description: ~
doi: 10.7930/J0PN93H5
identifier: human-health
number: 9
report_identifier: nca3
sort_key: 90
title: Human Health
url: http://nca2014.globalchange.gov/report/sectors/human-health
chapter_identifier: human-health
cited_by: []
confidence: 'Given the evidence base and remaining uncertainties, confidence is Very High'
contributors: []
description: 'Responding to climate change provides opportunities to improve human health and well-being across many sectors, including energy, agriculture, and transportation. Many of these strategies offer a variety of benefits, protecting people while combating climate change and providing other societal benefits.'
display_name: NCA3 Finding 9.4
evidence: "The key message and supporting text summarizes extensive evidence documented in several foundational technical inputs prepared for this chapter, including a literature review5836b5e1-c6fa-4eaa-b453-93304c3021d5 and workshop reports for the Northwest and Southeast U.S. regions.95f971d1-7189-4dd5-8949-447d2fceba57 Nearly 60 additional technical inputs related to human health were received and reviewed as part of the Federal Register Notice solicitation for public input. \r\nA number of studies have explored the opportunities available to improve health and well-being as a result of adapting to climate change,25181456-7f49-4348-8ce8-55e4def0e02b with many recent publications illustrating the benefit of reduced air pollution.9d61dfcc-c3f3-4814-809a-22f08d31ab48,09c990e5-09cd-458b-961e-67038aa59fa4,b2155862-7dae-423e-b091-6920f52f2b71,76a779a0-2305-4820-b462-9f5b917260d6,dbc5a7b6-f667-47c9-861f-9d2fcefcde6c,25634d35-e541-465c-b093-3df58b3f8b7b,0be715d7-184e-42cb-af4a-25f9dae2081c Additionally, some studies have looked at the co-benefits to climate change and health of applying innovative urban design practices which reduce energy consumption and pollution while increasing public health,81a84ac5-4314-41ff-8ee8-1620db18cd00,4feed3ba-a773-445b-a97d-383477321352,74b346cc-b4e1-4ba8-a1d0-f3a7a91ff14f,2e990bf2-bbf9-443f-ae2b-a4385e191d56 decrease vulnerability of communities to extreme events568c2c56-eb78-4fec-9960-d3fdf05aeae2,b0818c9e-b245-44be-9851-213def5d25da,74b346cc-b4e1-4ba8-a1d0-f3a7a91ff14f and reduce the disparity between different societal groups.83c3a726-2925-4e5c-afcb-eb63c56f1164,37ae2455-e574-4e7b-92cf-eb16bd633d6b,ae0ec413-9568-40fc-bf1c-01c477f8c099,d59b063e-58c2-4c24-95fd-c07f16f92acc,ce92ec18-8b0f-4a5f-b752-1d1aaeb21cd9 \r\n"
files: []
identifier: opportunities-to-improve-human-health
ordinal: 4
parents: []
process: 'The key messages were developed during technical discussions and expert deliberation at a two-day meeting of the eight chapter Lead Authors, plus Susan Hassol and Daniel Glick, held in Boulder, Colorado May 8-9, 2012; through multiple technical discussions via six teleconferences from January through June 2012, and an author team call to finalize the Traceable Account draft language on Oct 12, 2012; and through other various communications on points of detail and issues of expert judgment in the interim. The author team also engaged in targeted consultations during multiple exchanges with Contributing Authors, who provided additional expertise on subsets of the key message. These discussions were held after a review of the technical inputs and associated literature pertaining to human health, including a literature review,5836b5e1-c6fa-4eaa-b453-93304c3021d5 workshop reports for the Northwest and Southeast United States, and additional technical inputs on a variety of topics. '
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uri: /reference/dbc5a7b6-f667-47c9-861f-9d2fcefcde6c
report_identifier: nca3
statement: 'Responding to climate change provides opportunities to improve human health and well-being across many sectors, including energy, agriculture, and transportation. Many of these strategies offer a variety of benefits, protecting people while combating climate change and providing other societal benefits.'
type: finding
uncertainties: 'More studies are needed to fully evaluate both the intended and unintended health consequences of efforts to improve the resiliency of communities and human infrastructure to climate change impacts. There is a growing recognition that the magnitude of these health co-benefits or co-harms could be significant, both from a public health and an economic standpoint. 25181456-7f49-4348-8ce8-55e4def0e02b,4feed3ba-a773-445b-a97d-383477321352,50e17b29-8313-4a48-95e9-cdca2241f4ea'
uri: /report/nca3/chapter/human-health/finding/opportunities-to-improve-human-health
url: ~