reference : Ch. 5: Fair decision making in a new climate of risk

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Book Section
Author Adger, W.N. Nelson, D.R.
Book Title Climate Change, Ethics and Human Security
Editor O’Brien, K. St Clair, A.L. Kristoffersen, B.
ISBN 9780521197663
Pages 83-94
Place Published Cambridge, UK and New York, New York, USA
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Reviewer b505ee32-ec95-4ec7-8205-060f91d69390
Title Ch. 5: Fair decision making in a new climate of risk
Year 2010
Bibliographic identifiers
.reference_type 7
_chapter ["Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL"]
_record_number 689
_uuid b505ee32-ec95-4ec7-8205-060f91d69390