Figure : observed-us-trend-in-heavy-precipitation

Observed U.S. Trend in Heavy Precipitation

Figure 2.16

This figure appears in chapter 2 of the Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment report.

One measure of a heavy precipitation event is a 2-day precipitation total that is exceeded on average only once in a five-year period, also known as a once-in-five-year event. As this extreme precipitation index for 1901-2012 shows, the occurrence of such events has become much more common in recent decades. Changes are compared to the period 1901-1960, and do not include Alaska or Hawai‘i. The 2000s decade (far right bar) includes 2001-2012. (Figure source: adapted from Kunkel et al. 2013b37557ac-ee97-4c28-98ca-4f1f1afe163b).

When citing this figure, please reference adapted from Kunkel et al. 2013b37557ac-ee97-4c28-98ca-4f1f1afe163b.

Free to use with credit to the original figure source.

This figure was created on December 17, 2013.

This figure was derived from Monitoring and Understanding Trends in Extreme Storms: State of Knowledge .

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