--- - attrs: .reference_type: 7 Author: "Sun, G.\rS. Arumugam\rP.V. Caldwell\rP.A. Conrads\rA.P. Covich\rJ. Cruise\rJ. Feldt\rA.P. Georgakakos\rR.T. McNider\rS.G. McNulty\rD.A. Marion\rV. Misra\rT.C. Rasmussen\rL. Romolo\rA. Terando" Book Title: 'Climate of the Southeast United States: Variability, Change, Impacts, and Vulnerability' Editor: "K.T. Ingram\rK. Dow\rL. Carter\rJ. Anderson" ISBN: 9781610915090 Pages: ' 210-236' Publisher: Island Press Reviewer: ea3445e7-7601-48c1-9a36-bbd7befc0964 Title: Impacts of climate change and variability on water resources in the Southeast USA Year: 2013 _chapter: '["Ch. 17: Southeast and Caribbean FINAL"]' _record_number: 4074 _uuid: ea3445e7-7601-48c1-9a36-bbd7befc0964 reftype: Book Section child_publication: /book/7951fbd8-5877-41aa-ae62-9da3eb56b5c5 href: identifier: ea3445e7-7601-48c1-9a36-bbd7befc0964 uri: /reference/ea3445e7-7601-48c1-9a36-bbd7befc0964