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@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix gcis: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix doco: <> .
@prefix cito: <> .
@prefix biro: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .

   dcterms:identifier "ice-cover-on-lake-mendota";
   gcis:figureNumber "33.29"^^xsd:string;
   dcterms:title "Ice Cover on Lake Mendota"^^xsd:string;
   gcis:recommendedCitation "Kunkel et al. 2013"^^xsd:string;
   gcis:hasCaption "The duration, or number of days, of ice cover on Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, has decreased over time. The 10 longest ice seasons are marked by blue circles, and the 11 shortest ice seasons are marked by red circles. Seven of the 10 shortest ice cover seasons have occurred since 1980. (Figure source: Kunkel et al. 2013)."^^xsd:string;
   dcterms:rights [ rdf:value "Free to use with credit to the original figure source."^^xsd:string; ];
   gcis:hasImage <>;
   gcis:isFigureOf <>;
   gcis:isFigureOf <>;

## Geographical extent of the figure content

## Temporal extent of the figure content

   a gcis:Figure, doco:Figure .

   cito:cites <>;
   biro:references <>.

   prov:wasDerivedFrom <>.