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Evaluation of spatial distribution and predictions URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2007WR005863/pdf Volume: 43 Year: 2007 _chapter: '["Ch. 17: Southeast and Caribbean FINAL"]' _record_number: 618 _uuid: d4766748-51b3-41e4-81cb-c51d441aeabb reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1029/2007WR005863 href: identifier: d4766748-51b3-41e4-81cb-c51d441aeabb uri: /reference/d4766748-51b3-41e4-81cb-c51d441aeabb - attrs: .reference_type: 0 .text_styles: '' Author: "Watts, D.M.\rBurke, D.S.\rHarrison, B.A.\rWhitmire, R.E.\rNisalak, A." Issue: 1 Journal: American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Pages: 143-152 Title: Effect of temperature on the vector efficiency of Aedes aegypti for dengue 2 virus Volume: 36 Year: 1987 _chapter: '["Ch. 17: Southeast and Caribbean FINAL"]' _record_number: 3360 _uuid: d4de4a58-a862-473c-8ccf-3c387e56c337 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/pmid-3812879 href: identifier: d4de4a58-a862-473c-8ccf-3c387e56c337 uri: /reference/d4de4a58-a862-473c-8ccf-3c387e56c337 - attrs: .reference_type: 10 Author: "Parris, A.\rP. Bromirski\rV. Burkett\rD. Cayan\rM. Culver\rJ. Hall\rR. Horton\rK. Knuuti\rR. Moss\rJ. Obeysekera\rA. Sallenger\rJ. Weiss" Institution: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pages: 37 Place Published: 'Silver Spring, MD' Title: Global Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the United States National Climate Assessment. 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DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2010.00815.x ISSN: 1529-8817 Issue: 2 Journal: Journal of Phycology Pages: 220-235 Title: 'Ocean climate change, phytoplankton community responses, and harmful algal blooms: A formidable predictive challenge' URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1529-8817.2010.00815.x/full Volume: 46 Year: 2010 _chapter: '["RG 2 Southeast","Ch. 17: Southeast and Caribbean FINAL"]' _record_number: 1210 _uuid: db612cfb-eafa-45fc-8083-1606aa5c5801 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1111/j.1529-8817.2010.00815.x href: identifier: db612cfb-eafa-45fc-8083-1606aa5c5801 uri: /reference/db612cfb-eafa-45fc-8083-1606aa5c5801 - attrs: .reference_type: 10 Author: "Leurig, S.\rA Dlugolecki" Institution: Ceres Title: 'Insurance Climate Risk Disclosure Survey: 2012 Findings & Recommendations' URL: http://www.ceres.org/resources/reports/naic-report/view Year: 2013 _chapter: '["Ch. 17: Southeast and Caribbean FINAL"]' _record_number: 4070 _uuid: dcf2e200-8fb8-4112-8bda-d69e88721bc7 reftype: Report child_publication: /report/ceres-insclimrisk-2013 href: identifier: dcf2e200-8fb8-4112-8bda-d69e88721bc7 uri: /reference/dcf2e200-8fb8-4112-8bda-d69e88721bc7 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: "Verbout, S.M.\rBrooks, H.E.\rLeslie, L.M.\rSchultz, D.M." DOI: 10.1175/WAF910.1 ISSN: 1520-0434 Issue: 1 Journal: Weather and Forecasting Pages: 86-93 Title: 'Evolution of the US tornado database: 1954-2003' URL: http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/pdf/10.1175/WAF910.1 Volume: 21 Year: 2006 _chapter: '["Ch. 17: Southeast and Caribbean FINAL"]' _record_number: 3283 _uuid: de941baf-a8d8-4b50-9d33-fd70a7d01442 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1175/WAF910.1 href: identifier: de941baf-a8d8-4b50-9d33-fd70a7d01442 uri: /reference/de941baf-a8d8-4b50-9d33-fd70a7d01442 - attrs: .reference_type: 5 Issue Date: 'April 30, 2013' Newspaper: The Times-Picayune Place Published: 'New Orleans, LA' Reporter: 'Kumar, Sheila V.' Title: "Louisiana 'shattered' tourism records in 2012, Lt. Gov. 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ISSN: 1934-8932 Issue: 11 Journal: Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering Pages: 121-139 Title: Counteracting the effects of sea level rise in Southeast Florida Volume: 5 Year: 2011 _chapter: '["Ch. 25: Coastal Zone FINAL","Ch. 17: Southeast and Caribbean FINAL"]' _record_number: 478 _uuid: e378c785-05f0-4f3f-97b1-889eb7e5036d reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.17265/1934-8932/2011.11.013 href: identifier: e378c785-05f0-4f3f-97b1-889eb7e5036d uri: /reference/e378c785-05f0-4f3f-97b1-889eb7e5036d - attrs: .reference_type: 7 Author: "Sun, G.\rS. Arumugam\rP.V. Caldwell\rP.A. Conrads\rA.P. Covich\rJ. Cruise\rJ. Feldt\rA.P. Georgakakos\rR.T. McNider\rS.G. McNulty\rD.A. Marion\rV. Misra\rT.C. Rasmussen\rL. Romolo\rA. Terando" Book Title: 'Climate of the Southeast United States: Variability, Change, Impacts, and Vulnerability' Editor: "K.T. Ingram\rK. Dow\rL. Carter\rJ. 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DOI: 10.1080/20026491051695 ISSN: 1064-1262 Issue: 2 Journal: Reviews in Fisheries Science Pages: 113-390 Title: The effects of harmful algal blooms on aquatic organisms Volume: 10 Year: 2002 _chapter: '["Ch. 17: Southeast and Caribbean FINAL"]' _record_number: 605 _uuid: ebce50af-062f-4de4-bdca-531855a3a312 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1080/20026491051695 href: identifier: ebce50af-062f-4de4-bdca-531855a3a312 uri: /reference/ebce50af-062f-4de4-bdca-531855a3a312 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: 'Larsen, M.C.' DOI: 10.1080/02723646.2000.10642723 ISSN: 0272-3646 Issue: 6 Journal: Physical Geography Pages: 494-521 Title: Analysis of 20th century rainfall and streamflow to characterize drought and water resources in Puerto Rico URL: http://www.usgs.gov/climate_landuse/contacts/presents/Larsen-PhysGeog-2000.pdf Volume: 21 Year: 2000 _chapter: '["Ch. 17: Southeast and Caribbean FINAL"]' _record_number: 79 _uuid: edd9a004-f859-41ae-9f93-80201c4ffd65 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1080/02723646.2000.10642723 href: identifier: edd9a004-f859-41ae-9f93-80201c4ffd65 uri: /reference/edd9a004-f859-41ae-9f93-80201c4ffd65 - attrs: .reference_type: 7 Author: 'Burkett, V.R.' Book Title: 'Sudden and Disruptive Climate Change: Exploring the Real Risks and How We Can Avoid Them' Editor: "MacCracken, M.C.\rMoore, F.\rTopping, J.C., Jr." ISBN: 9781844074778 Pages: 101-118 Place Published: 'London, UK and Sterling, VA' Publisher: Earthscan Publications Reviewer: eef155ad-a0b8-4817-9ef9-a38c52c5feca Title: 'Ch. 8: The northern Gulf of Mexico coast: Human development patterns, declining ecosystems, and escalating vulnerability to storms and sea level rise' Year: 2008 _chapter: '["Ch. 17: Southeast and Caribbean FINAL"]' _record_number: 1189 _uuid: eef155ad-a0b8-4817-9ef9-a38c52c5feca reftype: Book Section child_publication: /book/0e6d600c-a99d-41b9-856a-0509c24111d6 href: identifier: eef155ad-a0b8-4817-9ef9-a38c52c5feca uri: /reference/eef155ad-a0b8-4817-9ef9-a38c52c5feca - attrs: .reference_type: 16 Access Year: 2013 Author: 'NOAA, ' Publisher: 'National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ' Title: 'Billion Dollar Weather/Climate Disasters, List of Events' URL: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/billions/events Year: 2013 _chapter: '["Ch. 16: Northeast FINAL","RG 2 Southeast","Ch. 17: Southeast and Caribbean FINAL","RG 1 Northeast"]' _record_number: 4610 _uuid: f1b38f7f-f75c-4d2f-83a9-d27269e17e5e reftype: Web Page child_publication: /webpage/d70d7a59-45d7-4b38-baf2-86a7fcf12da3 href: identifier: f1b38f7f-f75c-4d2f-83a9-d27269e17e5e uri: /reference/f1b38f7f-f75c-4d2f-83a9-d27269e17e5e - attrs: .reference_type: 7 Author: "Ebi, K.L. \rBalbus, J.\rKinney, P.L.\rLipp, E.\rMills, D.\rO’Neill, M.S.\rWilson, M." Book Title: Analyses of the Effects of Global Change on Human Health and Welfare and Human Systems. A Report By the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research Editor: 'Gamble, J.L.' Pages: 39-87 Place Published: 'Washington, D.C.' Publisher: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Reviewer: f1ce7f7f-bf4a-41af-ba34-c002ae27a219 Title: 'Ch. 2: Effects of global change on human health' URL: http://downloads.climatescience.gov/sap/sap4-6/sap4-6-final-report-Ch2-HumanHealth.pdf Year: 2008 _chapter: '["Ch. 17: Southeast and Caribbean FINAL"]' _record_number: 603 _uuid: f1ce7f7f-bf4a-41af-ba34-c002ae27a219 reftype: Book Section child_publication: /report/ccsp-sap-4_6-2008 href: identifier: f1ce7f7f-bf4a-41af-ba34-c002ae27a219 uri: /reference/f1ce7f7f-bf4a-41af-ba34-c002ae27a219