References in Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment

identifier ref type type title publication
000b594a 2011 Book Section report Ch. 10: Telecommunications Responding to Climate Change in New York State: The ClimAID Integrated Assessment for Effective Climate Change Adaptation in New York State
001ff09f 2013 Web Page webpage Interactive Lyme Disease Map webpage Interactive Lyme Disease Map
0023e650 2011 Book book Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis: Environmental Applications and Case Studies Multi-Criteria Decision Analys...
0029eba2 2008 Journal Article article Environmental equity in air quality management: Local and international impli... Environmental Equity in Air Quality Management: Local and International Implications for Human Health and Climate Change
003059d3 2011 Journal Article article Forest responses to climate change in the northwestern United States: Ecophys... Forest responses to climate change in the northwestern United States: Ecophysiological foundations for adaptive management
00391a36 1994 Journal Article article The impact of global warming on agriculture: A Ricardian analysis The impact of global warming on agriculture: A Ricardian analysis
00416eb3 2011 Journal Article article Hallmarks of organisations that are adapting to climate change Hallmarks of organisations that are adapting to climate change
0064ddef 2013 Journal Article article Northern Hemisphere temperature reconstruction during the last millennium usi... Northern Hemisphere temperature reconstruction during the last millennium using multiple annual proxies
006ce4db 2008 Journal Article article Climate change and deepening of the North Sea fish assemblage: A biotic indic... Climate change and deepening of the North Sea fish assemblage: a biotic indicator of warming seas
007a7014 2011 Report report Responding to climate change on national forests: A guidebook for developing ... Responding to climate change on national forests: A guidebook for developing adaptation options. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-855
00bfab03 2011 Journal Article article Completion of the 2006 national land cover database for the conterminous Unit... Completion of the 2006 national land cover database for the conterminous United States
00d0e248 1991 Journal Article article Sudden, probably coseismic submergence of Holocene trees and grass in coastal... Sudden, probably coseismic submergence of Holocene trees and grass in coastal Washington State
00f98511 2010 Journal Article article Reclaiming freshwater sustainability in the Cadillac Desert Reclaiming freshwater sustainability in the Cadillac Desert
0105eda0 1996 Journal Article article Channel suspended sediment and fisheries: A synthesis for quantitative assess... Channel Suspended Sediment and Fisheries: A Synthesis for Quantitative Assessment of Risk and Impact
0106aada 2011 Journal Article article A synthesis of the impacts of climate change on the First Nations and Inuit o... A synthesis of the impacts of climate change on the First Nations and Inuit of Canada
011f0cfd 2006 Journal Article article The impact of global warming on U.S. agriculture: An econometric analysis of ... The Impact of Global Warming on U.S. Agriculture: An Econometric Analysis of Optimal Growing Conditions
0123e42b 2014 Book Section chapter Appendix 5: Scenarios and Models chapter nca3 chapter 35 : Appendix 5: Scenarios and Models
0127c256 2005 Journal Article article Impacts of flooding and climate change on urban transportation: A systemwide ... Impacts of flooding and climate change on urban transportation: A systemwide performance assessment of the Boston Metro Area
012e025d 2013 Journal Article article A probabilistic quantification of the anthropogenic component of twentieth ce... A probabilistic quantification of the anthropogenic component of twentieth century global warming
01679748 2003 Journal Article article Oceanography: Anthropogenic carbon and ocean pH Oceanography: Anthropogenic carbon and ocean pH