- attrs:
.reference_type: 10
Author: "Skaggs, R.\rHibbard, K.\rFrumhoff, Peter\rLowry, Thomas\rMiddleton, Richard\rPate, Ron\rTidwell, Vince\rArnold, Jeffrey\rAvert, Kristen\rJanetos, Anthony\rIzaurralde, Cesar\rRice, Jennie\rRose, Steve"
Institution: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Pages: 152
Place Published: 'Richland, Washington'
Title: Climate and Energy-Water-Land System Interactions. Technical Report to the U.S. Department of Energy in Support of the National Climate Assessment. PNNL-21185
URL: http://www.pnnl.gov/main/publications/external/technical_reports/PNNL-21185.pdf
Year: 2012
_chapter: '["RF 7","Ch. 4: Energy Supply and Use FINAL","Ch. 28: Adaptation FINAL","RF 12","Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 2862
_uuid: 552cc5f5-a7b3-4a64-8bee-98ae0cced150
reftype: Report
child_publication: /report/pnnl-21185
identifier: 552cc5f5-a7b3-4a64-8bee-98ae0cced150
uri: /reference/552cc5f5-a7b3-4a64-8bee-98ae0cced150
- attrs:
.reference_type: 10
Author: "Davidson, H.C.\rR.K. Paisley"
Date: March 2009
Institution: Canadian Columbia River Forum
Pages: 50
Title: 'The Columbia River Basin: Issues & Driving forces within the Columbia River Basin with the potential to affect future transboundary water management. Final report for the Canadian Columbia River Forum.'
URL: http://www.ccrf.ca/assets/docs/pdf/issues-driving-forces-ccrf-final-march-2009.pdf
Year: 2009
_chapter: '["Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 3973
_uuid: 5c24a609-3e56-451f-a854-b5187b0b6ece
reftype: Report
child_publication: /report/canadcolrivforum-colrivbasin-2009
identifier: 5c24a609-3e56-451f-a854-b5187b0b6ece
uri: /reference/5c24a609-3e56-451f-a854-b5187b0b6ece
- attrs:
.reference_type: 10
Author: 'EPA,'
Institution: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Pages: 190
Place Published: 'Washington, D.C.'
Title: Plan to Study the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing on Drinking Water Resources. EPA/600/R-11/122
URL: http://water.epa.gov/type/groundwater/uic/class2/hydraulicfracturing/upload/FINAL-STUDY-PLAN-HF_Web_2.pdf
Year: 2011
_chapter: '["Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 1271
_uuid: 5eaab55e-f5ea-47d5-96f0-24eab6e83d06
reftype: Report
child_publication: /report/epa-600-r-11-122
identifier: 5eaab55e-f5ea-47d5-96f0-24eab6e83d06
uri: /reference/5eaab55e-f5ea-47d5-96f0-24eab6e83d06
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Author: "Costello, C.\rGriffin, W.M.\rLandis, A.E.\rMatthews, H.S."
DOI: 10.1021/es9011433
Issue: 20
Journal: Environmental Science & Technology
Pages: 7985-7991
Title: Impact of biofuel crop production on the formation of hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico
Volume: 43
Year: 2009
_chapter: '["Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 877
_uuid: 604a8457-0aa5-4135-9898-d70aad7725c8
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1021/es9011433
identifier: 604a8457-0aa5-4135-9898-d70aad7725c8
uri: /reference/604a8457-0aa5-4135-9898-d70aad7725c8
- attrs:
.publisher: Public Library of Science
.reference_type: 0
Abstract: '
Concern over climate change has led the U.S. to consider a cap-and-trade system to regulate emissions. Here we illustrate the land-use impact to U.S. habitat types of new energy development resulting from different U.S. energy policies. We estimated the total new land area needed by 2030 to produce energy, under current law and under various cap-and-trade policies, and then partitioned the area impacted among habitat types with geospatial data on the feasibility of production. The land-use intensity of different energy production techniques varies over three orders of magnitude, from 1.9â2.8 km2/TW hr/yr for nuclear power to 788â1000 km2/TW hr/yr for biodiesel from soy. In all scenarios, temperate deciduous forests and temperate grasslands will be most impacted by future energy development, although the magnitude of impact by wind, biomass, and coal to different habitat types is policy-specific. Regardless of the existence or structure of a cap-and-trade bill, at least 206,000 km2 will be impacted without substantial increases in energy efficiency, which saves at least 7.6 km2 per TW hr of electricity conserved annually and 27.5 km2 per TW hr of liquid fuels conserved annually. Climate policy that reduces carbon dioxide emissions may increase the areal impact of energy, although the magnitude of this potential side effect may be substantially mitigated by increases in energy efficiency. The possibility of widespread energy sprawl increases the need for energy conservation, appropriate siting, sustainable production practices, and compensatory mitigation offsets.
Author: "McDonald, Robert I.\rFargione, Joseph\rKiesecker, Joe\rMiller, William M.\rPowell, Jimmie"
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0006802
Issue: 8
Journal: PLoS ONE
Pages: e6802
Title: 'Energy sprawl or energy efficiency: Climate policy impacts on natural habitat for the United States of America'
URL: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0006802
Volume: 4
Year: 2009
_chapter: '["Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 3975
_uuid: 62df8fca-fcfe-41c4-8b33-85cc3f126441
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1371/journal.pone.0006802
identifier: 62df8fca-fcfe-41c4-8b33-85cc3f126441
uri: /reference/62df8fca-fcfe-41c4-8b33-85cc3f126441
- attrs:
.reference_type: 16
Access Year: 2013
Author: 'Mississippi Power,'
Last Update Date: 'October 29, 2013'
Title: 'Mississippi Power revises dates, cost of Kemper plant project'
URL: http://www.mississippipower.com/kemper/news_oct29-2013.asp
Year: 2013
_chapter: '["Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 4530
_uuid: 6461c0e6-f790-45d5-9d54-1e84817782e4
reftype: Web Page
child_publication: /webpage/65e682c8-f9fc-419b-8d65-29b707a86236
identifier: 6461c0e6-f790-45d5-9d54-1e84817782e4
uri: /reference/6461c0e6-f790-45d5-9d54-1e84817782e4
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
.text_styles: ''
Author: "Calvin, Katherine\rEdmonds, James\rBond-Lamberty, Ben\rClarke, Leon\rKim, Son H.\rKyle, Page\rSmith, Steven J.\rThomson, Allison\rWise, Marshall"
DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2009.06.006
ISSN: 0140-9883
Issue: Supplement 2
Journal: Energy Economics
Keywords: "EMF22\rClimate change\rEnergy\rLand use\r450Â ppm"
Pages: S107-S120
Title: '2.6: Limiting climate change to 450Â ppm CO2 equivalent in the 21st century'
Volume: 31
Year: 2009
_chapter: '["Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 3964
_uuid: 6829c118-f9b0-4fd2-a1e8-08bf451d6099
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1016/j.eneco.2009.06.006
identifier: 6829c118-f9b0-4fd2-a1e8-08bf451d6099
uri: /reference/6829c118-f9b0-4fd2-a1e8-08bf451d6099
- attrs:
.reference_type: 10
Accession Number: 25
Author: "Clarke, L.\rEdmonds, J.\rJacoby, H.\rPitcher, H.\rReilly, J\rRichels, R."
Institution: 'U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Biological & Environmental Research'
Pages: 154
Place Published: 'Washington, D.C.'
Title: Scenarios of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Atmospheric ConcentrationsâUS Climate Change Science Program Synthesis and Assessment Product 2.1a. Sub-report 2.1A of Synthesis and Assessment Product 2.1
URL: http://downloads.globalchange.gov/sap/sap2-1a/sap2-1a-final-all.pdf
Year: 2007
_chapter: '["Ch. 4: Energy Supply and Use FINAL","Ch. 27: Mitigation FINAL","Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 1497
_uuid: 6ac1aea5-6b76-46e1-822e-664cb3d11e9a
reftype: Report
child_publication: /report/ccsp-sap-2_1a-2007
identifier: 6ac1aea5-6b76-46e1-822e-664cb3d11e9a
uri: /reference/6ac1aea5-6b76-46e1-822e-664cb3d11e9a
- attrs:
.reference_type: 10
Author: "Averyt, K.\rFisher, J.\rHuber-Lee, A.\rLewis, A.\rMacknick, J.\rMadden, N.\rRogers, J.\rTellinghuisen, S."
Institution: Union of Concerned Scientists
Pages: 62
Title: 'Freshwater Use by US Power Plants: Electricityâs Thirst for a Precious Resource. A Report of the Energy and Water in a Warming World initiative'
URL: http://www.ucsusa.org/assets/documents/clean_energy/ew3/ew3-freshwater-use-by-us-power-plants.pdf
Volume: 2011
Year: 2011
_chapter: '["RF 7","Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 744
_uuid: 6c050821-4d0f-452a-9fb3-6576a5cc1c2e
reftype: Report
child_publication: /report/ucusa-freshwater-2011
identifier: 6c050821-4d0f-452a-9fb3-6576a5cc1c2e
uri: /reference/6c050821-4d0f-452a-9fb3-6576a5cc1c2e
- attrs:
.reference_type: 16
Access Year: 2012
Author: 'USDA, '
Place Published: 'Washington, D.C.'
Publisher: 'U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service'
Title: Major Land Uses
URL: http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/major-land-uses.aspx
Year: 2007
_chapter: '["Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 3231
_uuid: 6e583da5-d83a-4912-b729-8a1123e2bde9
reftype: Web Page
child_publication: /webpage/ca60265e-d7f8-4ab5-9ac0-3f35f8c85bb2
identifier: 6e583da5-d83a-4912-b729-8a1123e2bde9
uri: /reference/6e583da5-d83a-4912-b729-8a1123e2bde9
- attrs:
.reference_type: 10
Author: 'EPA,'
Institution: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Title: Supplemental EPA Analysis of the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 H.R. 2454 in the 111th Congress
URL: http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/Downloads/EPAactivities/HR2454_Analysis.pdf
Year: 2010
_chapter: '["Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 3963
_uuid: 6e65de3a-db02-4331-80ae-11cabe38a315
reftype: Report
child_publication: /report/epa-supplemental-2010
identifier: 6e65de3a-db02-4331-80ae-11cabe38a315
uri: /reference/6e65de3a-db02-4331-80ae-11cabe38a315
- attrs:
.reference_type: 10
Author: 'DOE,'
Institution: U.S. Department of Energy
Pages: 24
Place Published: 'Washington, D.C.'
Title: 'Concentrating Solar Power Commercial Application Study: Reducing Water Consumption of Concentrating Solar Power Electricity Generation. Report to Congress.'
URL: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/solar/pdfs/csp_water_study.pdf
Year: 2009
_chapter: '["Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 436
_uuid: 70a7ccad-a525-412e-8572-325814906b45
reftype: Report
child_publication: /report/doe-concentratingsolar-2009
identifier: 70a7ccad-a525-412e-8572-325814906b45
uri: /reference/70a7ccad-a525-412e-8572-325814906b45
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Access Date: 2011
Author: "Rose, Steven K.\rSohngen, Brent"
DOI: 10.1017/S1355770X11000027
ISSN: 1469-4395
Issue: Special Issue 04
Journal: Environment and Development Economics
Pages: 429-454
Title: Global forest carbon sequestration and climate policy design
Volume: 16
Year: 2011
_chapter: '["Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 3966
_uuid: 7631ed94-5da9-424b-9044-512fae72b7b6
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1017/S1355770X11000027
identifier: 7631ed94-5da9-424b-9044-512fae72b7b6
uri: /reference/7631ed94-5da9-424b-9044-512fae72b7b6
- attrs:
.reference_type: 10
Author: 'EPA,'
Institution: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Title: Cooling Water Intake StructuresâCWA 316(b)
URL: http://water.epa.gov/lawsregs/lawsguidance/cwa/316b/index.cfm
Year: 2013
_chapter: '["Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 3960
_uuid: 78127ba4-136a-41c5-b02d-55a1b50f36ce
reftype: Report
child_publication: /report/epa-cwa-316b
identifier: 78127ba4-136a-41c5-b02d-55a1b50f36ce
uri: /reference/78127ba4-136a-41c5-b02d-55a1b50f36ce
- attrs:
.reference_type: 0
Abstract: 'Natural gas is seen by many as the future of American energy: a fuel that can provide energy independence and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the process. However, there has also been confusion about the climate implications of increased use of natural gas for electric power and transportation. We propose and illustrate the use of technology warming potentials as a robust and transparent way to compare the cumulative radiative forcing created by alternative technologies fueled by natural gas and oil or coal by using the best available estimates of greenhouse gas emissions from each fuel cycle (i.e., production, transportation and use). We find that a shift to compressed natural gas vehicles from gasoline or diesel vehicles leads to greater radiative forcing of the climate for 80 or 280Â yr, respectively, before beginning to produce benefits. Compressed natural gas vehicles could produce climate benefits on all time frames if the well-to-wheels CH4 leakage were capped at a level 45â70% below current estimates. By contrast, using natural gas instead of coal for electric power plants can reduce radiative forcing immediately, and reducing CH4 losses from the production and transportation of natural gas would produce even greater benefits. There is a need for the natural gas industry and science community to help obtain better emissions data and for increased efforts to reduce methane leakage in order to minimize the climate footprint of natural gas.'
Author: "Alvarez, Ramón A.\rPacala, Stephen W.\rWinebrake, James J.\rChameides, William L.\rHamburg, Steven P."
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1202407109
Date: 'April 24, 2012'
Issue: 17
Journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Pages: 6435-6440
Title: Greater focus needed on methane leakage from natural gas infrastructure
URL: http://www.pnas.org/content/109/17/6435.full.pdf+html?with-ds=yes
Volume: 109
Year: 2012
_chapter: '["Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 4280
_uuid: 7d060b80-45b9-4d31-9ba4-5c9aef5b1920
reftype: Journal Article
child_publication: /article/10.1073/pnas.1202407109
identifier: 7d060b80-45b9-4d31-9ba4-5c9aef5b1920
uri: /reference/7d060b80-45b9-4d31-9ba4-5c9aef5b1920
- attrs:
.reference_type: 5
Issue Date: 'August 17, 2011'
Newspaper: AgriLife TODAY
Publisher: Texas A&M AgriLife Communications
Reporter: 'Fannin, B.'
Title: Texas agricultural drought losses reach record $5.2 billion
URL: http://agrilife.org/today/2011/08/17/texas-agricultural-drought-losses-reach-record-5-2-billion/
Year: 2011
_chapter: '["Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 1658
_uuid: 7db38c4a-ece3-4a7d-ae2b-5e95b04c6ba7
reftype: Newspaper Article
child_publication: /generic/1f8eeb30-b669-475d-b66c-91b2913aa709
identifier: 7db38c4a-ece3-4a7d-ae2b-5e95b04c6ba7
uri: /reference/7db38c4a-ece3-4a7d-ae2b-5e95b04c6ba7
- attrs:
.reference_type: 10
Author: 'DOE,'
Institution: U.S. Department of Energy
Pages: 116
Place Published: 'Washington, D.C.'
Title: 'Modern Shale Gas Development in the United States: A Primer'
URL: http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2013/03/f0/ShaleGasPrimer_Online_4-2009.pdf
Year: 2009
_chapter: '["Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 1127
_uuid: 7fbbe803-8d4a-479d-8720-920585f24743
reftype: Report
child_publication: /report/doe-shalegasprimer-2009
identifier: 7fbbe803-8d4a-479d-8720-920585f24743
uri: /reference/7fbbe803-8d4a-479d-8720-920585f24743
- attrs:
.reference_type: 16
Access Year: 2013
Author: 'NETL,'
Publisher: 'National Energy Technology Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy'
Title: 'Gasifipedia: Advantages of Gasification â High Efficiency'
URL: http://www.netl.doe.gov/technologies/coalpower/gasification/gasifipedia/
Year: 2013
_chapter: '["Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 4278
_uuid: 80ad1d5d-c377-4968-8612-de0c402a5eca
reftype: Web Page
child_publication: /webpage/911af462-a270-4d54-83e3-f37e6ddb3bb2
identifier: 80ad1d5d-c377-4968-8612-de0c402a5eca
uri: /reference/80ad1d5d-c377-4968-8612-de0c402a5eca
- attrs:
.reference_type: 16
Access Year: 2012
Author: 'Giberson, M.'
Publisher: The Energy Collective
Title: 'Power Consumption Reaches New Peaks in Texas, ERCOT Narrowly Avoids Rolling Blackouts'
URL: http://theenergycollective.com/michaelgiberson/63173/power-consumption-reaches-new-peaks-texas-ercot-narrowly-avoids-rolling-blacko
Year: 2011
_chapter: '["Appendix 1: Process FINAL","Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 1304
_uuid: 854dfbca-9ae7-43cb-8d2b-5c5af1af171d
reftype: Web Page
child_publication: /webpage/256d3c1b-eccb-4f8b-81a6-58f01196f093
identifier: 854dfbca-9ae7-43cb-8d2b-5c5af1af171d
uri: /reference/854dfbca-9ae7-43cb-8d2b-5c5af1af171d
- attrs:
.reference_type: 10
Author: "Webb, A.\rCoates, D."
Date: September 2012
Institution: 'Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. '
Pages: 69
Place Published: Montreal
Title: Biofuels and Biodiversity. CBD Technical Series No. 65
URL: http://www.cbd.int/doc/publications/cbd-ts-65-en.pdf
Year: 2012
_chapter: '["Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]'
_record_number: 4277
_uuid: 8770e028-6f1d-4d2d-887b-f8a3a033b3d0
reftype: Report
child_publication: /report/cbd-technicalseries-65-2012
identifier: 8770e028-6f1d-4d2d-887b-f8a3a033b3d0
uri: /reference/8770e028-6f1d-4d2d-887b-f8a3a033b3d0