table : wel-stress

Energy, water, and land sectoral impacts associated with a sample of climate mitigation and adaptation measures.

table 10.1

This table appears in chapter 10 of the Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment report.

Plus sign means a positive effect (reduced stress) on sector, minus sign means a negative effect (increased stress) on sector. Blank means effect not noted. Blue means consideration of energy extraction and power plant processes. It is important to keep in mind that this table only reflects physical synergies and tradeoffs. There are, of course, economic tradeoffs as well in the form of technology costs and societal concerns, such as energy security, food security, and water quality. Expansion of hybrid or dry-cooled solar technologies, versus wet, could help reduce water risks. For a more detailed description of the entries in the table, see Skaggs et al. 2012. Additional considerations regarding energy extraction, power plant processes, and energy use associated with irrigation were added to those reflected in Skaggs et al. 2012 552cc5f5-a7b3-4a64-8bee-98ae0cced150 (Adapted from Skaggs et al. 2012). 552cc5f5-a7b3-4a64-8bee-98ae0cced150

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