'
_record_number: 1226
_uuid: f454c365-24b6-405f-b029-d68dfde5c178
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1126/science.1159196
identifier: f454c365-24b6-405f-b029-d68dfde5c178
uri: /reference/f454c365-24b6-405f-b029-d68dfde5c178
- attrs:
.reference_type: 1
Author: 'CAST,'
ISBN: 9781887383332
Keywords: Sitevolume; Paul01
Number of Pages: 105
Place Published: 'Ames, Iowa'
Publisher: 'Council for Agricultural Science and Technology '
Reviewer: f4619bfe-d278-4ebc-9b10-be426b8f68fb
Title: 'Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities. Task Force Report No.142.'
URL: http://www.cast-science.org/file.cfm/media/news/CAST_TF_Report_142_Interpretive_Sum_EFA290A703478.pdf
Year: 2011
_chapter: '["Ch. 18: Midwest FINAL"]'
_record_number: 183
_uuid: f4619bfe-d278-4ebc-9b10-be426b8f68fb
reftype: Book
child_publication: /report/cast-taskforcereport-142
identifier: f4619bfe-d278-4ebc-9b10-be426b8f68fb
uri: /reference/f4619bfe-d278-4ebc-9b10-be426b8f68fb
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Abstract: "While there is no question that successful mitigation strategies remain critical in the quest to avoid worst-case climate change scenarios, we've passed the point where mitigation efforts alone can deal with the problems that climate change is creating. Because of \"committed\" warming - climate change that will occur regardless of mitigation measures, a result of the already-accumulated greenhouse gases in the atmosphere - what happens to social-ecological systems over the next decades, and most likely over the next few centuries, will largely be beyond human control. The time to start preparing for these changes is now, by making adaptation part of a national climate change policy. ; Nevertheless, American law and policy are not keeping up with the need for adaptation, even though adapting law to a world of continuing climate change impacts will be a far more complicated task than addressing mitigation. Environmental and natural resources law, for example, are currently based on assumptions of ecological stationarity and pursue goals of preservation and restoration. Neither those assumptions nor those goals fit a world of continual, unpredictable, and nonlinear transformations of complex ecosystems - but that is the world that climate change impacts are creating. ; This Article argues for a principled flexibility model of climate change adaptation law to pursue goals of increasing the resilience and adaptive capacity of social-ecological systems. In so doing, it lays out five principles and several sub-principles for the law of environmental regulation and natural resources management. Structurally, this Article also strongly suggests that climate change adaptation law must be bi-modal: it must promote informed and principled flexibility when dealing with climate change impacts, especially impacts that affect baseline ecological conditions such as temperature and hydrology, while simultaneously embracing an unyielding commitment to precautionary regulation when dealing with everything else. "
Author: 'Craig, R.K.'
Issue: 1
Journal: Harvard Environmental Law Review
Pages: 9-75
Title: "'Stationarity is dead'-long live transformation: Five principles for climate change adaptation law"
URL: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1357766
Volume: 34
Year: 2010
_chapter: '["Ch. 3: Water Resources FINAL"]'
_record_number: 1603
_uuid: f488c83c-384f-49d0-b701-cf9ffc858130
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/stationarity-is-deadlong-live-transformation-five-principles-for-climate-change-adaptation-law
identifier: f488c83c-384f-49d0-b701-cf9ffc858130
uri: /reference/f488c83c-384f-49d0-b701-cf9ffc858130
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Author: "Abbasi, S. A.\rAbbasi, Naseema"
DOI: 10.1016/S0306-2619(99)00077-X
Date: April 2000
ISSN: 0306-2619
Issue: 1â4
Journal: Applied Energy
Pages: 121-144
Title: The likely adverse environmental impacts of renewable energy sources
Volume: 65
Year: 2000
_chapter: '["Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL"]'
_record_number: 4604
_uuid: f4939b66-5c78-4e62-a536-2fd1dbcf0fd0
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1016/S0306-2619(99)00077-X
identifier: f4939b66-5c78-4e62-a536-2fd1dbcf0fd0
uri: /reference/f4939b66-5c78-4e62-a536-2fd1dbcf0fd0
- attrs:
.reference_type: 10
Author: 'DOE,'
Date: 1/28/2013
Institution: U.S. Department of Energy
Pages: 1
Title: Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency. Property Tax Incentives for Renewables
URL: http://www.dsireusa.org/documents/summarymaps/PropertyTax_map.pdf
Year: 2013
_chapter: '["Ch. 27: Mitigation FINAL"]'
_record_number: 4566
_uuid: f4a3882e-1de9-4e5a-b21f-4191b6000127
reftype: Report
child_publication: /report/doe-ncsu-dsireusa-proptax-2013
identifier: f4a3882e-1de9-4e5a-b21f-4191b6000127
uri: /reference/f4a3882e-1de9-4e5a-b21f-4191b6000127
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Abstract: "Assumptions of a static landscape inspire predictions that about half of the world's coastal wetlands will submerge during this century in response to sea-level acceleration. In contrast, we use simulations from five numerical models to quantify the conditions under which ecogeomorphic feedbacks allow coastal wetlands to adapt to projected changes in sea level. In contrast to previous sea-level assessments, we find that non-linear feedbacks among inundation, plant growth, organic matter accretion, and sediment deposition, allow marshes to survive conservative projections of sea-level rise where suspended sediment concentrations are greater than similar to 20 mg/L. Under scenarios of more rapid sea-level rise (e. g., those that include ice sheet melting), marshes will likely submerge near the end of the 21st century. Our results emphasize that in areas of rapid geomorphic change, predicting the response of ecosystems to climate change requires consideration of the ability of biological processes tomodify their physical environment. Citation: Kirwan, M. L., G. R. Guntenspergen, A. D'Alpaos, J. T. Morris, S. M. Mudd, and S. Temmerman (2010), Limits on the adaptability of coastal marshes to rising sea level, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L23401, doi:10.1029/2010GL045489."
Accession Number: ISI:000285013600003
Author: "Kirwan, M. L.\rGuntenspergen, G. R.\rDâAlpaos, A.\rMorris, J. T.\rMudd, S. M.\rTemmerman, S."
Author Address: 'Kirwan, ML; US Geol Survey, Patuxent Wildlife Res Ctr, 12100 Beech Forest Rd, Laurel, MD 20708 USA; US Geol Survey, Patuxent Wildlife Res Ctr, 12100 Beech Forest Rd, Laurel, MD 20708 USA; US Geol Survey, Patuxent Wildlife Res Ctr, Laurel, MD 20708 USA; Univ Virginia, Dept Environm Sci, Charlottesville, VA 22903 USA; Univ Padua, Dipartimento Geosci, I-3513 Padua, Italy; Univ S Carolina, Belle W Baruch Inst Marine & Coastal Sci, Columbia, SC 29208 USA; Univ Edinburgh, Sch Geosci, Edinburgh EH8 9XP, Midlothian, Scotland; Univ Antwerp, Dept Biol, B-2610 Antwerp, Belgium'
DOI: 10.1029/2010gl045489
Date: Dec 1
ISSN: 1944-8007
Issue: 23
Journal: Geophysical Research Letters
Keywords: ecosystem services; rise; sedimentation; wetlands; estuary; USA
Language: English
Notes: 690OH; Times Cited:10; Cited References Count:29
Pages: L23401
Title: Limits on the adaptability of coastal marshes to rising sea level
URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2010GL045489/pdf
Volume: 37
Year: 2010
_chapter: '["Ch. 25: Coastal Zone FINAL"]'
_record_number: 1052
_uuid: f4de2290-29cf-421e-b520-55e3e2fbde02
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1029/2010gl045489
identifier: f4de2290-29cf-421e-b520-55e3e2fbde02
uri: /reference/f4de2290-29cf-421e-b520-55e3e2fbde02
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Author: "Mildrexler, D.J.\rZhao, M.\rRunning, S.W."
DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2009.05.016
ISSN: 0034-4257
Issue: 10
Journal: Remote Sensing of Environment
Pages: 2103-2117
Title: Testing a MODIS global disturbance index across North America
Volume: 113
Year: 2009
_chapter: '["Ch. 7: Forests FINAL"]'
_record_number: 2022
_uuid: f4e0a73e-f6c2-451f-9af1-07aa1cffdc05
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1016/j.rse.2009.05.016
identifier: f4e0a73e-f6c2-451f-9af1-07aa1cffdc05
uri: /reference/f4e0a73e-f6c2-451f-9af1-07aa1cffdc05
- attrs:
.reference_type: 16
Access Year: 2012
Author: 'U.S. Travel Association,'
Place Published: 'Washington, D.C.'
Publisher: U.S. Travel Association
Title: U.S. Travel Forecasts
URL: http://www.ustravel.org/sites/default/files/page/2009/09/ForecastSummary.pdf
Year: 2012
_chapter: '["Ch. 25: Coastal Zone FINAL","RG 10 Coasts"]'
_record_number: 3656
_uuid: f4e67d74-22f3-4aae-bbd6-6990eb96b619
reftype: Web Page
child_publication: /webpage/f67ab6e0-b0e0-4d75-b047-5c6e1eeecf91
identifier: f4e67d74-22f3-4aae-bbd6-6990eb96b619
uri: /reference/f4e67d74-22f3-4aae-bbd6-6990eb96b619
- attrs:
.reference_type: 1
Author: 'NRC,'
ISBN: 978-0-309-14896-2
Number of Pages: 598
Place Published: 'Washington, D.C.'
Publisher: National Research Council. The National Academies Press
Reviewer: f4eb5216-922b-4926-9b56-e5903dca8888
Title: Toward Sustainable Agricultural Systems in the 21st Century
URL: http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=12832
Year: 2010
_chapter: '["Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL"]'
_record_number: 2297
_uuid: f4eb5216-922b-4926-9b56-e5903dca8888
reftype: Book
child_publication: /report/nrc-sustainable-agriculture-2010
identifier: f4eb5216-922b-4926-9b56-e5903dca8888
uri: /reference/f4eb5216-922b-4926-9b56-e5903dca8888
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Author: "Esque, Todd C\rSchwalbe, C. R.\rHaines, D. F.\rHalvorson, W.L"
Issue: 1
Journal: Desert Plants
Pages: 49â55
Title: 'Saguaros under siege: Invasive species and ï¬re'
Volume: 20
Year: 2004
_chapter: '["Ch. 8: Ecosystems FINAL"]'
_record_number: 4608
_uuid: f514fb4d-8c62-40af-a39c-df95cd1543c1
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/saguaros-under-siege-invasive-species-and-re
identifier: f514fb4d-8c62-40af-a39c-df95cd1543c1
uri: /reference/f514fb4d-8c62-40af-a39c-df95cd1543c1
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Author: "Hughes, J.E.\rDeegan, L.A.\rWyda, J.C.\rWeaver, M.J.\rWright, A."
DOI: 10.1007/BF02691311
ISSN: 1559-2723
Issue: 2
Journal: Estuaries and Coasts
Pages: 235-249
Title: The effects of eelgrass habitat loss on estuarine fish communities of southern New England
Volume: 25
Year: 2002
_chapter: '["Ch. 24: Oceans FINAL","RF 11"]'
_record_number: 3603
_uuid: f516a114-4604-4062-a1b3-e70a4cbbba9e
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1007/BF02691311
identifier: f516a114-4604-4062-a1b3-e70a4cbbba9e
uri: /reference/f516a114-4604-4062-a1b3-e70a4cbbba9e
- attrs:
.reference_type: 10
Author: 'DOE,'
Date: 3/18/2013
Institution: U.S. Department of Energy
Pages: 1
Title: Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency. Renewable Portfolio Standard Policies
URL: http://www.dsireusa.org/documents/summarymaps/RPS_map.pdf
Year: 2013
_chapter: '["Ch. 27: Mitigation FINAL"]'
_record_number: 4564
_uuid: f5319808-a4cd-4b3f-bb3b-d516f28e1f52
reftype: Report
child_publication: /report/doe-ncsu-dsireusa-renewableportfolio-2013
identifier: f5319808-a4cd-4b3f-bb3b-d516f28e1f52
uri: /reference/f5319808-a4cd-4b3f-bb3b-d516f28e1f52
- attrs:
.reference_type: 10
Author: "Kenny, J.F.\rBarber, N.L.\rHutson, S.S.\rLinsey, K.S.\rLovelace, J.K.\rMaupin, M.A."
Institution: 'U.S. Geological Survey '
Pages: 52
Place Published: 'Reston, VA'
Title: Estimated Use of Water in the United States in 2005. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1344
URL: http://pubs.usgs.gov/circ/1344/
Year: 2009
_chapter: '["Ch. 20: Southwest FINAL","Ch. 19: Great Plains FINAL","RF 7","Ch. 3: Water Resources FINAL","Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 647
_uuid: f532697a-e122-4502-8c18-9504efa60700
reftype: Report
child_publication: /report/usgs-circular-1344
identifier: f532697a-e122-4502-8c18-9504efa60700
uri: /reference/f532697a-e122-4502-8c18-9504efa60700
- attrs:
.reference_type: 10
.text_styles: ''
Author: 'EPA,'
Document Number: EPA 430-R-05-006
Institution: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Place Published: 'Washington, D.C.'
Title: Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Potential in U.S. Forestry and Agriculture. EPA 430-R-05-006
Year: 2005
_chapter: '["Ch. 7: Forests FINAL"]'
_record_number: 805
_uuid: f53bd33b-97d5-4027-a30c-54fd714563ea
reftype: Report
child_publication: /report/epa-430-r-05-006
identifier: f53bd33b-97d5-4027-a30c-54fd714563ea
uri: /reference/f53bd33b-97d5-4027-a30c-54fd714563ea
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Author: "Lombard, F.\rde Roacha, R. E.\rBijma, J.\rGattuso, J.-P."
DOI: 10.5194/bg-7-247-2010
Journal: Biogeosciences
Pages: 247-255
Title: Effect of carbonate ion concentration and irradiance on calcification in planktonic foraminifera
URL: http://epic.awi.de/21680/1/Lom2010a.pdf
Volume: 7
Year: 2010
_chapter: '["Ch. 22: Alaska FINAL"]'
_record_number: 576
_uuid: f53f8c01-62a4-49e4-8157-903ca4cfad4b
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: '/article/10.5194/bg-7-247-2010,%202010'
identifier: f53f8c01-62a4-49e4-8157-903ca4cfad4b
uri: /reference/f53f8c01-62a4-49e4-8157-903ca4cfad4b
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Abstract: 'This study addresses the long-term trends in heat-related mortality across 29 US metropolitan areas from 1975 to 2004 to discern the spatial patterns and temporal trends in heat vulnerability. Mortality data have been standardized to account for population trends, and seasonal and interannual variability. On days when a city experienced an "oppressive" air mass, mean anomalous mortality was calculated, along with the likelihood that oppressive days led to a mortality response at least one standard deviation above the baseline value. Results show a general decline in heat-related mortality from the 1970s to 1990s, after which the decline seems to have abated. The likelihood of oppressive days leading to significant increases in mortality has shown less of a decline. The number of oppressive days has stayed the same or increased at most metropolitan areas. With US homes near saturation in terms of air-conditioning availability, an aging population is still significantly vulnerable to heat events.'
Accession Number: 282
Author: "Sheridan, S.C.\rKalkstein, A.J.\rKalkstein, L.S."
Author Address: 'Sheridan, SC (reprint author), Kent State Univ, Dept Geog, 413 McGilvrey Hall, Kent, OH 44242 USA; Kent State Univ, Dept Geog, Kent, OH 44242 USA; Arizona State Univ, Sch Geog Sci, Tempe, AZ USA; Univ Miami, Dept Geog & Reg Studies, Miami, FL USA'
DOI: 10.1007/s11069-008-9327-2
Date: JUL 2009
ISSN: 0921-030X
Issue: 1
Journal: Natural Hazards
Keywords: Heat watch-warning system; Atmospheric hazards; Heat-related mortality; Trends; Heat vulnerability; WATCH-WARNING SYSTEM; US CITIES; CLIMATE-CHANGE; PUBLIC-HEALTH; TEMPERATURE; IMPACTS; WAVE; VULNERABILITY; HEATWAVES; STRESS
Language: English
Pages: 145-160
Title: 'Trends in heat-related mortality in the United States, 1975-2004'
URL: http://www.as.miami.edu/geography/research/climatology/natural_hazards_manuscript.pdf
Volume: 50
Year: 2009
_chapter: '["Ch. 17: Southeast and Caribbean FINAL","Ch. 18: Midwest FINAL"]'
_record_number: 2842
_uuid: f56ba5f3-5b39-48f1-ad20-f3c01cc8eefa
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1007/s11069-008-9327-2
identifier: f56ba5f3-5b39-48f1-ad20-f3c01cc8eefa
uri: /reference/f56ba5f3-5b39-48f1-ad20-f3c01cc8eefa
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Author: "Garrett, K.A.\rDendy, S.P.\rFrank, E.E.\rRouse, M.N.\rTravers, S.E."
DOI: 10.1146/annurev.phyto.44.070505.143420
ISSN: 0066-4286
Issue: 1
Journal: Annual Review Phytopathology
Pages: 489-509
Title: 'Climate change effects on plant disease: Genomes to ecosystems'
Volume: 44
Year: 2006
_chapter: '["Ch. 9: Human Health FINAL","Ch. 6: Agriculture FINAL"]'
_record_number: 299
_uuid: f5b6b86e-3f7b-4860-bab5-2f6d52bb5516
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1146/annurev.phyto.44.070505.143420
identifier: f5b6b86e-3f7b-4860-bab5-2f6d52bb5516
uri: /reference/f5b6b86e-3f7b-4860-bab5-2f6d52bb5516
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
.text_styles: ''
Author: "Monnin, E.\rIndermühle, A.\rDällenbach, A.\rFlückiger, J.\rStauffer, B.\rStocker, T.F.\rRaynaud, D.\rBarnola, J.M."
DOI: 10.1126/science.291.5501.112
ISSN: 0036-8075
Issue: 5501
Journal: Science
Pages: 112-114
Title: Atmospheric CO2 concentrations over the last glacial termination
Volume: 291
Year: 2001
_chapter: '["Appendix 3: Climate Science FINAL"]'
_record_number: 2070
_uuid: f5b96dcf-b05a-49e1-b131-cdcd49f1ddf9
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1126/science.291.5501.112
identifier: f5b96dcf-b05a-49e1-b131-cdcd49f1ddf9
uri: /reference/f5b96dcf-b05a-49e1-b131-cdcd49f1ddf9
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Author: "MacMynowski, D. P.\rRoot, T. L.\rBallard, G.\rGeupel, G. R."
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2007.01448.x
Date: Nov
ISSN: 1354-1013
Issue: 11
Journal: Global Change Biology
Keywords: California; climate change; ENSO; MEI; migration; NAO; Pacific flyway; passerine; PDO; phenology; north-atlantic oscillation; long-term trends; reproductive-performance; pied flycatchers; bird migration; phenology; distance; date; america; impacts
Pages: 2239-2251
Title: Changes in spring arrival of Nearctic-Neotropical migrants attributed to multiscalar climate
Type of Article: Article
URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2486.2007.01448.x/pdf
Volume: 13
Year: 2007
_chapter: '["Ch. 8: Ecosystems FINAL"]'
_record_number: 1839
_uuid: f5e7f46d-c229-4474-b70b-6f9478134320
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1111/j.1365-2486.2007.01448.x
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