Figure : projected-changes-in-frostfree-season-length

Projected Changes in Frost-Free Season Length

Figure 2.11

Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites - NC
Kenneth Kunkel

This figure appears in chapter 2 of the Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment report.

The maps show projected increases in frost-free season length for the last three decades of this century (2070-2099 as compared to 1971-2000) under two emissions scenarios, one in which heat-trapping gas emissions continue to grow (A2) and one in which emissions peak in 2050 (B1). Increases in the frost-free season correspond to similar increases in the growing season. White areas are projected to experience no freezes for 2070-2099, and gray areas are projected to experience more than 10 frost-free years during the same period. (Figure source: NOAA NCDC / CICS-NC).

When citing this figure, please reference NOAA NCDC / CICS-NC.

Free to use with credit to the original figure source.

This figure was created on November 19, 2013.

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