Figure : many-tribes-many-climate-change-initiatives

Many Tribes, Many Climate Change Initiatives

Figure 12.2

This figure appears in chapter 12 of the Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment report.

From developing biomass energy projects on the Quinault Indian Nation in Washington and tribal and intertribal wind projects in the Great Plains,532491e1-f2cd-4654-a9f4-22f5872205c4 to energy efficiency improvement efforts on the Cherokee Indian Reservation in North Carolina and the sustainable community designs being pursued on the Lakota reservations in the Dakotas (see also Ch. 19: Great Plains),a9f167ff-386e-4a78-a2e8-2564198dde24 tribes are investigating ways to reduce future climate changes. The map shows only those initiatives by federally recognized tribes that are funded through the Department of Energy. (Figure source: U.S. Department of Energy 20111f549c73-344e-4543-990b-679a4cec7af3).

When citing this figure, please reference U.S. Department of Energy 20111f549c73-344e-4543-990b-679a4cec7af3.

Free to use with credit to the original figure source.

This figure was created on March 21, 2014.

This figure was derived from webpage Tribal Energy Program: Projects on Tribal Lands .

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