References in nca3 chapter 14 : Rural Communities

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identifier ref type type title publication
000b594a 2011 Book Section report Ch. 10: Telecommunications Responding to Climate Change in New York State: The ClimAID Integrated Assessment for Effective Climate Change Adaptation in New York State
08dee422 2009 Book Section book Ch. 10: Do values subjectively define the limits to climate change adaptation Adapting to climate change. Th...
0aa57e90 2011 Journal Article article Beyond the “fit”: Introducing climate forecasts among organic farmers in ... Beyond the “fit”: introducing climate forecasts among organic farmers in Georgia (United States)
0eb669c3 2007 Journal Article article NIMBY or not? Exploring the relevance of location and the politics of voiced ... NIMBY or not? Exploring the relevance of location and the politics of voiced opinions in renewable energy siting controversies
0ebef171 2013 Government Document report Regional Climate Trends and Scenarios for the U.S. National Climate Assessmen... Regional Climate Trends and Scenarios for the U.S. National Climate Assessment: Part 9. Climate of the Contiguous United States. NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 142-9
12656b08 2006 Journal Article article Latino disaster vulnerability the dissemination of hurricane mitigation infor... Latino Disaster Vulnerability: The Dissemination of Hurricane Mitigation Information Among Florida's Homeowners
16998c0a Conference Proceedings generic The Emerging Roles of County Governments in Rural America: Findings from a Re... generic The Emerging Roles of County Governments in Rural America: Findings from a Recent National Survey
219975d0 2012 Web Page webpage Defining the Rural Population webpage Defining the Rural Population
2221404a 2001 Journal Article article Amenities and community economic development: Strategies for sustainability Amenities and community economic development: Strategies for sustainability
25884fee 2009 Book Section report Ch. 7: Population, land use, and infrastructure Coastal Sensitivity to Sea Level Rise: A Focus on the Mid-Atlantic Region. A report by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research
26bd44a5 2008 Journal Article article Estimating potential habitat for 134 eastern US tree species under six climat... Estimating potential habitat for 134 eastern US tree species under six climate scenarios
289c601b 2009 Journal Article article Bark beetle-caused mortality in a drought-affected ponderosa pine landscape i... Bark beetle-caused mortality in a drought-affected ponderosa pine landscape in Arizona, USA
291c90fe 2009 Book report Thresholds of Climate Change in Ecosystems. A Report by the U.S. Climate Chan... SAP 4.2. Thresholds of Climate Change in Ecosystems
2b9cf7c5 2008 Report report Climate Change in Colorado: A Synthesis to Support Water Resources Management... Climate Change in Colorado: A Synthesis to Support Water Resources Management and Adaptation. Report for the Colorado Water Conservation Board
325086ae 2009 Book report Historical Range of Variability and Current Landscape Condition Analysis: Sou... Historical Range of Variability and Current Landscape Condition Analysis: South Central Highlands Section, Southwestern Colorado & Northwestern New Mexico
3b2a4dfd 2012 Web Page webpage Atlas of Rural and Small-Town America webpage Atlas of Rural and Small-Town America
3baf471f 2012 Report report Climate Change and Agriculture in the United States: Effects and Adaptation. ... Climate Change and Agriculture in the United States: Effects and Adaptation. USDA Technical Bulletin 1935
3c6b7970 2011 Journal Article article Wildlife conservation and solar energy development in the desert southwest, U... Wildlife Conservation and Solar Energy Development in the Desert Southwest, United States
3c81b905 2003 Web Page webpage Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture webpage Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
443cb593 2011 Journal Article article Conservation practices to mitigate and adapt to climate change Conservation practices to mitigate and adapt to climate change
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