Images in nca3

identifier figures files
27d0e6f6-a836-4706-9b1a-cad504335a12 34.3: Indicators of Warming from Multiple Data Sets
285adb75-5a6c-4009-b2a6-338508d21707 33.9: Temperature Trends: Past Century, Past 30+ Years
28fcf7f2-5bbc-438f-b247-079b9d3a0aa0 21.5: Adapting the Nisqually River Delta to Sea Level Rise
29bf5bd4-2809-4723-963a-c481854abd93 33.4: Heat-Trapping Gas Levels
2a8ed68d-02b8-4290-9924-0ed6f27c452c 1.: Observed Change in Very Heavy Precipitation
2.18: Observed Change in Very Heavy Precipitation
2aa82cc8-7bf0-4e2d-b335-dea23f3f5acd 18.6: When it Rains, it Pours
2aee6a57-837c-4d68-8255-66cae483b239 12.4: Sea Ice Cover Reaches Record Low
2b483d0b-dc48-4007-943a-2bd38d5aaa76 3.7: Observed Changes in Lake Stratification and Ice Covered Area
2b79304d-d378-4390-afbf-cddb932ccd3f 4.4: Projected Changes in Seasonal Precipitation
2c49e98f-58c3-4afb-8c4f-0100eb8923b1 25.9: Projected Land Loss from Sea Level Rise in Coastal Louisiana
2c7f54b9-99dc-4e09-95b1-f2244bcdf7ab 33.19: Emissions, Concentrations, and Temperature Projections
2d6fb90b-7d3d-4fce-8f63-36459f80d366 33.20: Projected Annually-Averaged Temperature C hange
34.19: Observed and Projected U.S. Temperature Change
2e3cf5db-9028-4548-9e0b-eb50f0054155 33.21: Projected Wintertime Precipitation Changes
2eb569de-ab86-4948-9b1d-a6508ae008e5 34.3: Indicators of Warming from Multiple Data Sets
2ed3821a-fb34-4e8d-a382-b8fb21bb2c01 33.20: Projected Annually-Averaged Temperature C hange
2f478000-16d6-4b67-8008-830b04f10fbc 21.4: Rising Sea Levels and Changing Flood Risks in Seattle
2f95b22e-7a61-47fa-93f0-4adee2604697 34.10: Early Scientists who Established the Scientific Basis for Climate Change
2fffbd3f-38b2-4b72-b69e-61c3744d306d 3.10: U.S. Water Withdrawal Distribution