References in nca3 chapter 2 : Our Changing Climate

identifier ref type type title publication
334caaf0 2012 Journal Article article Atmospheric teleconnection patterns associated with severe and mild ice cover... Atmospheric teleconnection patterns associated with severe and mild ice cover on the Great Lakes, 1963–2011
3a244268 2008 Book Section report Executive Summary SAP 3.3. Weather and Climate Extremes in a Changing Climate
3a3c7408 2012 Journal Article article Rapid progression of ocean acidification in the California Current System Rapid Progression of Ocean Acidification in the California Current System
3c8f9e8c 2013 Journal Article article Twentieth-century global-mean sea level rise: Is the whole greater than the s... Twentieth-Century Global-Mean Sea Level Rise: Is the Whole Greater than the Sum of the Parts?
3ce3977a 2011 Journal Article article Separating signal and noise in atmospheric temperature changes: The importanc... Separating signal and noise in atmospheric temperature changes: The importance of timescale
3f236ffc 2006 Journal Article article Atlantic hurricane trends linked to climate change Atlantic hurricane trends linked to climate change
3f2b5aa2 2013 Journal Article article Future Arctic marine access: Analysis and evaluation of observations, models,... Future Arctic marine access: analysis and evaluation of observations, models, and projections of sea ice
3f91d410 2012 Journal Article article Uncertainty of tropical cyclone best-track information Uncertainty of Tropical Cyclone Best-Track Information
41179597 2006 Journal Article article Robust responses of the hydrological cycle to global warming Robust Responses of the Hydrological Cycle to Global Warming
42b449ef 2010 Journal Article article Impacts of land use land cover on temperature trends over the continental Uni... Impacts of land use land cover on temperature trends over the continental United States: assessment using the North American Regional Reanalysis
43d596ef 2011 Journal Article article Changes in precipitation with climate change Changes in precipitation with climate change
466671ca 2007 Journal Article article Effect of remote sea surface temperature change on tropical cyclone potential... Effect of remote sea surface temperature change on tropical cyclone potential intensity
4693d80b 2009 Journal Article article Attribution of anthropogenic influence on seasonal sea level pressure Attribution of anthropogenic influence on seasonal sea level pressure
48136420 2013 Journal Article article Atlantic hurricane database uncertainty and presentation of a new database fo... Atlantic Hurricane Database Uncertainty and Presentation of a New Database Format
4829a603 2009 Journal Article article Irreversible climate change due to carbon dioxide emissions Irreversible climate change due to carbon dioxide emissions
49946c46 2012 Journal Article article Climate response to zeroed emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols Climate response to zeroed emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols
4a4eb060 2011 Journal Article article The influence of large dams on surrounding climate and precipitation patterns The influence of large dams on surrounding climate and precipitation patterns
5138b20c 2012 Book Section report Ch. 3: Changes in climate extremes and their impacts on the natural physical ... Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation. A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
526045c4 2012 Journal Article article Climate extremes and climate change: The Russian heat wave and other climate ... Climate extremes and climate change: The Russian heat wave and other climate extremes of 2010
52e2eef0 2010 Journal Article article Extensive methane venting to the atmosphere from sediments of the East Siberi... Extensive Methane Venting to the Atmosphere from Sediments of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf