description: ~
doi: 10.7930/J09G5JR1
identifier: tribal-indigenous-native-lands-resources
number: 12
report_identifier: nca3
sort_key: 120
title: 'Indigenous Peoples, Lands, and Resources'
url: http://nca2014.globalchange.gov/report/sectors/indigenous-peoples
chapter_identifier: tribal-indigenous-native-lands-resources
cited_by: []
confidence: 'Based on the evidence and remaining uncertainties, confidence is very high that Alaska Native communities are increasingly exposed to health and livelihood hazards from permafrost thawing and increasing temperatures, which are causing damage to roads, water supply and sanitation systems, homes, schools, ice cellars, and ice roads, and threatening traditional lifestyles.'
contributors: []
description: 'Alaska Native communities are increasingly exposed to health and livelihood hazards from increasing temperatures and thawing permafrost, which are damaging critical infrastructure, adding to other stressors on traditional lifestyles.'
display_name: NCA3 Finding 12.4
evidence: |-
The key message and supporting chapter text summarizes extensive evidence documented in more than 200 technical input reports on a wide range of topics that were received and reviewed as part of the Federal Register Notice solicitation for public input.
Given the evidence base and uncertainties, confidence is high that rising temperatures are thawing permafrost and that this thawing is expected to continue (Ch. 2: Our Changing Climate) Permafrost temperatures are increasing over Alaska and much of the Arctic. Regions of discontinuous permafrost (where annual average soil temperatures of already close to 32°F) are highly vulnerable to thaw (Ch. 2: Our Changing Climate).0e2a44dc-cf4a-490b-ab13-8f1b8faa3cb7
There are also many relevant and recent peer-reviewed publications0a6d16f1-2362-46a1-8bfa-622dc2a43268,42269c56-1785-48ec-a81b-6eeb784de417,9510288d-7aff-4db9-a0fd-e8ecf963dce9,414daa6f-cc93-4e89-bf98-1ad404be7e21 describing the impact of permafrost thaw on Alaska Native villages. Over 30 Native villages in Alaska are in need of relocation or are in the process of being moved. Recent work0a6d16f1-2362-46a1-8bfa-622dc2a43268,f42333d8-7065-41ef-9494-f3cb7e925beb,dcd0abc9-2ae2-4388-9c84-df049d049b0a documents public health issues such as contamination of clean water for drinking and hygiene and food insecurity through thawing of ice cellars for subsistence food storage.
files: []
identifier: increased-health-hazards-for-natives
ordinal: 4
parents: []
process: |-2
A central component of the assessment process was participation by members of the Chapter Author Team in a number of climate change meetings attended by indigenous peoples and other interested parties, focusing on issues relevant to tribal and indigenous peoples. These meetings included:
Oklahoma Inter-Tribal Meeting on Climate Variability and Change held on December 12, 2011, at the National Weather Center, Norman, OK, attended by 73 people.7fbb768c-d8cf-48a5-88b4-dddb6d254013
Indigenous Knowledge and Education (IKE) Hui Climate Change and Indigenous Cultures forum held in January 2012 in Hawaiâi and attended by 36 people.a55e1352-b4c6-42f8-bafa-a920c9e1107b
Alaska Forum on the Environment held from February 6-10, 2012, at the Denaâina Convention Center in Anchorage, Alaska, and attended by about 1400 people with approximately 30 to 60 people per session.0808ea70-a152-4f50-abda-90370beb3632
Stories of Change: Coastal Louisiana Tribal Communitiesâ Experiences of a Transforming Environment, a workshop held from January 22-27, 2012, in Pointe-au-Chein, Louisiana, and attended by 47 people.bbc3c75e-6c21-4e60-8285-514cde885865
American Indian Alaska Native Climate Change Working Group 2012 Spring Meeting held from April 23â24, 2012, at the Desert Diamond Hotel-Casino in Tucson, Arizona, and attended by 80 people.2d423414-dc26-4edc-85e0-6f99bdc6283c
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report_identifier: nca3
statement: 'Alaska Native communities are increasingly exposed to health and livelihood hazards from increasing temperatures and thawing permafrost, which are damaging critical infrastructure, adding to other stressors on traditional lifestyles.'
type: finding
uncertainties: |-
Improved models and observational data (see Ch. 22: Alaska) confirmed many of the findings from the prior 2009 Alaska assessment chapter, which informed the 2009 National Climate Assessment.e251f590-177e-4ba6-8ed1-6f68b5e54c8a
A key uncertainty is how indigenous peoples in Alaska will be able to sustain traditional subsistence life ways when their communities and settlements on the historical lands of their ancestors are collapsing due to permafrost thawing, flooding, and erosion combined with loss of shore-fast ice, sea level rise, and severe storms, especially along the coasts and rivers.0a6d16f1-2362-46a1-8bfa-622dc2a43268
Another uncertainty is how indigenous communities can protect the health and welfare of the villagers from permafrost-thaw-caused public health issues of drinking water contamination, loss of traditional food storage, and potential food contamination.0a6d16f1-2362-46a1-8bfa-622dc2a43268
It is uncertain how Native communities will be able to effectively relocate and maintain their culture, particularly because there are no institutional frameworks, legal authorities, or funding to implement relocation for communities forced to relocate.0a6d16f1-2362-46a1-8bfa-622dc2a43268,42269c56-1785-48ec-a81b-6eeb784de417,a70c5744-3f77-4829-bf40-803b0ea0a14a
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/tribal-indigenous-native-lands-resources/finding/increased-health-hazards-for-natives
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