--- - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: 'Krannich, R.S.' DOI: 10.1007/s13412-011-0051-y ISSN: 2190-6483 Issue: 1 Journal: Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences Pages: 18-27 Title: 'Social change in natural resource-based rural communities: The evolution of sociological research and knowledge as influenced by William R. Freudenburg' Volume: 2 Year: 2012 _chapter: '["Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL"]' _record_number: 1550 _uuid: 7549330a-6d66-49c0-a31d-e22614475c8f reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1007/s13412-011-0051-y href: identifier: 7549330a-6d66-49c0-a31d-e22614475c8f uri: /reference/7549330a-6d66-49c0-a31d-e22614475c8f - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: "Lal, P.\rAlavalapati, J.R.R.\rMercer, E.D." DOI: 10.1007/s11027-011-9295-9 ISSN: 1381-2386 Issue: 7 Journal: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change Pages: 819-844 Title: Socio-economic impacts of climate change on rural United States URL: http://www.srs.fs.usda.gov/pubs/ja/2011/ja_2011_lal_002.pdf Volume: 16 Year: 2011 _chapter: '["RG 9 Rural","Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL"]' _record_number: 1557 _uuid: 75a38932-a8a4-4eeb-b94c-bbb65b580efe reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1007/s11027-011-9295-9 href: identifier: 75a38932-a8a4-4eeb-b94c-bbb65b580efe uri: /reference/75a38932-a8a4-4eeb-b94c-bbb65b580efe - attrs: .reference_type: 1 Author: 'CCSP,' Editor: "Beller-Simms, N.\rIngram, H.\rFeldman, D.\rMantua, N.\rJacobs, K.L.\rWaple, A.M." Number of Pages: 190 Place Published: 'Washington, D.C.' Publisher: U.S. Climate Change Science Program Reviewer: 7c682011-cf93-406c-80c4-85147eab2d7c Title: 'Decision-Support Experiments and Evaluations using Seasonal-to-Interannual Forecasts and Observational Data: A Focus on Water Resources. A Report by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research' URL: http://library.globalchange.gov/products/assessments/sap-5-3-decision-support-experiments-and-evaluations-using-seasonal-to-interannual-forecasts-and-observational-data Year: 2008 _chapter: '["Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL"]' _record_number: 496 _uuid: 7c682011-cf93-406c-80c4-85147eab2d7c reftype: Book child_publication: /report/ccsp-sap-5_3-2008 href: identifier: 7c682011-cf93-406c-80c4-85147eab2d7c uri: /reference/7c682011-cf93-406c-80c4-85147eab2d7c - attrs: .reference_type: 9 Editor: 'Flora, C.B.' ISBN: '0849309174 ' Number of Pages: 296 Publisher: CRC Press Title: Interactions Between Agroecosystems and Rural Communities Year: 2001 _chapter: '["Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL"]' _record_number: 984 _uuid: 7e2fdb15-edda-40b0-a126-aa3bf5c1897a reftype: Edited Book child_publication: /book/71cef134-e769-4328-ae30-b5e75c7b9f58 href: identifier: 7e2fdb15-edda-40b0-a126-aa3bf5c1897a uri: /reference/7e2fdb15-edda-40b0-a126-aa3bf5c1897a - attrs: .reference_type: 16 Access Year: 2012 Author: 'U.S. Census Bureau,' Title: 2010 Census Urban and Rural Classification and Urban Area Criteria URL: http://www.census.gov/geo/reference/frn.html Year: 2012 _chapter: '["Ch. 20: Southwest FINAL","RG 9 Rural","Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL","Ch. 13: Land Use and Land Cover Change FINAL"]' _record_number: 3131 _uuid: 807e47ed-87e6-4b40-a52c-36dcab4804a9 reftype: Web Page child_publication: /webpage/ef3040ae-893b-4bb4-9bfb-ea4d47c04e6f href: identifier: 807e47ed-87e6-4b40-a52c-36dcab4804a9 uri: /reference/807e47ed-87e6-4b40-a52c-36dcab4804a9 - attrs: .publisher: Springer-Verlag .reference_type: 0 Alternate Journal: J Environ Stud Sci Author: "Romsdahl, Rebecca J.\rAtkinson, Lorilie\rSchultz, Jeannie" DOI: 10.1007/s13412-012-0078-8 Date: 2013/03/01 ISSN: 2190-6483 Issue: 1 Journal: Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences Keywords: "Global climate change\rUS Great Plains\rGovernment decision-makers\rNatural resources management\rAttitudes about climate change\rIssue framing" Language: English Pages: 1-14 Title: 'Planning for climate change across the US Great Plains: Concerns and insights from government decision-makers' Volume: 3 Year: 2013 _chapter: '["Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL","Ch. 19: Great Plains FINAL","Ch. 28: Adaptation FINAL"]' _record_number: 3870 _uuid: 83a6231f-cab0-4171-81b2-e63c26f925cf reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1007/s13412-012-0078-8 href: identifier: 83a6231f-cab0-4171-81b2-e63c26f925cf uri: /reference/83a6231f-cab0-4171-81b2-e63c26f925cf - attrs: .reference_type: 7 Author: "Peacock, W.G.\rGirard, C." Book Title: 'Hurricane Andrew: Ethnicity, Gender, and the Sociology of Disasters' ISBN: 978-0415168113 Pages: 171-190 Place Published: 'New York, New York' Publisher: Routledge Reviewer: 87577e63-4f1a-4742-808a-adf1a57a67c3 Title: 'Ch. 9: Ethnic and racial inequalities in hurricane damage and insurance settlements' URL: http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415168113/ Year: 1997 _chapter: '["Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL"]' _record_number: 2448 _uuid: 87577e63-4f1a-4742-808a-adf1a57a67c3 reftype: Book Section child_publication: /book/942bf0ff-ba80-44a8-877e-d24790d729bd href: identifier: 87577e63-4f1a-4742-808a-adf1a57a67c3 uri: /reference/87577e63-4f1a-4742-808a-adf1a57a67c3 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: 'Austin, D.E.' DOI: 10.1525/aa.2006.108.4.671 ISSN: 1548-1433 Issue: 4 Journal: American Anthropologist Pages: 671-691 Title: 'Coastal exploitation, land loss, and hurricanes: A recipe for disaster' Volume: 108 Year: 2006 _chapter: '["Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL"]' _record_number: 407 _uuid: 8a11bfd9-64b6-40d3-b0f2-72310ac70f37 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1525/aa.2006.108.4.671 href: identifier: 8a11bfd9-64b6-40d3-b0f2-72310ac70f37 uri: /reference/8a11bfd9-64b6-40d3-b0f2-72310ac70f37 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: "Isserman, A.M.\rFeser, E.\rWarren, D.E." DOI: 10.1177/0160017609336090 ISSN: 0160-0176 Issue: 3 Journal: International Regional Science Review Pages: 300-342 Title: Why some rural places prosper and others do not Volume: 32 Year: 2009 _chapter: '["RG 9 Rural","Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL"]' _record_number: 1815 _uuid: 8dff508b-aa3e-4c34-8a85-d977b7fd5230 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1177/0160017609336090 href: identifier: 8dff508b-aa3e-4c34-8a85-d977b7fd5230 uri: /reference/8dff508b-aa3e-4c34-8a85-d977b7fd5230 - attrs: .reference_type: 1 Author: "Brown, D.L.\rSchafft, K.A." ISBN: 9780745641287 Number of Pages: 224 Place Published: 'Cambridge, UK, Malden, MA' Publisher: Polity Press Reviewer: 9051aa9f-e32e-48a5-9696-b1771064883d Title: 'Rural People and Communities in the 21st Century: Resilience and Transformation' URL: http://books.google.com/books?id=ZODb_USsxCEC Year: 2011 _chapter: '["Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL"]' _record_number: 1485 _uuid: 9051aa9f-e32e-48a5-9696-b1771064883d reftype: Book child_publication: /book/58156695-3a4f-400f-9096-7e189b67cd32 href: identifier: 9051aa9f-e32e-48a5-9696-b1771064883d uri: /reference/9051aa9f-e32e-48a5-9696-b1771064883d - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Abstract: 'To better understand the change in global hurricane intensity since 1970, we examined the joint distribution of hurricane intensity with variables identified in the literature as contributing to the intensification of hurricanes. We used a methodology based on information theory, isolating the trend from the shorter-term natural modes of variability. The results show that the trend of increasing numbers of category 4 and 5 hurricanes for the period 1970-2004 is directly linked to the trend in sea-surface temperature; other aspects of the tropical environment, although they influence shorter-term variations in hurricane intensity, do not contribute substantially to the observed global trend.' Accession Number: 384 Author: "Hoyos, C.D.\rAgudelo, P.A.\rWebster, P.J.\rCurry, J.A." Author Address: 'Hoyos, CD (reprint author), Georgia Inst Technol, Sch Earth & Atmospher Sci, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA; Georgia Inst Technol, Sch Earth & Atmospher Sci, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA' DOI: 10.1126/science.1123560 Date: APR 7 2006 ISSN: 0036-8075 Issue: 577 Journal: Science Keywords: TROPICAL CYCLONES; METEOROLOGY Language: English Pages: 94-97 Title: Deconvolution of the factors contributing to the increase in global hurricane intensity URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3845986?origin=JSTOR-pdf Volume: 312 Year: 2006 _chapter: '["RG 9 Rural","Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL"]' _record_number: 3591 _uuid: 9b952dc3-fc46-4672-ba76-3478e002f88b reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1126/science.1123560 href: identifier: 9b952dc3-fc46-4672-ba76-3478e002f88b uri: /reference/9b952dc3-fc46-4672-ba76-3478e002f88b - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: 'Berkes, F.' DOI: 10.007/s11069-006-9036-7 ISSN: 0921-030X Issue: 2 Journal: Natural Hazards Pages: 283-295 Title: 'Understanding uncertainty and reducing vulnerability: Lessons from resilience thinking' Volume: 41 Year: 2007 _chapter: '["RG 9 Rural","Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL"]' _record_number: 1728 _uuid: 9c6ff956-6d0a-4e89-a491-fb8fd85a7707 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1007/s11069-006-9036-7 href: identifier: 9c6ff956-6d0a-4e89-a491-fb8fd85a7707 uri: /reference/9c6ff956-6d0a-4e89-a491-fb8fd85a7707 - attrs: .reference_type: 10 Author: "Jones, C.A.\rParker, T.S.\rAhearn, M.\rMishra, A.K.\rVariyam, J.N. " Institution: 'U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Services Division' Pages: 72 Report Number: 143792154X Title: Health Status and Health Care Access of Farm and Rural Populations. Economic Information Bulletin Number 57 URL: http://www.ers.usda.gov/media/155453/eib57_1_.pdf Year: 2009 _chapter: '["Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL"]' _record_number: 830 _uuid: af1f278e-c516-4e95-83b0-27c32828b80c reftype: Report child_publication: /report/ers-economicinformationbulletin57-2009 href: identifier: af1f278e-c516-4e95-83b0-27c32828b80c uri: /reference/af1f278e-c516-4e95-83b0-27c32828b80c - attrs: .reference_type: 7 Author: "Adger, W.N.\rNelson, D.R." Book Title: 'Climate Change, Ethics and Human Security' Editor: "O’Brien, K.\rSt Clair, A.L.\rKristoffersen, B." ISBN: 9780521197663 Pages: 83-94 Place Published: 'Cambridge, UK and New York, New York, USA' Publisher: Cambridge University Press Reviewer: b505ee32-ec95-4ec7-8205-060f91d69390 Title: 'Ch. 5: Fair decision making in a new climate of risk' Year: 2010 _chapter: '["Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL"]' _record_number: 689 _uuid: b505ee32-ec95-4ec7-8205-060f91d69390 reftype: Book Section child_publication: /book/40277ce6-9bf2-4396-8dcf-2342b7ed94b4 href: identifier: b505ee32-ec95-4ec7-8205-060f91d69390 uri: /reference/b505ee32-ec95-4ec7-8205-060f91d69390 - attrs: .reference_type: 10 Author: 'NTAA,' Date: 'December 11, 2009' Institution: National Tribal Air Association Pages: 18 Title: Impacts of Climate Change on Tribes of the United States URL: http://www.tribesandclimatechange.org/docs/tribes_95.pdf Year: 2009 _chapter: '["Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL"]' _record_number: 2318 _uuid: b9bd1b11-0ae4-4ffe-8938-eed8a666eff3 reftype: Report child_publication: /report/ntaa-impactsclimchtribes-2009 href: identifier: b9bd1b11-0ae4-4ffe-8938-eed8a666eff3 uri: /reference/b9bd1b11-0ae4-4ffe-8938-eed8a666eff3 - attrs: .reference_type: 7 Author: 'USFS,' Book Title: 'San Juan National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan Revision Draft Environmental Impact Statement ' Pages: 3208 Place Published: 'Durango, Colorado' Publisher: San Juan Public Lands Center Reviewer: bcf9e9ef-d0bf-4a67-93e7-11b09bdbdc34 Title: 'Ch. 3: Timber management and wood products' Year: 2008 _chapter: '["Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL"]' _record_number: 3164 _uuid: bcf9e9ef-d0bf-4a67-93e7-11b09bdbdc34 reftype: Book Section child_publication: /report/usfs-blm-sanjuandeis-2007 href: identifier: bcf9e9ef-d0bf-4a67-93e7-11b09bdbdc34 uri: /reference/bcf9e9ef-d0bf-4a67-93e7-11b09bdbdc34 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: 'Vásquez-León, M.' DOI: 10.1111/j.1548-1433.2009.01133.x ISSN: 1548-1433 Issue: 3 Journal: American Anthropologist Pages: 289-301 Title: 'Hispanic farmers and farmworkers: Social networks, institutional exclusion, and climate vulnerability in Southeastern Arizona' Volume: 111 Year: 2009 _chapter: '["Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL","Ch. 19: Great Plains FINAL"]' _record_number: 3275 _uuid: be024d51-9e23-4ed7-9d9f-9e5139e80f9f reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1111/j.1548-1433.2009.01133.x href: identifier: be024d51-9e23-4ed7-9d9f-9e5139e80f9f uri: /reference/be024d51-9e23-4ed7-9d9f-9e5139e80f9f - attrs: .reference_type: 1 Author: 'CCSP,' Editor: "Wilbanks, T. J.\rBhatt, V.\rBilello, D. E.\rBull, S.R.\rEkmann, J.\rHorak, W.C.\rHuang, Y.J.\rLevine, M.D.\rSale, M.J.\rSchmalzer, D.K.\rScott, M.J." Number of Pages: 160 Place Published: 'Washington, D.C.' Publisher: 'Department of Energy, Office of Biological & Environmental Research' Reviewer: bfcd7b78-2ac7-49ae-a72a-36701da3381b Title: Effects of Climate Change on Energy Production and Use in the United States. A Report by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research URL: http://library.globalchange.gov/products/assessments/sap-4-5-effects-of-climate-change-on-energy-production-and-use-in-the-united-states Year: 2008 _chapter: '["Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL"]' _record_number: 3419 _uuid: bfcd7b78-2ac7-49ae-a72a-36701da3381b reftype: Book child_publication: /report/ccsp-sap-4_5-2008 href: identifier: bfcd7b78-2ac7-49ae-a72a-36701da3381b uri: /reference/bfcd7b78-2ac7-49ae-a72a-36701da3381b - attrs: .reference_type: 1 Author: "Burkett, V.\rDavidson, M." ISBN: 9781610914338 Number of Pages: 216 Place Published: 'Washington, D.C.' Publisher: Island Press Reviewer: c9647af9-db7f-4f6a-89bd-2f2293ad26e5 Title: 'Coastal Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerabilities: A Technical Input to the 2013 National Climate Assessment' Year: 2012 _chapter: '["Ch. 25: Coastal Zone FINAL","RG 9 Rural","Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL","RG 10 Coasts","Ch. 2: Our Changing Climate FINAL","Ch. 28: Adaptation FINAL"]' _record_number: 414 _uuid: c9647af9-db7f-4f6a-89bd-2f2293ad26e5 reftype: Book child_publication: /report/usgcrp-ti-coastal-impacts-2012 href: identifier: c9647af9-db7f-4f6a-89bd-2f2293ad26e5 uri: /reference/c9647af9-db7f-4f6a-89bd-2f2293ad26e5 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: "Stedman, R.C.\rPatriquin, M.N.\rParkins, J.R." DOI: 10.1007/s13412-011-0055-7 ISSN: 2190-6483 Issue: 1 Journal: Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences Pages: 28-38 Title: 'Dependence, diversity, and the well-being of rural community: Building on the Freudenburg legacy' Volume: 2 Year: 2012 _chapter: '["Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL"]' _record_number: 2942 _uuid: d343707a-98a7-4be0-aead-7505bd232dcc reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1007/s13412-011-0055-7 href: identifier: d343707a-98a7-4be0-aead-7505bd232dcc uri: /reference/d343707a-98a7-4be0-aead-7505bd232dcc