identifier |
ref type |
type |
title |
publication |
a63cc83e 2009
Journal Article |
article |
Travelling and hunting in a changing Arctic: Assessing Inuit vulnerability to... |
Travelling and hunting in a changing Arctic: assessing Inuit vulnerability to sea ice change in Igloolik, Nunavut
a6d8a237 1995
Report |
report |
Housing of American Indians on Reservations - Plumbing. Bureau of the Census ... |
Housing of American Indians on Reservations - Plumbing. Bureau of the Census Statistical Brief, Issued April 1995, SB/95-9
a70c5744 2013
Journal Article |
article |
Justice forward: Tribes, climate adaptation and responsibility |
Justice forward: Tribes, climate adaptation and responsibility
a9825d18 2003
Edited Book |
book |
Major Acts of Congress. Includes Indian General Allotment Act (Dawes Act) (18... |
Major Acts of Congress. Includ...
a9f167ff 2011
Web Page |
webpage |
Oglala Lakota Plan |
webpage Oglala Lakota Plan
aad71efc 2006
Journal Article |
article |
A study of two northern peoples and local effects of climate change on tradit... |
Local observations of climate change and impacts on traditional food security in two northern Aboriginal communities.
ab52be13 2005
Journal Article |
article |
Evidence and implications of recent climate change in Northern Alaska and oth... |
Evidence and Implications of Recent Climate Change in Northern Alaska and Other Arctic Regions
afaf3a1b 2009
Report |
report |
Climate Change Effects on Traditional Inupiaq Food Cellars. CCH Bulletin No. 1 |
Climate Change Effects on Traditional Inupiaq Food Cellars. CCH Bulletin No. 1
b0d534c7 2005
Report |
report |
Status and Trends in the Education of American Indians and Alaska Natives. NC... |
Status and Trends in the Education of American Indians and Alaska Natives. NCES 2005â108
b3629fab 2011
Web Page |
webpage |
Tribal Profiles. Alaska - Athabascan Region |
webpage Tribal Profiles. Alaska - Athabascan Region
b38dac16 2012
Personal Communication |
generic |
Sicangu Lakota Elder, personal communication |
generic Sicangu Lakota Elder, personal communication
b5eea23c 2010
Report |
report |
Traditional Foods in Alaska: Potential Threats from Contaminants and Climate ... |
Traditional Foods in Alaska: Potential Threats from Contaminants and Climate Change
b94bfd60 2010
Report |
report |
Department of Natural Resources Eco-Cultural Resource Management Plan |
Department of Natural Resources Eco-Cultural Resource Management Plan
Conference Proceedings |
report |
Stories of Change: Coastal Louisiana Tribal Communitiesâ Experiences of a T... |
Coastal Louisiana Tribal Communities, 2012: Stories of Change: Coastal Louisiana Tribal Communitiesâ Experiences of a Transforming Environment (Grand Bayou, Grand Caillou/Dulac, Isle de Jean Charles, Pointe-au-Chien)
bc2f63ad 2011
Report |
report |
Drought Preparedness for Tribes in the Four Corners Region. Report from April... |
Drought Preparedness for Tribes in the Four Corners Region. Report from April 2010 Workshop. Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest.
c1162288 2013
Journal Article |
article |
Climate change in arid lands and Native American socioeconomic vulnerability:... |
Climate change in arid lands and Native American socioeconomic vulnerability: The case of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
c352f37d 2008
Book |
book |
Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery |
Pagans in the Promised Land: D...
Conference Proceedings |
report |
Climate variability and change in the southwest: Impacts, information needs, ... |
Climate Variability and Change in the Southwest: Impacts, Information Needs, and Issues for Policymakers
c54b9473 2007
Book |
report |
Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Grou... |
Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
c816e0ee 2010
Book |
report |
Advance Guard: Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation, Mitigation and Indigenous ... |
Advance Guard: Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation, Mitigation and Indigenous Peoples - A Compendium of Case Studies