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@prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> . @prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> . @prefix gcis: <http://data.globalchange.gov/gcis.owl#> . @prefix cito: <http://purl.org/spar/cito/> . @prefix biro: <http://purl.org/spar/biro/> . <> dcterms:identifier "energy-land-water-interactions"; gcis:findingNumber "10.1"^^xsd:string; gcis:findingStatement "Energy, water, and land systems interact in many ways. Climate change affects the individual sectors and their interactions; the combination of these factors affects climate change vulnerability as well as adaptation and mitigation options for different regions of the country."^^xsd:string; gcis:isFindingOf <>; gcis:isFindingOf <>; ## Properties of the finding: gcis:findingProcess "The authors met for a one-day face-to-face meeting, and held teleconferences approximately weekly from March through August 2012. They considered a variety of technical input documents, including a Technical Input Report prepared through an interagency process, and 59 other reports submitted through the Federal Register Notice request for public input. The key messages were selected based on expert judgment, derived from the set of examples assembled to demonstrate the character and consequences of interactions among the energy, water, and land resource sectors."^^xsd:string; gcis:descriptionOfEvidenceBase "The key message and supporting text summarizes extensive evidence documented in the Technical Input Report (TIR): Climate and Energy-Water-Land System Interactions: Technical Report to the U.S. Department of Energy in Support of the National Climate Assessment. Technical input reports (59) on a wide range of topics were also received and reviewed as part of the Federal Register Notice solicitation for public input. \r\nThe TIR incorporates the findings of a workshop, convened by the author team, of experts and stakeholders. The TIR summarizes numerous examples of interactions between specific sectors, such as energy and water or water and land use. A synthesis of these examples provides insight into how climate change impacts the interactions between these sectors.\r\nThe TIR shows that the character and significance of interactions among the energy, water, and land resource sectors vary regionally. Additionally, the influence of impacts on one sector for the other sectors will depend on the specific impacts involved. Climate change impacts will affect the interactions among sectors, but this may not occur in all circumstances.\r\nThe key message is supported by the National Climate Assessment Climate Scenarios (for example, Kunkel et al. 2013). Many of the historic trends included in the Climate Scenarios are based on data assembled by the Cooperative Observer Network of the National Weather Service (http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/coop/). Regional climate outlooks are based on the appropriate regional chapter.\r\nThe Texas drought of 2011 and 2012 provides a clear example of cascading impacts through interactions among the energy, water, and land resource sectors. The U.S. Drought Monitor (http://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/) provides relevant historical data. Evidence also includes articles appearing in the public press and Internet media.\r\n"^^xsd:string; gcis:assessmentOfConfidenceBasedOnEvidence "Given the evidence base and remaining uncertainties, confidence is high. The primary limitation on the confidence assigned to this key message is with respect to its generality. The degree of interactions among the energy, water, and land sectors varies regionally as does the character and intensity of climate change."^^xsd:string; gcis:newInformationAndRemainingUncertainties "The Texas drought of 2011 and 2012 demonstrates the occurrence of cascading impacts involving the energy, land, and water sectors; however, the Texas example cannot be generalized to all parts of the country or to all impacts of climate change (for example, see Chapter 3 for flooding and energy system impacts). The Technical Input Report provides numerous additional examples and a general description of interactions that underlie cascading impacts between these resource sectors.\r\nThere are no major uncertainties regarding this key message. There are major uncertainties, however, in the magnitude of impacts in how decisions in one sector might affect another. The intensity of interactions will be difficult to assess under climate change.\r\n"^^xsd:string; a gcis:Finding . ## This finding cites the following entities: <> cito:cites <>; biro:references <>. <> cito:cites <>; biro:references <>. <> cito:cites <>; biro:references <>. <> cito:cites <>; biro:references <>. <> cito:cites <>; biro:references <>. <> cito:cites <>; biro:references <>. <> cito:cites <>; biro:references <>. <> cito:cites <>; biro:references <>. <> cito:cites <>; biro:references <>. <> cito:cites <>; biro:references <>.