Figure : blackout-in-new-york-and-new-jersey-after-hurricane-sandy

Blackout in New York and New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy

Figure 11.1

This figure appears in chapter 11 of the Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment report.

Extreme weather events can affect multiple systems that provide services for millions of people in urban settings. The satellite images depict city lights on a normal night (left) and immediately following Hurricane Sandy (right). Approximately five million customers in the New York metropolitan region lost power. (Figure source: NASA Earth Observatory080733e4-0e59-4a5a-b3c8-86f4c5a16b04).

When citing this figure, please reference NASA Earth Observatory080733e4-0e59-4a5a-b3c8-86f4c5a16b04.

Free to use with credit to the original figure source.

This figure was derived from webpage Blackout in New Jersey and New York using the activity nca3-blackout-newyork-newjersey-after-hurricane-sandy-activity-1.

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